Snowed In - Book cover

Snowed In

Remmy Saga

His Dilemma


Fuck. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve met. Aiden chuckled at the vixen passed out on the bed underneath him.

Even though he was punishing her for cumming without permission, she had at least four orgasms during the punishment.

Aiden got off the bed and carried the sleeping beauty to one of the empty bedrooms so that she could rest while he cleaned up. He held her close to his chest, unsure of his feelings, but he knew she was special.

She snuggled into him unconsciously, and he couldn’t help but smile at her. Aiden wiped away the stray tears on her cheeks and kissed her on the forehead, but froze when he realized what he had done.

Don’t fall for her so quickly, Aiden. You’re digging your own grave. But he couldn’t help himself.

“You did great, beautiful. Fuck, you’re perfect. Now rest. You deserve it,” he whispered to her as he placed her gently on the bed, pulling the blanket to her chest.

Where have you been my whole life?

Once he cleaned up the bedroom, he stripped to take a shower. He couldn’t stop thinking about May, and a part of him was worried about her finding out the truth. What would she think of me?

It wasn’t like he had planned the accident, but he did have ample opportunity to tell her who he was, yet he chose not to, afraid she would close up on him.

His cock was still hard from punishing her, seeing her juices wet the bed. He fisted his cock, one hand on the shower wall as he grunted, imagining the gorgeous woman next door naked in the shower with him.

He didn’t last long, as he was on the verge of slamming his cock into her soaking pussy. He spilled his cum on the walls and floor, leaning his head against the tiled wall, panting.

Aiden hadn’t expected to like May, but now that he had met her, he wanted to protect her, cherish her, and claim her as his forever.

He knew he had to take it slow, but he honestly didn’t know how to, and he was pretty sure it was already way past taking it slow.

He freshened up and got dressed with the intention of going to sleep, but he wasn’t the least bit tired. Aiden checked in on May once again and smiled when he saw her huddled into the pillow.

He closed the door gently and went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of strong coffee, carrying it to the skylight room.

It was one of his favorite rooms in this whole cabin. He sat down on one of the lounge chairs and reminisced about the conversation with his father a few weeks ago.

“Aiden. I need you to do something for me.” His father sat across from him in his office, surprising Aiden in the middle of his meeting. He was a little annoyed as his father kicked everyone out, ending the meeting abruptly.

“What’s so important you had to cut off my meeting?” Aiden leaned back in his chair, giving all his attention to his father.

“It’s about your future.”

Aiden sighed, knowing exactly where the conversation was headed, and stood up from his chair, ready to send his father off.

“Don’t you even dare, son. Just hear me out.”

Aiden snorted as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. Normally, he would offer his father a glass, but he didn’t want the old man to make himself comfortable, hoping he’d leave once he said what he needed to say.

“All right, what is it? I have another meeting, and you’re not cutting into that one as well.”

His father lightly chuckled before reaching into his coat pocket and took out an envelope. He placed the relatively thick envelope on Aiden’s glass work desk.

Curious, he walked toward it, dragging it closer to him with a finger, but refusing to open it. He knew the old man was up to something and wanted to hear it from him first.

“I’ve made arrangements for you to get married.”

Aiden pressed his lips, not wanting to curse his old man, but his anger was boiling.

“What the hell do you mean?” His father stood, but Aiden was not ready for him to just drop a bombshell and leave, not without a valid explanation.

“Her name is May, and she’s the daughter of my childhood friend. He’s in a crisis and wants to know his daughter will be happy and looked after, so I’ve given him my word.”

“I hope you can help me keep my word, Aiden. I trust that you will.” His father knew Aiden needed some time to process, so he left him standing by his desk, one finger still on the envelope.

Aiden chugged the remnants of the whiskey he held and threw the glass across the room. It shattered, the sounds echoing off the wall. His secretary, Kayla, ran into his office without knocking.

“Is everything okay, Aiden?”

Aiden fisted the envelope and glared at his secretary. “Leave me alone, Kayla.”

Kayla pursed her lips as she closed the door behind her. Aiden threw the damn envelope against the window and sat on his chair, head in his hands, frustrated with his father.

His father knew Aiden had never gone against his wishes, and Aiden respected him tremendously, but this was asking a lot of him.

He heard the phone ring, the line for his secretary. Sighing, he picked it up.

“What, Kayla?” He felt a little guilty for taking his anger out on her, but Aiden didn’t do apologies.

“Your next meeting is in a few minutes. Should I have someone come in to clean up the mess in your office?”

He agreed, and a few minutes later, one of the janitors walked in with Kayla, cleaning up the shattered pieces of glass as Aiden poured himself another drink.

That was when he saw the photos on the floor.

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