A. L. Smith
How could she do this to me?
I had always been faithful. Despite the countless women who’d thrown themselves at me, I had chosen to stay true to her.
She flinched, but I didn’t give a damn. The man looked equally terrified as he fumbled with his pants.
Recognition suddenly hit me. He was one of my investors.
I would never lay a hand on a woman, but this man was fair game. I lunged at him, and with one punch, he was down. He tried to shield his face as I pummeled him, his arms eventually falling limp as he neared unconsciousness.
My knuckles were raw and bloody by the time I was done. They should have hurt, but I felt no pain, only fury.
“Chase!” Joanna screamed, tears streaming down her face.
“Don’t say another fucking word,” I warned, stepping toward her.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.
“Pack your things,” I spat out. “I want you gone by morning. Don’t let me find a single trace of you left when I return.”
Her cries echoed behind me as I stormed out of the penthouse, but I didn’t care. She had betrayed my trust and humiliated me. And once trust was broken, there was no mending it.
I didn’t realize where I was headed until I found myself at Lucas’s doorstep.
He answered the door in his bathrobe. “Jesus, what the hell happened to you?”
I barged in, anger evident in my every move. “I need a drink,” I said, rummaging through his bar until I found a bottle of something strong.
I needed to calm down or I’d do something I’d regret.
“I’ll fetch the first-aid kit,” he said, letting out a deep sigh as he took in the sight of my bloodied knuckles and the faint splatter of red on my white shirt.
Handing me the kit, Lucas took a seat on the armrest of the sofa next to me.
“It’s not my blood.”
He gave my shirt a quick once-over, letting out a small sigh of relief.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, watching as I doused my knuckles in disinfectant, wincing at the sting.
“I caught Joanna cheating on me,” I said, taking another swig.
“Damn. I’m sorry, dude,” he said, running his fingers through his hair.
“You weren’t the one she was screwing,” I ground out, my words laced with bitterness.
“You can stay here as long as you need to. You know you’re always welcome,” he assured me.
“Thanks. I just need a moment,” I responded.
He left me alone with my racing thoughts and the bottle of amber liquid.
I finished off most of the bottle before eventually passing out.
When I woke up, I was nursing the worst hangover. The events of the night before were a blur until I saw my bruised and battered knuckles.
I sat up and noticed Lucas had left headache pills and a glass of water on the table next to me. Grateful, I downed them.
The front door closed just as Lucas walked in.
What time is it?
“She’s gone. I made sure of it. The guy she was screwing will get what’s coming to him. I made a few calls this morning,” Lucas said, trying to reassure me.
“How did you find out who it was?”
“I looked at the security footage from last night,” he replied.
Lucas was always there when I needed him and always knew what to do in situations like this. He wasn’t just my best friend—he was more like family to me.
“Lucas, I—” I started, but he cut me off.
“No need to thank me. That’s what brothers do. Besides, if it were me, you’d do the same,” he said, smiling.
“You’re right,” I agreed, but I couldn’t manage to return the smile.
“I hate to break it to you, but she’ll be at the charity event this Thursday,” he warned.
Damn. I hadn’t even thought about that.
If I had to see her, I wanted her to feel the pain she had caused me. I wanted her to be green with envy.
I was known for holding grudges, and I never gave second chances.
Suddenly, the fiery figure in red from last night came to mind, and a wicked plan began to form. It could go horribly wrong or incredibly right. But at this point, I didn’t care.
“There was a woman at the party last night named Paris.”
Lucas gave me a knowing look as if to say, I see where you’re going with this. “She has a good reputation. From what I’ve heard, she never sleeps with her sugar daddies and keeps everything strictly professional. Perfect for a fake rebound. You want to hire her?” he suggested.
“No, I don’t want her. I want her friend. She said her name was Jade.”
“I haven’t heard of anyone named Jade yet. She must be new. Any particular reason why it has to be her?” he asked.
I shrugged. “No particular reason. But she’s definitely my type, so Joanna shouldn’t suspect a thing. Can you track her down and have her come to my office by tomorrow evening?”
“On it,” Lucas said, pulling out his phone.
I wasn’t sure why I wanted Jade, but she’d been on my mind since yesterday. There was just something about her…
I didn’t want a fling. But I needed someone who could convincingly play the part—a beautiful woman who wasn’t trying to get into my pants or my heart. Jade seemed strong-willed and confident, and she showed little interest in me. She’d be perfect for the role.
The only question was, would she accept it?
Of course she would.
Money was no object. I’d make her an offer too tempting to refuse.