Back into Darkness - Book cover

Back into Darkness

Delta Winters

Chapter 3: Worth 900 dollars

Belle Rose

“Six black coffees,” I manage to say, my voice trembling as much as my hands. The man in the suit grabs my hand roughly, pulling me onto his lap. His arousal presses into me, making me squirm uncomfortably. I try to stay still, knowing any movement will only excite him more.

“Don’t touch her,” J shouts, his face twisted with anger. The suit man just chuckles, glancing at J before turning his attention back to Harry.

“You owe me ten grand, Harry. There's no way around it. I'm not a generous man, as you know. It's not wise to keep me waiting,” he says, his voice a low growl in my ear. “But, we've known each other for a while. I'm willing to let you pay in installments. One grand each month. I'll take a grand today. That’s more than fair,” he says, but it's clear it's not a suggestion.

“I-I can't pay that. We don't have that kind of money. We have a hundred in the register, t-that's all,” Harry stammers, wiping sweat from his forehead. The suit man stares at Harry, his gaze so intense it makes Harry shrink back in his seat. The suit man leans in closer to me, his breath hot on my neck.

“What's your name, gattina?” he whispers, his arms wrapping around my waist, his hand groping my breast.

“Belle,” I answer, a soft whimper escaping as he squeezes.

“Hmm,” he hums, giving my ass a sharp smack as he stands, forcing me off his lap. I squeal, biting my lip to quiet the sound.

The other men rise too, watching their boss closely. “I'll take the girl, and the hundred. That's this week’s payment. Get me next month’s payment on time or I'll be digging two graves. Father and son, side by side.”

He's taking me? I'm not something to be taken.

“You can't just take me,” I protest, but my confidence wavers as he smirks at me, his eyes narrowing.

“You should be grateful, gattina. You're worth 900 dollars. I know girls worth much less,” he says, pushing me towards the other men. Two of them grab my arms, dragging me across the floor as I struggle, screaming and crying.

I've been in situations like this before, and the familiarity of it is enough to break me. Why do people always treat me like a toy, a puppet to be used and sold?

I know I'm small and light, easy to toss around and unable to fight back. But I'm still a person. And I'm worth 900 dollars.

The cold air hits my face as I'm thrown outside, landing on my knees.

I try to stand, to run, but I'm pulled back and thrown into the backseat of a fancy car.

The leather seats cushion my fall, but my head slams against the car door.

My head feels heavy, and I let it fall to the side, resting awkwardly on my shoulder.

Someone climbs in after me, pulling me by my feet so they rest on his lap. He binds my hands and feet with rope, then blindfolds me. I curl up in the corner of the car, hoping to disappear.

I don't have a home to go back to. I was unsure about staying at J's, and now it seems I don't have a choice.

I have no family or friends who would miss me. I have nothing. And yet, I feel like I've lost something. I'm 900 dollars.

Maybe I should be grateful; my father has sold me for less. Just when I thought I might escape the darkness, I'm being pulled back in.

Will this be the end of me?


8 years ago

“This is my daughter,” my dad says, introducing me to a middle-aged man in a grey suit. The man looks at me like I'm a piece of meat.”

What's going on? Who is this man? I haven't left the house in years, not since my mom died. Now my dad is introducing me to a stranger.”

“She's beautiful,” the man says, stepping closer and taking my hands. I pull away, earning a slap from my father.”

I hold my stinging cheek, deciding it's easier to just go along with whatever is happening. I can feel something bad coming, but I know I can't stop it.”

“What's your price?” Price? For what?”

"200 dollars,” my dad says, raising an eyebrow.”

“Really? Your daughter's virginity is worth 200 dollars? We have a deal,” the man agrees, shaking my father's hand with a smirk.”

My virginity? This man wants to have sex with me? And my dad's selling me for 200 dollars. How could he?”

I know he hates me. He shows me that every time he beats me. But usually, he's angry about something else. He wants to hurt someone else.”

And he always needs to control me, to control everything I do. Now he's selling me.”

My dad leaves the room, and I watch him go, leaving me alone with this strange man.”

“Take off your clothes,” the man orders. I look at him, not sure I heard him right. He grabs my jaw, squeezing until I'm sure it'll bruise.”

“Take them off.” He slaps the side of my face, raising his eyebrows at me.”

My hands shake as I pull down the zipper of my dress, letting it fall to the floor. His gaze is intense, focused on my chest.

Tears stream down my face, spilling off my chin and trickling down my neck. I stand before him in my underwear, the scanty pair my father bought for me, presumably for this very moment.

“Why did you stop?” His voice is menacing, prompting me to quickly unhook my bra, letting it slide down my arms to join my dress on the floor.

I've never been this exposed before, and I'm far from comfortable with my body. But as his eyes roam over me, all I feel is a deep revulsion.

I'm aware that my father is outside, having traded me to this man for sex, condoning this violation of his own daughter.

I peel off my panties, leaving them on the floor too. His gaze makes me feel numb. I'm sinking deeper into despair, feeling utterly lost and alone.


The car comes to a stop and I'm yanked out, tossed over a muscular shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

His hand rests on my butt, subtly caressing it as he carries me somewhere.

“Don't touch her,” a deep voice growls, and the man's hands immediately drop to my legs, securing me to his shoulder.

I can feel the shift from a warm environment to a cold one. I'm dumped onto a concrete floor, landing on chains.

Someone removes my blindfold, and I squint as my eyes adjust to the light. The room is dimly lit by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Looking around, I see that I'm alone. The room's bare walls are faintly marked with scratches and dark, dried bloodstains.

I curl up in the corner farthest from the barred door, resting my head against the wall.

Closing my eyes, I'm assaulted by flashes of the past, memories I've tried so hard to bury. I feel like a rag doll being tossed around all over again.

I thought I was escaping. But it seems there's no way out.

The door swings open with a bang, rebounding from the force.

“Put these clothes on,” a man commands, his voice icy. He's one of the leather-clad men from the diner. He unties my hands and feet. “Be ready in five minutes.”

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