My Sexy Devil - Book cover

My Sexy Devil

Mars Mejia

Detention with the Devil


“I still can’t believe Liam is back. We should all go out this weekend and do something to celebrate. Like old times,” Layla grinned and named some things we could do.

“I will if my mom doesn’t kill me. The principal already talked to her about the incident with Jason, but since I’ve never gotten into any kind of trouble before, they’re letting me off with detention. I just have to write an apology letter.”

I shuddered at the thought of having to write a heartfelt apology to Jason.

“Don’t worry, if your mom doesn’t let you out this weekend, Jess and I will come up with a plan to break you out.” Layla tapped her fingers together like a villain.

“I’m glad I can count on you, but I have to go to detention now.” My lips formed into a small pout, and Layla returned to her normal self.

“Are you going to be okay?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she gave me a worried stare.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I excused myself and began looking for the room where detention was held.

I’d never had detention, and I would’ve asked Layla, but I knew she wouldn’t know, either.

After ten minutes of searching through classrooms, I finally walked into the right one.

“You’re late,” the teacher snapped while glaring at me. Thick round glasses sat on the bridge of her bony nose.

“Sorry, I got lost,” I mumbled in embarrassment.

Of course I noticed the asshole was smirking at my discomfort. Jason sat all the way in the back of the room and a few other students were scattered around the room at their desks.

“Sit,” the cranky teacher snapped and her short brown curls bounced everywhere. It seemed she wanted to be here less than we did.

I sat down as far away from Jason as possible—unfortunately that was only two seats to his left—and took out my homework.

I was already caught up on all of my assignments, but I’d rather get ahead now so I could have more time to watch Netflix.

The cranky teacher went to do whatever she was doing, and I took a moment to look around the room.

Most of the students looked bored and in their own worlds—and then there was Jason, who was staring right at me.

I rolled my eyes and returned to my work.

A light object hit the side of my head, and I turned to glare at Jason. It seemed like he was always around just to antagonize me.

My teeth gritted together in annoyance, and I gave him the finger; not my best moment, but I was annoyed.

He returned the gesture by winking. Jason then threw another piece of paper at me and mouthed read it.

I opened it slowly.

When and where? I read on the small yellow Post-it note.

What are you talking about? I wrote back and hit him in the face when he wasn’t paying attention, causing me to snicker.

Last I remember, that finger means fuck you. So when and where? ;)

My face burned red as I read his reply. The note also made me wet.

Of course he was being a pervert. I shot him a glare, and he laughed silently in his seat. I had to sit in here for an hour suffering with that asshole.

Do I need to remind you what happened in gym class?

I scribbled down and threw the piece of paper back at him. Jason’s face turned pale as he read my response and he threw the Post-it away.

My eyes glanced at the simple clock hanging above the old wooden door.

Fifty-five minutes to go.

If it weren’t for the scary witch at the front of the room, I would’ve kicked Jason again.

My face frowned when I realized how violent I was acting. I guess he brought out my inner Hulk.

“I’ll be back. Do not move,” Mrs. Ollie, I think it was, spat and left the room.

As soon as the door clicked shut, everyone was out of their seat and talking with one another.

I had nothing better to do, so I continued to do my homework like the good student I was.

“Hey, Bambi.” Jason stood next to me.

“Bambi?” I turned to look up at him, curious as to why he was referring to me as an animal.

“Yeah, you know, the deer. Has the whole big brown eyes and long legs. Except you’re not cute.” He pretended to think and my mouth opened slightly from his blunt comment. “You’re sexy.”

The second comment made my face redder than the devil’s ass. I tried to cover my cheeks up with my hands, but of course, he noticed.

“Are you blushing?” Jason sat down at the empty desk next to me. “How adorable.” His blue eyes lit up with amusement.

I cursed at myself for blushing in front of him. Especially since he knew he was the reason behind it.

“Go away.” I looked down at my homework in order to hide my pink cheeks.

