Touch Spin-off: Scars - Book cover

Touch Spin-off: Scars

Anna R. Bennet

Big Girl Panties


Seconds tick by and my phone continues to buzz.

It’s almost as if I’d dreamed him into existence. Dereck is calling me. Dereck wants to speak with me. Dereck. After everything that happened between us.

Fuck it.

I hit accept before I lose my nerve. My legs go weak as the familiar voice sounds from the other side, and I sink to my knees in the middle of the villa.

“Haley, you picked up. I wasn’t sure that you would.”

I say nothing, half convinced I’m still dreaming.

“Look, I know you probably don’t want to speak to me. I don’t blame you, I fucked up. But I miss you. I miss you so much.”

I can’t help but snort humorlessly. It’s an ugly sound.

“I mean it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently, and going to therapy like you wanted. I want you back. My life isn’t the same without you in it.”

“Yeah well maybe you should’ve thought about that sooner.”

He tries to respond, but I continue.

“It’s been six months and I’ve heard nothing. Nothing from you! Why should I believe something’s suddenly changed now?”

“Lee, please.”

“Don’t call me that. You really hurt me, Dereck. You’ve lost the ability to call me anything.”

“Please think rationally, Lee. I love you and I want you back. You could leave that piece of shit beach town that you’re hiding out in—”

“But,” I try to interject.

“And return to your real life as my girlfriend here in New York.”

“Real life?” My laugh is incredulous. “Did you ever consider that I might like living in this shitty beach town?”

“Come on, Lee, let’s be serious. I have my job here on Wall Street, and you what? Clean houses for a living?”

I hang up, fuming.

How dare he?

I hate the way my hand shakes as I slowly lower the phone from my ear, and drop it onto the floor. It begins ringing again immediately, but this time I ignore the sound.

He wants me back now? After all this time?

What the fuck just happened?


“That dress was so the right move. You look hot as fuck. The only problem is that everyone’s just going to want to match with you.”

I roll my eyes at Adele from the passenger seat of her car.

She’s not wrong though. I feel good in the dress.

It’s a dark maroon silk mini that hugs my curves, and plunges down to the small of my back. I’ve paired it with brown leather knee-high boots, and a worn brown leather jacket to tone the look down a bit.

“That’s if they’re not already too busy gawking at you.”

“Nah, Nick will scare them off.”

I scoff at the idea of Nick scaring anyone, but sober up as we pull into the dive bar that stages my event. The two shots that Del and I took while getting ready weren’t enough to calm my nerves.

Time to put your big girl panties on.

Since it’s Sunday night, the townie bar is quiet and practically empty as Adele and I lug supplies in from the car, and begin prepping. There’s not much to do, just put up some decorations and make the place look a bit more struck-by-cupid, and a bit less, well, dive bar.

I’m standing on a rickety bar stool, stringing lights that Adele hands me, when I finally work up the courage to mention the call.

“Soo,” I drag out. “Dereck called me yesterday.”

Adele stops.

“Ugh please tell me that douchebag wasn’t trying to apologize.”

“He wants to get back together.”

I cringe as I say the words.

“The fucking nerve. How dare he even ask to move back into your life after everything he put you through.”

“Well actually, he wants me to go back to New York.”

Adele actually laughs out loud at that.

“Wow, and I truly didn’t think he could get any worse. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with that Lee. You should block the asshole.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I admit as I step off the stool, done with the lights.

She puts a slender arm around my shoulders, and we stand back admiring our handiwork.

“It looks pretty damn good in here if I do say so myself.”

“My view isn’t too bad either.”

At the sound of Nick’s voice from behind us, Adele squeals. Turning, she jumps into his arms.

At least I did well by them.

“You guys are so cute it’s sickening.”

“Hey, we’re living proof that you’re a great matchmaker,” Nick replies, wrapping me in a bear hug.

I’d been the one to introduce the two of them after just a month of living here. They clicked right off the bat, and I’ve been third wheeling ever since.

“Yeah, well next time my two best friends are single, remind me not to introduce them or else I’ll end up third wheeling forever.”

“Aww, you know you love us,” Del teases.

“I can’t disagree there.”

I really do love them. They helped me a lot after everything with Derek, and I’ll always be thankful.

I was a mess when I first got here with no plans, and practically just the clothes on my back. They’d taken me in like a stray puppy. Of course they hadn’t known each other, but after a week we were all inseparable.

Exhibit A, perfect example.

“Okay, I get it, you’re in love, but jeez, get a room.”

Adele flips me off mid-kiss, but I just chuckle. Not breaking the kiss, Nick takes my advice and lifts Adele up, carrying her off in the direction of the bathroom.

“I want to talk more about that douchebag ex of yours after the event,” Adele calls out as they disappear behind the door.

At least they’re getting some.

Turns out six months is one hell of a dry spell.

I’m torn from my somewhat self-pitying thoughts as the door to the bar opens. People start streaming in.

Whew, okay, game face.

Taking one last cursory look around the room, I deem it acceptable. The string lights and candles soften up the ambiance, and take away from the harshness of the bar.

Not bad at all.

My hair on the other hand has become truly unruly during the decorating process. Cursing, I gather the curly locks up into a messy high ponytail. After pulling a few strands loose to frame my face, I square my shoulders.

Time to make the magic happen.

The bar begins to fill up, and I make a mental note to thank Phil, the bartender, for keeping glasses full. That at least takes some pressure off of me.

Come to think of it, I could use a drink.

Heading over to the bar, I order a tequila shot and take it for courage. The liquid burns as it slides down my throat, and I fight back a cough.

Mental note, I’m not a tequila girl.

Brushing the bitter remnants from my lips, I adjust my dress before braving the room.

Meandering amongst the crowd, I make small talk and begin matching up compatible people. Some matches are obvious to me, while others are more subtle and demand closer attention to detail.

I look for the obvious like similar likes and dislikes, but also pay close attention to body language. You’d be surprised how much you can gauge from some eye contact, or the direction of one’s feet.

Phil, for example, looks like he needs some rescuing.

A pretty blonde has camped out at the bar, and judging by his blush and desperate stare, the attention is not welcomed. I rush over, and direct her back to the crowd, leading her to a man who’s been eyeing her the whole night.

I need those drinks to keep on flowing.

The night goes on, and the sound of lively chatter and laughter fills the room. Some of my stress melts away, and I start to relax.

This just may be a success.

A bunch of the familiar faces are from Emily’s company. I’m excited to be able to match a couple that I knew would be a great fit from the first day I met them. And judging from the blush coloring one of the women, Katie’s, cheeks, I was right.

The women lean towards each other slightly as they speak, and a proud smile covers my lips.

Looks like work might be getting a bit more interesting.

I’m a fan of gossip as long as I’m not at the center of it. So any new work relationship is music to my ears.

Speaking of…

The sound of the door opening promises more singles. I smile brightly before turning to see who walks in. My face immediately drops into a grimace.

There goes any hope of forgetting those damn eyes.

“Oh, it’s you.”

“Oh, it’s you,” a smug, perfect mouth retorts.

Piercing blue eyes pin me in place, as a confident smirk makes my stomach flip.

Of course the haughty hunk~ is here.~

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