Mated By Mistake - Book cover

Mated By Mistake

Laila Callaway

Chapter 4


“Bri? Where are you off to?” Sage’s voice rings out.

I cast a glance over my shoulder, catching sight of Rhett and Mona. Rhett’s face is etched with worry.

“I’m in need of a stronger drink,” I respond, not bothering to sugarcoat my words.

I fix myself a potent cocktail, my fingers tightly clutching the cup.

My gaze drifts to the clearing, contemplating whether to rejoin my friends. But with Mona there, I’m not so sure.

Instead, I opt to venture deeper into the forest. There’s a peculiar rock formation here that resembles an elephant.

It used to be my favorite spot to perch on and lose myself in a book. Now, it serves as my sanctuary for introspection.

I navigate my way to it, the path etched in my memory, and hoist myself to the top.

I can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment for not spilling a drop of my drink during the climb.

I take a sip and mull over my options.

Some might accuse me of being selfish, of withholding this from my mate. I’ve always played by the rules, always done what’s expected.

So, forgive me if, just this once, I want to indulge in the selfish, wrong thing.

I’m merely trying to shield my heart. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

I decide to confide in Sage tomorrow. She’s my best friend, and her counsel is invaluable.

“Do you mind if I join you?” A voice jolts me from my thoughts. I recognize the distinctive rasp instantly.

I peer down to find Rhett Tiercel standing beneath me, hands tucked in his pockets, his trademark smirk playing on his handsome face.


I inhale deeply, plastering a smile on my face. “Sure, come on up.”

There’s an unexpected thrill that courses through me as I watch him ascend. His movements are so smooth, so elegant.

He’s incredibly nimble, his body moving with a confidence that’s almost mesmerizing.

For a guy who’s so muscular and robust, he moves with surprising stealth.

He settles next to me, our arms brushing against each other through our clothes.

Interestingly, he’s managed to keep his drink from spilling. I raise my cup for a toast.

“Cheers,” he says, and we both take a sip.

“I might have to report you, you know,” he teases.

I furrow my brows at him, not catching the joke. “For what?”

He smirks at me. “For stealing my thinking spot. I discovered this place years ago, Blossom.”

I can’t decide what irks me more, his attempt to claim my spot or his use of my last name.

Everyone knows I despise my last name.

Bria Bethany Blossom.

What on earth were my parents thinking?

I shoot him a glare. “You’re mistaken, Tiercel. This is my rock,” I retort, and he chuckles.

He raises his hands in a mock surrender. “All right, let’s call it our rock,” he suggests, nudging me playfully.

Our rock.

Get a grip, Bria.

“What brought you out here?” I ask, taking another swig of my drink.

Damn, it’s almost finished.

“I was actually looking for you,” he admits.

I glance at him, but he’s lost in thought, staring into the distance. “Why?”

“You didn’t come back. I was worried something was wrong,” he explains. “You didn’t seem happy. You’re always happy.”

I’m touched that he noticed and cared enough to find me. “Won’t Mona be wondering where you are?” I chastise myself internally for sounding so petty.

Rhett snorts, as if I’ve said something hilarious. “No, she won’t. It’s not like that between us. Like I said, it’s casual.”

I see an opening and seize it. “Casual, huh? Is that because you’re waiting for your mate?” I ask, trying to sound as nonchalant and casual as possible.

I sneak a peek at him. His jaw tightens. “Isn’t everyone over eighteen waiting for their mate?” He deflects. “Aren’t you?”

Sensing another opportunity, I smile. “Of course, I am. It’s all I think about, really.”

His eyes cloud over with sadness and he looks away.

Please, don’t let him want to reject his…

“Yeah, me too,” he murmurs so softly, I almost think I’ve misheard him.

“Didn’t you once joke about rejecting your mate?” I probe, and he frowns at me.

“Where did you hear that?” he demands, sounding irritated.

“Don’t be upset. I thought you mentioned it once.” I pause, biting my lip. “Did you?”

His expression softens and he rubs his face wearily. “I probably did say that. I want to meet her, but I also don’t.”

He sighs, looking up at the sky. “I’ve been let down by so many people. I’ve been hated by even more. My mate is just another person who can hurt me.”

He falls silent and I wait, sensing there’s more to come. Finally, he whispers, “I guess I’m scared she’ll reject me.”

My heart aches at his words. I want to tell him the truth.

I want to stand up and shout that I will never reject him, that I want to be with him.

I’m about to tell him when we’re interrupted.


We both look down to see Lorenzo and Jordan standing below.

“Lance is bragging about how he put you in the hospital,” Jordan says, and I scoff.

What a moron, he was in the hospital too!

“Fucking jerk,” Rhett mutters under his breath. He jumps down from the rocks, landing perfectly next to the boys. “Let’s put this asshole in the hospital again.”