“No,” Jason replied, and leaned back in his chair. The asshole stared at me until I was so uncomfortable that I would’ve preferred having the sex talk with my brother.

“Stop.” I fumed, whacking him in the head with my pencil. Jason leaned forward rubbing his head, and showed me his stupid smirk.

“I like an aggressive woman.” I ignored his flirty comments. “I mean, I know you want to touch m―” This time I smacked his arm, noticing how muscular it was.

“Don’t even finish that sentence.” I glared at him, and his angry expression was replaced with his mischievous grin.

“Pendejo,” I muttered under my breath.

“What was that?” Jason raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing,” I replied, and tried to start my homework for the third time. I really needed to finish this, because I knew I was just going to procrastinate once I got home—like always.

Jason shook his head, “I’m pretty sure I heard you say ‘Jason Kade is very sexy and I wish―’” He jumped when my hand landed on his thigh.

I knew I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to tease him. It was the only way I knew how.

My hand rested on the center of his thigh, and for once, Jason was quiet. I stared into his dark eyes as my hand slowly inched closer and closer to his cock.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Jason’s voice was now husky.

I smirked, enjoying how he squirmed under my touch. As much as I would’ve loved to suck him right here, I reminded myself this was just a tease.

“You’re right,” I whispered softly. “You’re sexy. I wish we were the only ones in this room so I could wrap my lips around your cock.”

Jason’s eyes widened as the words left my mouth. My hands were inches away from his now-hardened length, and just as I was about to rub him, I pulled my hand away.

Jason groaned in annoyance and slumped back onto the desk.

“Why are you such a tease?” Jason hissed.

“Why are you always bothering me?” I retorted, feeling smug.

“Because your reactions amuse me.” Jason smirked as he trailed his eyes from my lips to my breasts.

“And so does your misery.” I gave him a small smile.

The other students in the room were glancing up at us every so often. I hadn’t realized that we were being the loudest in the room.

The sour teacher came back ten minutes later. “Since you were all on good behavior, you may leave early.” She dismissed us without even giving us a glance.

I shot out of my seat, completely ignoring the fact that she wasn’t even paying attention to us the entire time.

Jason followed me down the school corridors. I ignored him and walked toward the exit with him following behind like a lost puppy.

The hallway was dark and our footsteps echoed off the walls. I could see lightning flashing every fifteen seconds or so, and then I remembered that I had to walk.

I reached the doors and stopped to stare at the rain pouring down.

“Need a ride?” Jason offered while dangling his keys in front of my face. My pride wouldn’t allow me to accept his offer.

“No, thanks,” I replied and hesitated to move out of place.

I curled my jacket around me to keep warm. Just looking outside made me shiver. I could feel my nipples hardening, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the weather or Jason.

“Are you sure?” Jason quirked his eyebrow. It was either walk home in wet, cold weather and get a cold, or woman up and get in the car with Jason.

“Where’s your car?” I mumbled, and he grinned widely as he pointed to the black compact car. My eyebrows shot up as I observed the shiny-looking car.

“Wow.” I stared at it with wide eyes. I was in awe; considering I practically knew nothing when it came to cars, it looked fairly new.

Besides, any car would make me say wow considering I don’t have my own—yet.

“That’s my baby,” Jason pulled the hood of his sweater over his head and ran out into the rain as he unlocked the car.

I followed and cursed as the pouring rain drenched my hair and clothes. I tugged on the handle and grunted when it wouldn’t open. I heard Jason’s muffled laugh through the sound of thunder.

“Seriously?” I yelled over the loud rain. Jason grinned as he clicked the unlock button. As soon as he unlocked the car, I jumped inside and slammed the door shut, keeping the rain away.

I studied the interior of the car as I gave him my address. The plush leather seat was comforting me. Lightning cracked across the dark sky, causing me to jump in my seat.

I enjoyed the rain, but crazy thunderstorms were a whole different story. They terrified me.

“Is someone scared?” Jason teased as he began to drive.

