Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea

Elfy G



I find it difficult to keep my distance from Henry, even after his unexpected outburst. As I fled from him, he called out, wanting to explain.

At the time, fear overrode my ability to listen. Now, with some time to reflect, I’m curious about his explanation.

His reaction to my bracelet was telling, as was the scar above his eyebrow. It’s becoming clear that he’s the boy I saved a decade ago.

And he’s my mate!

So, before I even knew what Henry meant to me, I saved his life.

It’s a rare occurrence for a mermaid to find her mate.

Now that I’ve found mine, I’m faced with a choice. I can choose to be with my mate, to build a life with him, or I can choose solitude, returning to the icy loneliness of my previous existence, forgetting all about him.

This choice won’t come around again. This is my chance, if I want it.

The only way to solidify my choice, if I choose Henry, is with a kiss. Not a life-saving kiss like before, but a true, passionate one.

Choosing to be with my mate means giving up my immortality. If he rejects me, I’ll die of a broken heart, unable to bear the pain. Mermaids aren’t accustomed to such emotions, thanks to our icy hearts.

That’s why it’s so rare for a mermaid to choose a mate; we usually choose the sea above all else.

But I feel drawn to him. I know I won’t be able to stay away for long.

Until I’m ready to face him, I keep my distance, watching him. I nervously bite my nails as he undresses, leaving only his boxers.

His body is perfection.

I remember once, while swimming, I saw a couple on a boat, lost in their intimacy.

They were both completely naked. The man was on top of the woman, her legs wrapped around his waist. She whimpered as he moved closer to her.

I’m not naive. I knew what they were doing.

As I continue to watch Henry, I can’t help but imagine my tail disappearing, replaced by legs. I fantasize about wrapping my legs around Henry’s waist as he moves inside me.

I close my eyes, shaking my head. What am I thinking? For the first time in my life, I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks.

I press my hands to my face, giggling as I submerge myself in the water.

Once my inappropriate thoughts have subsided, I wonder what I can do for Henry. I saved his life. I feel a sense of responsibility toward him, and he’s my mate. Even if I don’t know what to do with this information, I don’t want him to suffer.

Maybe I can catch a few fish for him to eat.

My tail propels me through the water, my arms staying at my sides.

And where do you think you’re going?” a voice in my head stops me in my tracks.

Cora, not now, please,” I respond telepathically.

As if you have any say in when I come to see you,” she retorts.

Cora is a siren who takes pleasure in tormenting me.

Sirens are more powerful than mermaids. She wants something from me, and she’s here to collect.

“Unless you want my sisters to know where you are and get a piece of you.” Cora smirks.

If she calls them, I’m as good as dead. I know she won’t risk it; she’d have to find another mermaid to give her what she needs.

I can’t risk her finding out about Henry. I don’t even want to think about what she’d do to him.

I exhale, watching the bubbles float away from my mouth. I turn my head to the side, allowing her to swim closer.

You made the right choice, as usual,” Cora taunts in my head.

I wince as Cora bites into my neck, drinking my blood.

Sirens age faster than mermaids and need our blood to maintain their youth, since mermaids are immortal.

“I feel so rejuvenated.” Even underwater, she wipes her mouth. ~“Until next time, little fish.”~ Cora swims away, in the opposite direction of Henry.

As I touch the bite mark, it’s already healing.

After catching two fish for Henry, I’m ready to see him. As I approach his spot, I notice his shirt hanging on a tree. Without any shame, I put it on.

“I knew you’d be back,” Henry says, walking toward me.

Nervously, I hold out the two fish I caught. “I didn’t know if you were hungry, so I brought you something to eat.”

Even though I didn’t have feelings before I met Henry, I’ve observed human interactions. Maybe I’m one of the few mermaids who can read human expressions. I’m not an expert, but I can pick up on a few things.

Henry looks skeptical as he studies the fish in my hand. “Mmhmm.”

He’s now standing right in front of me, examining me.

I can’t tear my eyes away from him. I know without a doubt that he’s the boy I saved all those years ago.

Suddenly, Henry grabs my arms and pushes me to the ground. I cry out as I lose my balance.

He pins me down, his hand on my head. “I know what you are! So stop pretending to want to help me!” Henry hisses, his lips close to my ear.

My heart shatters at his words.

“I know it was you and your friends who killed my parents ten years ago. I lost them because of you!” He growls each word.

Tears stream down my face. It’s the first time I’ve ever cried. If I wasn’t so scared of Henry, I’d wonder what was happening to me.

“I’m not who you think I am, Henry,” I manage to say.

I turn my head to look at him, and surprisingly, he lets me. “You’ve seen my face before. Try to remember.” I plead.

As Henry studies my face, I hope he’ll remember that I was the one who saved him. I’m not a siren, I’m a mermaid. But he, being human, wouldn’t know the difference.

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