The Greystone Ridge Pack Series: Warwick - Book cover

The Greystone Ridge Pack Series: Warwick

Arri Stone



The thrill of meeting a long-lost relative quickly turns into a nightmare as I step into the bustling town. The noise is deafening, with car horns blaring and people shouting over each other.

I reach the place I’m supposed to stay, only to be greeted by chaos. The lobby is packed with people, all arguing with the staff. The air is thick with tension and the sound of raised voices.

It doesn’t take long to realize that the hotel is overbooked. There are no other accommodations available. A wave of dread washes over me as I realize I’m stranded in a strange town with nowhere to go.

The relative I came to visit isn’t picking up their phone. I find myself standing alone on the street as the sun sets. I’m on the verge of tears, or maybe I’m already crying. I can’t tell anymore.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” a voice echoes in my head.

I blink back tears and look around. “Who said that?” I whisper, my eyes darting around.

A shiver runs down my spine. “So petty,” the voice murmurs in my head.

I’m starting to freak out. My heart pounds in my chest, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched.

“Are you okay, miss?” A handsome man appears beside me.

He’s younger than me, but the way he smiles and licks his lips sends a thrill through me. His presence is comforting, unlike the voice in my head.

“I need help. I had a reservation at that hotel, but they’re overbooked. Do you know of any other place I could stay?” I’m usually more organized than this, but everything was so rushed.

He grins and offers his arm. “You’re in luck. There’s a charming bed-and-breakfast just down the street.”

Something feels off, but I don’t have any other options. If it’s a bed-and-breakfast, at least there will be other people around. “Why is the town so crowded?” I ask as we walk. He even carries my small bag for me.

“It might be the fair. Or maybe it’s the hunting groups that come to the mountains. What brings you here?”

We cross the street.

“I’m visiting a family friend.” I don’t want to reveal too much.

“So, you’re here alone?”

Suddenly, I feel a chill. The world starts to spin, and I feel lightheaded. My vision blurs, and my chest tightens. I can’t breathe.


A loud crash echoes overhead, making me jump. A flash of lightning lights up the dark sky. As my vision clears, I realize I’m standing in mud. The smell of damp earth fills my nostrils. I struggle to keep my balance on the slippery ground, my bare feet sinking into the mud.

The last thing I remember is being in town with a handsome stranger. Now I’m surrounded by people I don’t know, all of us trudging through the mud. A massive wolf darts past me, and I scream. It stops, bares its teeth at me, then runs off again.

The others don’t seem bothered by what’s happening. My clothes are soaked from the rain. How long have I been out here?

I don’t dare speak, afraid of what might happen. More wolves run past us. We pass a strange cave with bars on it, and I can hear hollow sounds coming from inside. I’m terrified. The people around me seem to be in a trance.

My heart pounds in my chest as we keep moving. A cozy-looking house comes into view, and I hesitate. Should I try to run to it?

A horse’s neigh draws my attention, and I see a flash of black in the trees. My heart races again. I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.

A man appears, shouting orders. Everyone follows him, including me. There’s something sinister about him. He’s in charge of whatever’s happening here. He’s angry, and it’s clear he’s frustrated.

I slip in the mud and fall. The others keep moving. I take this chance to escape, running as fast as I can. I don’t know where I am or how far into the forest I’ve gone.

My body gives out, and I collapse. I’m shivering, and I’m sure I’m going to die here. A gunshot rings out nearby, making me jump. My legs have given out.

I’m going to die.

I hear the sound of paws thundering nearby, and I panic. A black shadow passes me, then stops. I look up and am struck by its beauty. I reach out a trembling hand to touch its soft nose.

I find peace with this beautiful creature. It nudges me, as if encouraging me to get up. I’m covered in mud, and I feel drained. I can’t move. The black horse nudges me again, more urgently this time. A howl echoes nearby, and the horse’s head snaps up.

“Okay,” I gasp.

The horse seems to want to help me. It lets me hold onto its mane as I pull myself up. I manage to stand, but the horse is too tall for me to mount. I grew up around horses, but I can barely stand right now.

I hold onto its mane as it leads me. I stumble a few times, my legs numb from the cold. The horse becomes agitated and pushes me toward a fallen tree. I scramble onto the tree trunk, giving myself some height. The horse lets me climb onto its back. I grip its mane as it starts to move.

This beautiful creature is giving me a chance to survive. I’m exhausted, and its steady rhythm lulls me. I feel like I’ve been buried under a ton of bricks. My lungs burn, and a headache throbs behind my eyes.

A gruff voice cuts through the pain. It’s not scary. It’s almost soothing. Hands gently lift me off the horse, and I fall into a deep sleep.

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