I’m left alone with an empty cup on my thinking rock.

At least he didn’t outright say he wanted to reject his mate.

Rhett’s threat sinks in and I realize that my mate is about to get into a fight.

Worried, I scramble down from the rock and chase after them.

Apparently, a lot has happened in the two minutes it took me to catch up.

Lance is on his back, with Rhett on top of him.

It’s like a replay of the fight that got Rhett expelled from the pack.

Rhett’s pummeling his face, but my focus is on the black eye forming on Rhett’s face.

Lance must have landed at least one punch. Rhett seems furious about it.

“Rhett, man, he’s had enough,” Lorenzo intervenes, trying to pull him off.

Without thinking, much like two years ago, I approach them.

I place my hand on Rhett’s shoulder and he stiffens. His punches stop.

“Stop, Rhett, you’re going to get in trouble again,” I whisper, so only he can hear.

His brown eyes soften as they meet mine.

His lips press into a firm line and he nods grimly. He stands up and glares down at the beaten Lance.

“Keep your fucking mouth shut in the future,” he spits venomously and storms off.

I let out a sigh of relief as the crowd disperses.

Lorenzo looks at me, confusion etched on his face. “How did you get him to stop?” he asks.

Instead of answering, I just shrug.

The party pretty much ends after that and I don’t see Rhett again.

I ask Sage if we can have breakfast together tomorrow and she readily agrees.

I return to my room, struggling to fall asleep once again.

I replay my conversation with Rhett in my head, trying to decide when and how to tell him.


Sage and I sit in the diner, pancakes and maple syrup spread out before us.

In a week, the spell will wear off and I’ll have no choice but to tell Rhett that we’re mates.

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

I proceed to tell my best friend the whole story.

I tell her about Rhett, the witch, and the spell.

Her eyes widen as the story unfolds. By the time I’m done, I’m surprised they haven’t popped out of her head.

“Holy mother of Moon Goddess, Bria,” she gasps. “This is insane.”

“I know. I’ve dug myself into a deep hole, but I panicked.”

I glance around nervously, making sure no one is eavesdropping. “I’m still not entirely sure he won’t reject me.”

Sage looks at me sympathetically. “I’m so sorry, Bri. I can talk to him too if you want, try to gauge where his head is at?”

I’m so grateful for her. “Please, that would be great. I’m really torn here.”

“Well, at least you still have a week to decide.”

A week doesn’t seem like a long time when you’re trying to make a decision that will affect your entire future.


It doesn’t help that I don’t see Rhett for two days.

Sage sees him on Wednesday and tries to get him to talk about mates, but he brushes her off, saying he’ll deal with it when the time comes.

Ironically, that response doesn’t exactly boost my confidence about our bond.

On Wednesday, I go out for dinner with the group.

My heart skips a beat at the sight of Rhett.

He looks so attractive.

He’s wearing black jeans that cling to every inch of his muscular thighs that I long to be wrapped in.

His white T-shirt highlights his olive skin and reveals the dark outlines of the numerous tattoos beneath it.

His piercings wink at me, teasing me. He’s like my kryptonite.

Oh yeah, he is.

He deliberately sits next to me at the restaurant, making my day.

He’s a bit more flirtatious than usual, but I attribute that to the four beers he had at dinner.

We chat and laugh and, when a party on Friday is mentioned, I decide that’s when I’ll tell him.

Molly told me I could break the spell at any time if I say his full name aloud.

I’ll dress to kill, say his name, and let him catch my scent for the first time.

Once dinner wraps up, we all make our way to the parking lot.

Rhett catches my eye lingering on his motorcycle and a smirk plays on his lips. “Fancy a spin?”

The beauty and the curse of being a shifter is that alcohol hits you hard, but it doesn’t stick around.

Despite the drinks Rhett had at dinner, he’s now completely sober and fit to drive.

I hesitate, but then I remember his words from our school days, urging me to live a little.

“All right, let’s do it,” I say, and his grin widens, clearly taken aback by my response.

Lorenzo fetches a spare helmet from his truck.

It’s a testament to how much time these two spend together.

Rhett assists me in securing the helmet, his touch sending a shiver down my spine.

His hands spark a sensation in me, a feeling I know he shares, albeit a muted version due to the spell.

He mounts the bike, kicking the stand away. “Climb on, princess,” he instructs.

I swing my leg over the bike, settling into the seat.

The design of the seat causes me to slide down, pressing me firmly against his back.

“Wrap your arms around me, hold on tight, and follow my lead when I lean, okay?” he instructs.

“Got it!”

He lowers his visor and revs the engine, the bike roaring to life beneath us.

I hold onto him tightly, my thighs gripping his legs.

Holy shit, this is terrifying.

I’m going to die and my mate will be the one to blame.

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