The Billionaire's Love - Book cover

The Billionaire's Love

Kimi L. Davis

Chapter 3

I gave a soft knock on the door before pushing it open and entering Gideon’s office. I found him sitting behind his desk with his back to me, eyes focused on his computer.

“Hey,” I said, hugging him from behind and kissing his neck. “Busy?”

“I was until you showed up,” he said before putting his computer on standby and turning to face me. He quickly pulled me down and settled me on his lap.

“I’m going to have lunch with the girls today. According to them, we haven’t been together in so long even though we just had our family dinner last week,” I said and chuckled before kissing him. My heart beat with carnal love as Gideon took over the kiss, pushing his tongue in my mouth and making love to it.

“I’m going to miss having lunch with you, but Kieran and Brenton are also proposing lunch. We need to discuss the next course of action now that we have the contract. I want this to be the biggest move by the Maslow Enterprises. And thanks to you, this company is on its way to being ironclad. Nothing and no one can hurt us now, little dove,” he told me.

“Seriously? I know Maslow Enterprises is big, but I never considered us untouchable,” I said.

“Well, you can rest assured that’s exactly what we are now, little peach. If Declan comes back, which I highly doubt he will, then he won’t be able to put a dent in our reputation now. Those days are over, wife,” Gideon stated and kissed my cheek.

The mention of Declan eclipsed the joy bubbling inside me at my husband’s success. That monster needed to be out of our lives for good. I just wished Jay found him quickly so we could put an end to it.

“I still want him gone for good,” I stated.

“And he will be. He already is,” he said. No matter how much he tried to tell me that our greatest enemy was no longer a threat, I knew he didn’t really believe it. Declan also occupied his mind. Gideon might not be as obsessed with finding him as I was, but he couldn’t completely let go of him either. Not when our kids were growing up and stepping into their independence.

“Okay, I’m going to go now before Cecelia gives it to me for being late again,” I said and got up from his lap.

“I really don’t want you to go. Can’t you take a rain check?”

“Rain check? With them?” I asked, horrified. “Absolutely not. They’ll drag me out of the office and you know it.”

“Cecelia is vicious,” Gideon agreed and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“That she is. I’ll be back soon. Make sure you eat properly. You’re now running a huge company so you need your energy,” I told him before giving him a lingering kiss and striding out of his office. I checked my appearance in the restroom before stepping out of the building and getting in the car waiting for me.

By the time I reached the restaurant, Cecelia and Jenny were already there, occupying a table at the other end of the restaurant with the gray seeping through the window.

“You’re late!” Cecelia announced as soon as I set my purse down.

“Five minutes,” I defended, flashing a smile at Jenny who grinned.

“Cece has been dying to tell us something and that’s why she’s got her knickers in a twist,” Jenny said.

“Really?” I said, my curiosity piqued. “Well, let’s hear it.”

Cecelia rolled her eyes. “It’s nothing major. I think we should order first.” She signaled for the waiter and we gave him our orders and after he left did she get serious. “Okay, I can’t believe I’m asking you this but I need some advice.”

“You? Need advice? You’re the one giving us advice,” Jenny said, surprise evident on her features.

Cecelia huffed and rolled her eyes. “I know. I can’t believe it either. But Brenton’s getting on my nerves and I don’t know how to tell him to tone down his alpha male caveman attitude.”

“What happened?” I asked, hating that she was having issues with her husband.

“He’s just being incredibly insecure and I would appreciate it if he just stops,” Cece said.

“Insecure?” Jenny said.

“Yeah. Incredibly jealous. I know he’s incredibly possessive and I don’t mind it, but he’s taking things too far. We’ve been married for so long, you’d think he’d chill out, but no. He’s just as jealous and possessive as he was when we first got together,” she said.

“What did he do?” I prompted, wanting her to get to the point and not keep us hanging.

“There is this man…” she started, but Jenny cut her off.

“Oh no. If it’s about another man you can’t expect the Maslow men to stay calm. Come on, Cece, you know better than that.”

“I know, but Brenton is making me lose my sanity with his jealous attitude.”

“Kieran would say it’s territorial,” Jenny said with a chuckle.

“Whatever it is, it’s driving me insane.”

“What about that guy?” I asked.

“We went to secondary school together and we were good friends. Not too close or anything and certainly never in a relationship. We lost touch after graduation and the last I heard he was somewhere in France studying for a degree in culinary arts. Well, he came back a few months ago and wants to do business with me,” Cecelia said.

“I’m not surprised. Your bakery is thriving!” I remarked, and Jenny nodded.

“Yeah, she’s on her way to becoming a gourmet baker if that’s even a thing.”

“Anyway.” Cece dragged the word out. “Brenton can’t stand the idea of me working with another man. So he’s going berserk.”

“Well, you do have a history of making him jealous by being with another man,” Jenny commented, and Cecelia glared at her.

“That only happened once and only because I wanted to teach him a lesson,” she argued.

“Do you want to teach him a lesson now?” I enquired.

Cecelia smirked, and a sadistic smirk lit up her gray eyes. “With the way he’s behaving, he really needs to learn one.” She sighed. “I just don’t want him to think I don’t love him, you know.”

