Rejected - Book cover


Cosmic Chaos

Chapter 2


“I, Antony Preston, reject Nadia Delante as my mate.”

His words still echo in my mind, the wound they caused still fresh, raw, and unbearable. I’d felt the mate bond as soon as I met Antony, and I’d been thrilled when he’d been drawn to me too. I was prepared to spend the rest of my life loving him and supporting him.

Then everything changed. Word spread about my unique lineage, and the rumors of the infertile white wolf spread like wildfire.

Antony’s so-called love for me quickly changed to hatred. He couldn’t bear the thought of being mated to a wolf who couldn’t provide him with an heir and rejected me in front of our whole pack at our mating ceremony.

I suppose I should be grateful to not be stuck with an arrogant, misogynistic dick as my mate, but as much as I try to tell myself that, the steady ache in my heart is hard to move past. I still remember how sweet and loving he’d been before my curse was made known, which makes everything hurt that much more.

As I’m about to start yet another movie to serve as background noise to my misery, my bedroom door swings open and my mother, father, grandfather, and Aunt Sandy walk in.

I grab another tissue and wipe away the remnants of my tears, hoping I can avoid having any more fall for a while. At this point, I don’t know how I even have any left to cry.

“Nadia, can we come in?”

I have no idea why my mother bothers to ask if she can enter my room after she’s already standing at the foot of my bed, but I still give her a slight nod.

“Oh, Dia! I’m so sorry. I came as soon as I could,” Aunt Sandy says as she rushes to my side and pulls me in for one of her signature bear hugs.

Of all the people in my family, Aunt Sandy has always been the only one who seems to truly get me. I always spent time with her during my summer and winter breaks. She used to tell me that we were soulmates, and now more than ever, I believe her. Just her presence in my room brings me comfort and dulls the pain, even if only slightly.

“Nadia, we’ve been talking, and we thought maybe it would be a good idea if you went to stay with your aunt for a while,” my mother says softly. “Her pack is in need of some help around the pack house, and you could use some…space.”

My eyes dart back and forth, taking in the hopeful expressions on their faces. It has been years since I’ve visited my aunt, and it would be nice to get away from everything that reminds me of him.

“You know, that isn’t a bad idea,” I admit with a weak smile. “Maybe having something to keep me busy where I won’t have to worry about running into that…asshole…will help.”

They are all clearly pleased with my answer and take turns giving me hugs, trying their best to comfort me.

I know they mean well, but they will never understand the soul-crushing agony of what I’m going through. I just need to get away from this place.

“I’ll help you pack, and we’ll leave tomorrow. I’ll contact Alpha Lynch right away. He’ll want to meet with you and figure out a suitable pack duty.”

“Sounds good, Aunty. Thank you…all of you.”


My aunt was not kidding when she said she’d help me pack. The woman came through like a cyclone, and within an hour, all of my possessions were packed and loaded in a U-Haul, ready for our trip in the morning.

I wish I could say I got a good night’s sleep, but my dreams where filled with panic-inducing nightmares and an opalescent figure calling to me from the forest.

We left my house at 4 a.m. and by 9 p.m., we’re pulling up to my aunt’s house in Gallagher, the main town on the pack’s land. The house looks just how I remembered it, and I’m more than eager to get out of the cramped car and stretch before unloading the U-Haul.

“Dia, is there anything you need out of there tonight? Would you be okay if we waited until morning to unload everything?” my aunt asks with a tired sigh.

I reach into the backseat and grab my overnight bag. “This is all I need tonight.”

She’s more than a little relieved and quickly ushers me into her home, showing me to my room. It’s smaller than my one back home, but I really don’t have much, so it’s perfect.

She says goodnight and leaves me to settle in. That’s one thing I’ve always loved about my aunt. She never lingers like my mother does.

My mother and aunt are polar opposites. My mother is quiet, shy, and always smothering me. My Aunt Sandy, however, is loud, adventurous, outgoing, and understands the need for personal space.

I know she’s there if I need her, but she lets me come to her, and that’s something I need more than anything right now.

I plop down on the twin-sized bed and stare at the ceiling until I drift off into a fitful sleep, filled with horrible flashes from the night my mate rejected me.


“Wake up, Dia! We need to get everything out of the U-Haul so I can drop it off on my way to work!”

I grab my phone off the nightstand and roll my eyes when I see it is only 6 a.m. I quickly freshen up, throw my untamed white hair into a messy bun, and hurry outside to help my aunt bring my things in. We work together in a comfortable silence.

“What time do you have to be at work?” I ask as we unload the last box.

She looks over the box in her arms and gives me a soft smile.

“Ten. The alpha would like to see you at two though, so I’ll pick you up during my lunch and drop you off at the pack house.”

I had been hoping to have a few days to settle into my new home and get familiar with my surroundings before having to see the alpha.

“Okay… Thanks, Aunt Sandy.”

I wave her off and carry the last box to my room where I spend the next few hours unpacking.

At 1:30 p.m., I pull on a pair of light-blue skinny jeans and a powder-blue sweater that makes my dark-blue eyes stand out. Then I brush out my silky, white hair and put on my black ankle boots.

I’m double-checking my appearance in my full-length mirror when I hear someone honk out front. I rush to the door to find my aunt waiting for me.

The drive to the pack house is quiet as I take in the town and how much it has changed since my last visit. If the busy streets are anything to go by, this pack is thriving in every way.

We pull up in front of the three-story building, which seems much larger than I remember.

“He’s expecting you. Just go in, be your amazing self, and Alpha Lynch will take care of you,” my aunt says encouragingly.

I give her a nervous smile then climb out of the car. I walk up the steps to the large wooden door and take a deep breath before knocking. It opens and on the other side is a tall, well-toned brunette with a scowl on her perfectly painted face.

“Can I help you?” Her bitter tone makes me second-guess whether I should really be here.

“I-I have an appointment with the alpha,” I stammer. I hate how soft and weak my voice sounds, not wanting it to betray my broken state.

“Come in.”

She’s unamused, but I get the distinct feeling that she’s just a bitch all the time and my presence only gives her something to direct her attitude at.

I step into the foyer and let my eyes dance around the room, taking in the rustic interior. When they find their way back to the brunette, she’s still scowling at me as she stands by another open door and gestures impatiently for me to enter.

I follow, walking through to find a study filled with thousands of books but no alpha. Before I have a chance to ask where he is, she closes the door. I hear her footsteps as she walks away.

I look around and wander over to a bookshelf to my left, scanning over the titles. I’m excited by the vast collection.

I’m checking out the shelf behind the desk when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I whip around to find a tall, muscular man with dark-brown, medium-length hair and honey-brown eyes staring at me with a stern expression.

“Ms. Delante, I presume?”

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