The Commander's Daughter - Book cover

The Commander's Daughter

Saphira Aelin

Welcome to the Agency Headquarters


Jessica and I spent the evening sorting through my belongings, packing for an unknown future. My mind was a whirlwind of questions. What kind of attire would be appropriate? Would there be formal events? How long would I be with The Agency?

We walked together to the end of our driveway where a sleek black sedan was waiting. Charlotte emerged from the driver’s seat and opened the back door for me.

“Stay out of trouble,” Jessica instructed, wrapping me in a tight hug. “And text me as soon as you get there.”

“Can’t…breathe,” I teased, gasping for air. “I’m going to miss you.” I fought back the tears threatening to spill over.

The journey was shorter than I anticipated, only about thirty miles. I’d never ventured to this part of Virginia before, but I recognized our destination as we neared the CIA Headquarters in Langley.

“Wait, am I secretly a CIA agent?” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Charlotte chuckled. “The CIA would love to be us. If they knew we existed, that is.”

After another twenty minutes, we pulled up to a set of imposing black gates that guarded what appeared to be a residential area. It was too dark to see much, and the absence of street lights added to the mystery.

Suddenly, four burly men materialized from the shadows. They peered into the car, their intimidating presence sending a chill down my spine. One of them spoke into an earpiece, and the gates began to swing open.

We drove down a dirt road that opened up to reveal hundreds of houses. The car continued through the neighborhood until we reached a fork in the road. The driver took a left, and the houses became more spread out. It was as if an entire town had been hidden away here.

“Here we are,” Charlotte announced, looking out her window. A massive stone compound emerged from the side of the mountain.

“Wow,” I breathed, my jaw dropping in awe. “I guess the spy business is doing well.”

The compound was enormous, reminiscent of the mansions in affluent neighborhoods. Extremely affluent neighborhoods.

Charlotte snickered at my comment. “You know Cromwell, the town you lived in?”

I nodded. Of course, I knew Cromwell. I’d spent the best years of my life there with Jessica.

“It’s part of our secret base. The civilian residents are oblivious, but the government values its proximity to intelligence assets. Admiral Nicholas oversees everything.”

I felt like a naive child. I’d lived in Cromwell my entire life, oblivious to the secrets it held. The Agency had been right under my nose, and I’d been none the wiser.

“The town and its residents are under our surveillance. If anything unusual happens, we intervene to protect our assets and The Agency.”

“Is that how Jessica knows about you?” I asked Charlotte, who had been rather tight-lipped about the Agency’s operations.

“I’ll let Jessica tell you that story. She’s been a great asset to us,” Charlotte replied.

“So, am I part of your Secret Spy Agency now? Or do I need to undergo some sort of training first?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Charlotte seemed to struggle to find the right words. “Typically, our agents are recruited at a young age or transferred due to their exceptional skills.”

“And what about me?” I pressed, needing to know where I stood. If they didn’t trust me around civilians, why would they trust me around agents?

“Given the circumstances, you’ll be a guest here until we locate your parents. They might be part of another organization, but I doubt it. The foster system kept you in the same area where you were found,” Charlotte explained. “Also, you have a chip, which suggests you were destined to be an agent. I obtained a copy of your file. Admiral Nicholas has it. I’m sure he’d be willing to share it with you.”

So the files weren’t lost after all. The government had them hidden.

As we exited the car, a tall, handsome man in a light gray suit and green tie greeted us.

“Welcome back, Charlotte. Amy, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Lieutenant Thomas,” he said. “Admiral Nicholas and Commander James are expecting you.” He turned and led us into the compound.

We passed through the living area where a girl about my age waved from a navy-blue loveseat, a copy of Alice in Wonderland in her hand. I returned her wave and watched as her face lit up with a broad smile.

A strange sensation washed over me, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end and my heart to race. Charlotte gave me a curious look.

“This place seems familiar,” I murmured, looking around. Had I been here before?

“Perhaps you’re experiencing deja vu. It’s common after Activation,” Charlotte suggested.

“I don’t think so. It’s more than that. It’s a feeling.” I paused, struggling to articulate my thoughts. “I can’t explain it.”

The place felt familiar.

“There’s no need to explain,” Charlotte reassured me, guiding me down the hallway. “Admiral Nicholas is waiting for you, Amy. You’ll understand everything soon.”

Just as Lieutenant Thomas reached for the brass doorknob, the door swung open and a large man rushed out. Our eyes locked, and I instantly knew who he was. It wasn’t just the chip; I felt a deep, inexplicable connection to him.

He stared at me, disbelief etched on his face. His dark brown skin contrasted with his black, shaggy hair and brown eyes. He pushed past Lieutenant Thomas for a better look at me.

Charlotte stepped back as he slowly approached me.

In that moment, I knew. He was my father.

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