The waiter arrived with our food, and the aroma made my mouth water. The restaurant was top-tiered, but so were the prices. But Jenny and Cecelia only preferred to have food here.

“Is he telling you not to work with that man?” Jenny asked as she dug into her lobster.

“Yes. And now I want to work with him just to piss him off,” Cecelia grumbled.

“I don’t think that’s going to help. Why don’t you bring Brenton into this project as well? That way he won’t feel so insecure,” I suggested. I really didn’t want this to escalate between the two. Both of them could be quite stubborn and that never helped in a relationship.

“I have no problem doing that. But he’s busy with the company. Now that Maslow Enterprises is expanding, the three main headquarters will need proper work. If that happens then we might have to move to America or Asia. He already has fifteen trips lined up for the next two months and he doesn’t want to go because he’s afraid I’ll elope with Drake.”

“Drake is the man in question?” Jenny asked for clarification to which Cecelia nodded.

“Moreover, I need to start shifting my business if we’re actually moving. But everything is so uncertain. How many trips is Gideon planning?” Cece asked.

“Five. Only because he has to. We’re hoping not to move. Lily is about to start secondary school and Jack is already there. Pulling him out will not be beneficial considering the different education systems around the world,” I said, loving my panini and intending to order another.

“Same. Kieran doesn’t want to move the kids either. He’s thinking of leaving them with Brian but I don’t think it’s going to work,” Jenny added.

“Our Father-in-Law is good at taking care of the kids but he’s too old now, so it’s not wise.”

“Yes, but my kids can’t imagine living away from him. So wherever we go or don’t they’ll be with him,” Jenny said.

“Everything is really uncertain right now,” Cecelia said.

“I’m not worried. The idea is in its initial stages. It might not even happen and we all just might stay here,” I said, trying to be hopeful. Gideon was hesitant discussing this with me a couple of nights ago, but after talking about it, we decided to wait and see how things would turn out and what the company would require.

“I hope you’re right. It’ll make it easier for me to deal with Brent,” Cece grumbled.

After spending another hour with them, I took my leave after receiving a text from the chauffeur that he was waiting outside. As soon as I got inside the car, I was about to tell him to take me home, but my eyes caught the sight of a new outlet and I decided to check it out and hopefully find something I could buy for Gideon. I didn’t know when I’d developed this habit, but every time I came across a new shop or a mall, I’d visit it the first chance I got and buy something for my husband. He’d told me plenty of times not to do it, but I refused to listen. It was the only way I had of surprising and spoiling him, considering how much he spoiled me.

“Actually, I just need to go and visit that store over there,” I said to Clark and pointed to the shop I intended to visit. “Come back in thirty minutes. I should be done by then.”

“Of course, Mrs. Maslow,” Clark replied with a nod, and I quickly stepped out of the car.

The store was small yet cozy. I took in the many trinkets and oddities that littered the shelves left and right. I might not be able to find anything useful for Gideon, but I was sure to find something unique. After perusing the store for a good twenty minutes, I settled on an antique pocket watch that I was sure he’d like. Gideon favored the finer things in life, and he made sure I did as well. The pocket watch would be a nice addition to his collection.

After paying for my purchase, I left the shop, planning to visit it again. Perhaps I’d find something interesting for Lily. She had yet to give me the list of supplies she needed for school. That girl really needed to start preparing.

I looked around for Clark but didn’t spot him anywhere. He still had ten minutes until he was due to pick me up, perhaps I could wait a little. I looked around the busy street for somewhere to wait, and a cute display of a cafe caught my eyes. As I began walking towards it, a strange feeling prickled the back of my neck, causing me to stop and look around for anything suspicious.

The street appeared normal. A group of men hurried onwards with their eyes oscillating between their phones and the way ahead. I counted five cars parallel parked on the kerb and two more on my side. A couple of women walked past me, and if it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t have noticed the black car that sidled up behind a blue one.

I wasn’t paranoid enough to be afraid of a car. A lot of cars were black, and this one should be no different. But a tinge of dread wormed its way into my heart when I took in the tinted windows, making it impossible for me to make out who was inside.

It can be Declan.

If it was Declan, then Jay would’ve found him. He wouldn’t be here watching me. Declan may be desperate, but he wasn’t foolish. He was in hiding, and he’d remained that way until he was sure revealing himself would benefit him in some way. Nonetheless, the car wasn’t a good sign, and I didn’t want to be here when the person finally stepped out, no matter who it was.

I texted Clark with a different location before ducking into the nearest alley and stepping out to the other side. As soon as I saw Clark, I began walking towards him, but the feeling of being watched refused to leave me. I looked around, trying to spot anyone who was watching me, but there was no one here. I wanted to ignore the heaviness weighing in my gut, but the feeling refused to go away.

The buzzing of my phone nearly made me jump in fright. It was only when I saw the text from Gideon did my heart relax.

When are you coming back? I want you here—G

I told him I was on my way and sent a quick kiss before reaching the car and sliding inside. I told Clark where to go. And as he began to drive, I looked behind me and saw the black car idling by. I looked straight ahead and pretended I wasn’t as worried as my heart told me. It was just a car. It could be anyone.

But it was all a lie. My gut told me so.

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