Falling for the Mafia Brothers: Summer Vacation - Book cover

Falling for the Mafia Brothers: Summer Vacation

Meghann Crane

Chapter Two


After our boating experience yesterday, I was excited to see what Max and Dimitri had planned for me today.

“Are you ready to find out where we are taking you, Myshka?” Dimitri asked.

“I’ve been ready since you told me we were traveling to Russia.”

They had kept the itinerary a secret so they could surprise me with everything that we were going to be doing.

Dimitri handed me an envelope, and I quickly opened it. Inside were three train tickets.

“Where are we going?” I asked in confusion.

“Sochi National Park. You said you wanted to see more of the beauty Russia has to offer, and you also said you’ve never been on a train,” Max said.

Sometimes I’m in awe at how much they listen to me. Our life is hectic with children, the family business, and other things, but they never fail to have time for me.

“What do I need to pack?”

“Everything is taken care of,” they said in unison. They may not be twins, but they act like it sometimes.

It didn’t take long for us to get to the train station and, like a kid in a candy store, I couldn’t stop smiling. I could feel the anticipation building as we approached our platform and couldn’t wait to see what was in store for me.

Once we got on the train, I realized Max and Dimitri had booked us a private sitting area. I was expecting a traditional train, but I should have known better. As the train began to move, I sank into my seat, marveling at the attention to detail and the thoughtfulness of their gesture.

I watched the scenery speed by us, and I never knew Russia was so beautiful. I’m used to seeing their traditional architecture and city life, but the seaside and countryside are completely different. The landscape was a patchwork of vibrant colors and dotted with charming villages.

Max was sitting across from me, while Dimitri was sitting next to me. Neither of them said a word, but I could feel their eyes on me. Dimitri’s hand had been resting on my thigh from the moment we sat down, and the warmth of his hand so close to my vagina made me want to tell him to move it between my legs.

“Open your legs,” Max demanded.

I did as he commanded without hesitation, and he let out a groan when he realized I wasn’t wearing panties under my dress.

“Looks like little bee wanted us to see her pussy today,” Max stated while Dimitri slid his hand between my legs.

“Do you remember our first dinner together?” Dimitri asked. “You were so adamant about not giving yourself to us, but now you beg for us to touch you.”

Dimitri quickly removed his hand, and I let out a disappointed sigh. “Come and sit on me,” he demanded as he undid his pants and pulled them down to his thighs.

I straddled him, making sure his cock was settled between my thighs.

Dimitri pulled my dress down to expose my breasts and quickly took one into his mouth, biting down on the nipple, causing me to hiss out in pain and pleasure. The sensation traveled through my body and straight to my pussy. I started rocking against Dimitri’s cock as he continued to assault my breasts.

Ideal’nyy (perfect),” he mumbled in Russian.

Dimitri stood up with me and set me on my feet before turning me around to face Max. Max had his cock in his hand, stroking it. “Bend over and take him in your mouth, Myshka.”

I braced one hand on Max’s thigh, while my other hand grabbed his cock. As I went to put him in my mouth, Dimitri thrust into me from behind, causing Max’s cock to hit the back of my throat.

“Such a good girl,” Max praised as he caressed my face. His tender touch made my heart melt.

“She’s our good girl,” Dimitri added. “She always takes what we give her.”

Max fisted my hair and held my head still. “Hand on my thighs, little bee.”

I gladly listened to him, knowing he was about to fuck my face, and all I had to do was surrender to the pleasure they were about to give me.

Dimitri kept thrusting into me, each time harder than before, hitting the spot that caused my body to twitch each time. Max’s thrusts started off slow until he developed a rhythm with Dimitri.

The pleasure was growing and jolting through my body, the faster and harder they went. Max’s cock was slamming into the back of my throat.

My body started tensing with the familiar tension that I’d been waiting for. The grunts coming from Max and Dimitri only added to my pleasure, causing my orgasm to rip through me.

“Take it all,” Max said with a grunt as he came and his warm cum ran down my throat.

Dimitri kept pounding into me, his thrusts becoming chaotic until his fist clenched my thighs and his body stiffened, filling me up with cum.

“I will never get tired of filling you up with my cum, Myshka.” Dimitri’s body relaxed, and he rubbed my back before pulling my dress down and helping me up.

Max stood up in front of me and adjusted the top of my dress before kissing me and moving my hair from my face.

“We love you, little bee.”

“I love you, too.”

I fall more in love with these two every day, and I can’t wait to find out what the rest of this summer vacation has in store for me.

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