Their Little Human - Book cover

Their Little Human

Lotus O’Hara

Chapter 6


“Twenty. Not too shabby, but I bet you’ve got a few more in you,” he said, tossing the tool aside.

She was a tough one. Arenk would need to pick up more batteries on his way back. She shook her head. He was surprised she hadn’t tried to kick the bar off again.

Attaching the cuffs to it was a good deterrent.

“Please, I-I can’t. No more,” Raven pleaded.

With that tone, it was hard to believe her, or maybe he just enjoyed hearing her beg. She was drenched in sweat from all the struggling she did earlier.

Thanks to Arenk’s report about the neck thing, she fell apart. The human body was a wonder. So many ways to make them climax.

He rummaged through the box for the next tool he’d use and decided against them all. If you want something done right, do it yourself.

He unhooked the cuffs from the bar, and she groaned, probably from the blood rushing back to her limbs. As she readjusted, he stripped off his clothes, tossing them to the floor.

Laro placed the translator nearby. He still had a few hours before Arenk returned, and he wanted the turn he never got.

If her mouth felt that good, he could only imagine what the rest of her could do.

Laro removed the bar and slid in between her damp thighs. His hand glided up her slick skin with ease, and she shivered. The universe provides. She was so responsive, even more so spent.

It wouldn’t take much for her to unravel under his touch. He wished he would’ve used his own hands to bring her to this pleasure haze. Next time.

He buried his face into her neck, inhaling her scent as he placed a light kiss in its wake. She gave a quiet moan, one where he heard her delight. Just as he thought. A few more. If not, only one.

He continued his assault on her neck, and her hands pressed on his chest.

“I thought you couldn’t take anymore,” he said with a chuckle.

Her hooded eyes and pouty lips were enough to entice him to taste them. Raven’s legs wrapped around his waist, lifting her body from the bed. He eased down, bringing them chest to chest.

She used her finger to guide his chin down. To his surprise, her wet tongue tangled itself with his. It sent a tingle to his balls and made his cock throb.

He took hold of her jaw and pulled back. “Fucking Arenk,” he said with a smile.

He left a note about a trick she could do but didn’t go into detail. Kissing wasn’t his favorite thing, but after tonight and seeing the wonders it could do, he would reconsider it.

Laro responded in kind, and she moaned in his mouth. He pulled her arms above her head. Laro rubbed his cock along her soaked slit, focusing on her sensitive button.

Her legs shook, and a warm liquid dripped out.

“Twenty-one,” he said as he slid in.

Raven’s thighs gripped him tighter the deeper he went. She made a sweet sound.

“You’re so wet and hot,” he moaned in her ear.

“I can’t take another inch,” she said.

“You will.”

He worked her in and out with half his length. Each time he pressed forward, he went deeper, making her gush and cry out. Laro fully seated himself inside and bit her shoulder.

Her lower half gripped his cock tight, drawing a moan from him. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her as close as he could, and thrust. His slow pace quickly became relentless.

Laro felt her wetness drip down his sack. All he could hear were their moans and the splashing.

“Don’t stop, please,” she said.

“Not on your life,” he said.

The more vocal she became, the harder he went. She used her hands to keep her head from smashing into the headboard. The doorbell rang, but he didn’t care.

Whoever it was could fuck off. Arenk had a key, and if he forgot it, tough shit. The mystery person continued to pound on the door. He made a mental note to strangle the asshole.

He felt her tighten around his cock and shiver.


He didn’t expect the contractions to continue; he wasn’t fast enough to pull out in time. After she came down from the high of her orgasm, that serene expression turned to shock.

“You weren’t supposed to finish inside.”

“I finish where I like.” The doorbell rang again. “Hold that thought.”

He jumped up from the bed and swung the door open, “How would you like to die?”

Oh, shit.

She stood there, her face soaked with tears, with her hands balled in fists.

“Where is he? Is he in there?”

“He’s not. I’ll let him know you sto—”

“Cut the shit. I heard you both were parading some new plaything through town. Loud nights. I wouldn’t have believed it until now. So, who is she? Is it Jaji? Dirty backstabber.” She tried to push through, but he blocked her path with his arm.

“He’s not here. You’re interrupting my night off and disturbing my guest. Goodnight.” As he shut the door, she stuck her foot in.

“Why didn’t he show up? He always shows up,” she said, not meeting his gaze.

“You’ll have to ask him yourself. Lyka, it’s late. I’ll tell him you stopped by.”

She nodded before heading back down the hallway. When Laro returned to the bed, Raven was fast asleep in the position he left her.

He had half a mind to wake her up and keep going until she begged him to stop again, but he decided to cut her some slack. He lay down and sent Arenk a heads-up about their surprise visitor.



His device buzzed in his pocket, but he kept his gaze locked on the general.

“Do you need to get that?”

“No, sir. I wanted to know why you summoned Laro and me. We haven’t broken any rules.”

“A loophole is just a fancy term for a rule that’s been bent out of shape. But the final say is always with the king. That’s why you, Laro, and Raven have been called in.

“She’s an S rank spoil, and those are always given to the top ranks first before trickling down to the lower ranks. I think the king would agree that she should be put in the same rotation as the other females. What’s your take?”

His fingers dug into the armrest. General Dhol was after something, but what? He was playing a risky game.

If Dhol had his way, she’d be passed around the castle or saved for diplomats as some kind of exotic amusement. They’d never see her again.

“I think the king would probably keep her for himself. That’s if he doesn’t send her to the lab instead. We’re all adults here. We can reach an agreement without the king’s input,” Arenk said.

“You’re right. I’m glad we’re on the same page. Drop her off at my place, and I’ll call off the summons.”

“She’s not just mine. I can’t make a decision like that by myself.”

“You can. You’re a Lieutenant General, aren’t you? You outrank him by a mile, so cut the crap,” General Dhol said.

“What do you want with her? You have a mate.”

“The same thing I want with my mate.” He grinned. “You have until the end of the month to make up your mind.”

“Sir, if we could—”

“We’re done here. Have a good night.”

He left the office, his heart pounding and anger burning in his gut. Arenk pulled out his device and checked his messages. Things were going from bad to worse. He’d forgotten about Lyka.

They’d spent many nights together, but she’d been with just about everyone who was eligible. The women always whispered sweet nothings to make you want them more.

She was his favorite, but a real relationship was out of the question. She was a favorite among some of the higher-ups too, and they wouldn’t let her go.

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