Midnight Mistletoe - Book cover

Midnight Mistletoe

Elfy G

The Revelation


“Are you sure about this?” Derek asks for what seems like the millionth time on our drive to my parents’ place. “Once we start this, there’s no turning back. We’ll have to stick to our story until we break up.”

I gaze at my parents’ house, biting my lip. “I’m sure,” I say at last.

“All right. Let’s get this show on the road.” Derek exits the car and waits for me.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, inhaling deeply before unbuckling my seatbelt and stepping out of the car.

“So, we’re clear. No kissing on the lips. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing on the cheek are all fine,” I remind him.

“Freckles, we’ve gone over this a hundred times. I think I’ve got your rules down pat.” He rolls his eyes as I walk past him.

I glance around before retrieving the gifts from the trunk and placing them all in a plastic bag. I look up, smiling at the wreath with a big, red bow hanging on the front door. Christmas lights are strung along the porch and around the tree in the front yard. I can’t wait to see them lit up tonight. Dad even put out the light-up snowmen.

I’m so caught up admiring the decorations that I fail to notice a spot of thin ice as I head up the walkway. I slip, dropping the plastic bag and putting my hands out to break my fall. But I never hit the ground.

Derek catches me, his strong arms wrapped around my waist. I cling to him, my heart racing. He holds me close.

“Easy there, Freckles.”

I glance up at my savior. He smiles at me, and I realize how close our faces are. I blush, feeling clumsy. I quickly pull away and clear my throat. That’s when I notice all the gifts scattered on the ground.

“Shit! I hope nothing’s broken,” I mumble as I gather them.

“Is there something for me in one of these?” Derek asks, curious.

“You think a pretend boyfriend deserves a gift?” I tease. I frown as I see his empty hands. “You didn’t bring any presents?”

Derek shrugs. “I still have a day or two.”

I roll my eyes, not the least bit surprised. As I shoulder the bag, I feel his hand grasp mine.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to deliver you in one piece,” Derek jokes. “Besides, I’m supposed to be your boyfriend, right? I’m just playing my part, darling.”

I let him guide me toward the house, unable to take my eyes off our intertwined hands. They fit so perfectly together. A warm feeling blooms in my chest.

What the... Do I still have a thing for Derek? I shake my head. ~What am I even thinking? He doesn’t even like me, and he’s annoying. This is all just pretend.~

Derek gives me a strange look. “You okay, Freckles?”

“Uh-huh. Never been better,” I say with a weak smile. On cue, the tattoo on my butt starts to itch.

He shrugs nonchalantly and continues walking. We make it to the front of the door, and Derek releases my hand to ring the bell. I quickly grab his wrist to stop him.


“What now?” he groans.

“Do you think draping your arm around me would make it more believable?”

He shakes his head. “It’s best not to overdo it, Freckles. Let’s announce the news after we’ve greeted everyone.”

I nod just as my mother opens the front door.

“Derek! Katherine!” She smiles at us.

“Mrs. Bennett,” Derek says as he steps forward.

“Haven’t I told you to call me Amy?” She hugs him.

“Hello? Am I invisible?” I joke.

“I’m sorry, Derek.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know where I went wrong with this one. She’s so impatient and lacks manners.”


Derek tries to stifle his laughter. “Don’t I know it.”

I roll my eyes. Classic Derek.

“So, where is that boyfriend of yours?” my mother asks as she gives me a hug.

“Amy, give your daughter some space. She just got here.” My father comes to my rescue. “There’s my beautiful daughter.” He kisses my forehead.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Glad you could make it, kid. Derek, nice to see you.”

He shakes Derek’s hand and takes my bag. No matter how old I get, my father always calls me kid. I grin as I remove my winter gear, and Derek greets his parents. His mom, Jenna, takes my coat and gives me a warm hug.

“It’s so good to see you, Kate.”

“You too, Mrs. Sawyer.”

“My son wasn’t too hard on you, was he?” Ryan, Derek’s father, shoots Derek a playful glare.

“Dad,” Derek groans.

When we were younger, Derek always teased me and played pranks. His father always came to my rescue.

“Nothing to report, sir,” I say with a little salute.

My mother clears her throat. “So, Katherine, about that boyfriend of yours. Where is he?”

“Well, Mom,” I start, eyes sliding to Derek.

“Oh, sweetie, did he break up with you?” She gathers me in her arms. “There’s someone out there for you. I know it. Someone who will realize just how amazing you are and—”

“Mom!” I interrupt, my face warming.

Derek’s shoulders are shaking from trying not to laugh. His dad smacks him in the arm.

“Ow! What?”

I extract myself from my mom’s embrace and take a step toward Derek.

“Actually, Mom… Dad… Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer…”

Derek flashes everyone a big grin and puts an arm around me. “We have a little announcement to make, don’t we, Freckles?”

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