I ignored his taunt and remained quiet as he continued to drive. It was only around five, and the storm’s dark features across the sky were making it seem as if it were nine o’clock at night.

I stared out the window and counted the seconds between each roar of thunder and sparkle of lightning. As much as these storms terrified me, they also fascinated me.

Mother Nature was a beautiful and frightening thing.

Jason’s hand landed on my thigh, sending a surprised jolt through my body.

My eyes flickered to his face.

He was facing straight ahead, not even looking at me as he trailed his finger closer and closer to my heated core.

Blond strands of hair fell onto his forehead, and his chiseled jaw clenched.

My clit throbbed with excitement as his long fingers traced the inside of my thigh. I knew I should’ve stopped him, but I didn’t want to. I was too horny to think about anything else.

A small moan left my mouth when he pressed against my sensitive spot. My pussy clenched, wetness pooling between my legs.

“Fuck,” I moaned as he worked his fingers through my thin leggings. The pressure he applied so slowly, it was almost painful. I wanted more.

“We’re here.” His blue eyes were locked onto me as he put his car in park. My heart was racing, and my face flushed as Jason trailed his eyes down between my legs.

The storm had died down a bit, but it was still raining. The car had stopped, and he parked on the curb right outside of my house. The red paint stood out against the dark sky.

“Thanks for the ride,” I quickly thanked him and rushed out of the car. I wish I could’ve gotten a different kind of ride.

“See you tomorrow.” Jason gave me a small smile as I got out, completely flustered.

I sprinted into my house and immediately noticed that all the lights were on―which never happened.

My wet jacket landed on the coat rack, and I ripped my wet boots off. It actually looked like someone lived here.

My ears perked up when I heard voices, so I followed them into the kitchen.

My mom was the first to come into view. She was talking to― “Charlie?” I screamed enthusiastically as I saw my older brother standing in the middle of my kitchen.

Both of them turned to look at me, and Charlie’s face immediately lit up.

“Kara!” My big brother tackled me with a bear hug. Tears welled up in my eyes and the joy overpowered my heart.

My brother was finally home. I had missed him so much it hurt. I pulled away, and was astonished when I noticed my mom was sober.

“What’re you doing here?” I asked, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“I aced my finals so I decided to take the fall semester off and come home. I know it’s almost October, but I had to wrap things up at my job before I could come back. I’ve been keeping it a surprise.”

Charlie held my face in his hands and wiped away a tear that rested on my cheek.

Charlie was my best friend, and a part of me died when he left. My brother and I had an amazing sibling bond.

Of course we had our fights, but we knew each other so well it didn’t happen often.

My brother stepped back and studied me with his brown eyes.

“You’ve grown so much. How’s your senior year so far? Do you have a boyfriend yet? If you do I want to meet him and let him know that if he messes up I will kick his ass so hard that—”

“Charlie!” I laughed at his sudden urge to be a protective brother.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, nor do I plan to.” My brother seemed satisfied with my answer and moved on to the next topic.

“Did you know Liam came back too?” Charlie grinned widely and I nodded.

It was such a delight knowing both of them were back. Life had suddenly taken a positive turn and I knew it was going to get a lot better.

With those two around the fun was endless.

My mother, who was wearing her hair up in a tight bun and something else besides her pj’s, spoke up.

“I made dinner, Kara.” Her voice sounded so foreign to me. I was used to the monotone slurs that were barely understandable.

I was stuck in a bittersweet feeling, considering that she was finally in a stable shape since Charlie was here. The sour side was she wasn’t that way for me.

“I’m starving,” Charlie cut in and attacked the food that covered our wooden kitchen table. I laughed at my hungry brother, whose face was now covered in crumbs.

“I’m really tired and have some homework to finish,” I bitterly remembered. Thanks to Jason, that is. I was left feeling sexually frustrated.

“I’ll see you in a bit.” I excused myself and made my way to my room upstairs.

I needed to make myself cum.

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