Descendant 2: Protecting His Queen - Book cover

Descendant 2: Protecting His Queen

A. Duncan

Chapter 3


After that, how could I possibly eat? I push my plate away and make my way to my dad’s office.

His office is massive. It’s practically a library, with several couches for research and accompanying tables. Dad’s desk is a custom-made behemoth, constructed from titanium steel. He claims he got tired of breaking the wooden ones. This one, at least, has lasted longer. I settle down on one of the couches nearest to his desk, watching as everyone files in. As we all find our seats and get comfortable, the room falls silent.

“What are we waiting for, Dad?”

“I’m sure it was me.”

I look up to see Andy. He’s our adopted older brother and the Alpha of the White Paw Pack. I can’t help but squeal and leap into his arms. He swings me around the room before setting me down.

“I missed you too, sis.”

“Is Rose with you?”

“Not this time. She did send her love though. This pup is giving her hell and she stayed back.”

“How much longer does she have?”

He sighs.

“Just a few more weeks but she’s miserable and ready to give birth now. At least she has Henry and Christina there to watch over her. Henry put off his alpha training until Rose gives birth.”

Mom walks over and takes Andy in her arms.

“Hey, Mom.”

“My sweet boy.”

“Mom, I was never a boy. Even when you found me.”

“But you’re still my boy. I’m so proud of who you are. I always knew you were meant for great things.”

“I miss you too, Mom.”

“Does your dear old dad get a hug or do I get left out?”

Andy laughs.

“You just saw me last week, Dad.”

“Doesn’t matter. One week is a week too long to see my son.”

After everyone said their hellos, Andy sat down next to me and held my hand. His aura calms me and I have a feeling I’m going to need it. My dad then starts to speak.

“All right, sweetheart, this is where everything gets pretty confusing for you.”

I just nod for him to continue.

“Everything you learn today never leaves this office. Your life just may well depend on it. The people in this room are here to protect you. You understand?”

I just continue to nod my head.

“I’m going to try and explain this like your great-grandfather, Seb, explained it. Centuries ago the Moon Goddess made four original wolves of her own and sent them here to look over our people. With them, they had powers of their own. Each had their own elemental: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.”

“Umm Dad, why are we having a history lesson? We learned all this in school. They were hunted for their powers and killed centuries ago, no longer to exist.”

He holds up his hand to keep me from talking and Andy squeezes my hand.

“Because within history, comes truth.”

He stands up and walks around his desk and leans against the front.

“The original wolves were sent to protect our kind and with it, we have survived centuries. What your history books don’t teach you is there are descendants of those original wolves, from the Goddess herself. There are three that we know of for a fact. One with the element of fire. One with the element of air. The element for the third is still unknown.”

“Wow. Why do I need to know this?”

He looks over at my mom, then back at me. The look in my dad’s eyes is painful.

“Because you are the third descendant of the original wolves.”


“Please Azalea. Let me explain.”

“But Dad, I don’t have a wolf!”

“Yes, sweetheart, you do. In order to keep you protected, your wolf is dormant until you’re ready. If anyone knew who you were, your life would be in serious danger.”

“Wait…ready for what?”

“Your mate.”

“My mate?”

He nods.

“Your wolf will only surface after you find your mate. You must be mated and marked before she surfaces. Only then will we know what powers you have.”


He nods again, but this time, Mom starts speaking.

“Darling, when you were six we realized who Zander was to you. You could smell him and he, you, but you didn’t understand. Zander understood but knew he couldn’t say anything. With him being the next in line as King Alpha, he has abilities no other wolf possesses. You both were just so young. By wolf law, neither of you could mate until you were of age. So until then, we kept both of you apart so you and Zander could live a normal life as much as possible.”

“Chocolate and sandalwood.”

She laughs.

“Only you can smell it.”

“But I turned eighteen six months ago. Why wasn’t I told this? Why keep this from me my whole life? Why make me think I had no wolf?”

Mom turns and looks at Dad, and he hangs his head right before he speaks.

“The choices of parents are never easy. One day you will understand. We did what we thought was best to protect you until it was time, but you’re right. You turned eighteen a while ago. That’s my fault. I just couldn’t let you go just yet. You’re my only baby girl, and seeing you leave with your mate shatters your father’s heart. So I asked the King Alpha for more time.”

“What changed?”

“The owl.”

I look at Dad with my brow creased in confusion.

“The owl is actually King Xavier, the vampire king. We always wondered why the Goddess was putting so many descendants in one place, in one family, and then with Zander being your mate, attaching the royal family, and now we think we know.”

“What do you mean one place, one family? Where are the other two descendants?”

He sighs heavily and looks over at Mom.

“Your mother is the first one with the element of fire.”


“Yes, darling. I also have the powers to hear thoughts and know what’s in your heart.”

Dad nods toward Andy.

“Andy is the second one with the element of air.”


“Yep. I can also see your memories and make you hallucinate, seeing anything I so chose.”

“So if our family has all the descendants, who is this Xavier and where is the fourth one?”

“The fourth one either hasn’t been born yet or hasn’t been found. Xavier is the King of Vampires and strong. We had an agreement with all vampire kind. I guess that was until Xavier decided to take a mate or a queen. Now it looks like our agreement is out the window.”

I feel my face go pale. I know who he wants as his queen.

“He wants me as his queen doesn’t he?”

Dad just nods.

“Zander can protect you Azalea. He’s your fated mate as well as the next King Alpha.”

“What if I’m not ready?”

“He’s your fated mate, sweetheart. Sent by the Goddess herself.”

“How do I know?”

“Well, your mom didn’t have her wolf but felt the sparks between us when we touched. She didn’t feel the mate bond until we were mated and she was marked. Then her wolf came forth. Andy was forced to shift early so he knew. He felt the bond. He just didn’t have his powers until after he was mated and marked.”

“So I won’t know.”

Dad comes up and takes me into his arms. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, sweetheart, and your mother and I are here if you have any questions.”

“Why does Xavier want me?”

“We aren’t clear on that yet. There’s a question on if he has found out what you are but for now, he’s only coming to you in your dreams. He hasn’t tried to physically contact you. Just the same, he can get to you either way and it’s dangerous. The only way to stop him is for you to be mated and marked or to kill him.”


He looks down at me with so much pain in his eyes.

“It’s late. Let’s pick this up tomorrow after King Alpha and Zander arrive. Try and get some sleep Azalea.”

Sleep? How the hell does he expect me to sleep now?

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