Ravenous Book 2 - Book cover

Ravenous Book 2

Mel Ryle



Mia heard a soft knock on the open door and saw Richard standing in the threshold. Marjorie noticed him, as well, and smiled.

“You can stay here with your aunt. I’ll have a brief word with Richard,” she whispered to Mia before walking up to Richard.

She watched as her mother held out her hand, which he took without prompt. Both of them moved away from her side, and then Isabel returned, joining her by Leanna’s bedside.

“He’s a looker and a gentleman,” Isabel remarked with a teasing grin.

Mia couldn’t hold back her smile and nod. “I’m lucky to have him in my life.”

Isabel regarded her for another moment; her smile vanished. “How are you holding up? You look like you didn’t get much sleep.”

Her lips pursed into a mutinous line. “I slept enough and rested some more on the plane.”

“It’s a long journey, Mia. First, you should head to the hotel, get some more rest, wash up, eat, and come back here tomorrow.

“Your mother and I will be here to watch your aunt. She’s in good hands,” Isabel said in a motherly tone.

“Thank you, Isabel, for being here for my aunt, mom, and me,” she replied sincerely.

“Of course,” she said and smiled, placing a hand on Mia’s shoulder. “Mrs. Stanton is not just my employer. She is also my friend. And you’re my ahijada.” Isabel lightly kissed Mia’s head.

Although she had known her for only two years, Mia felt like she had gained another motherly figure in her life.

When Leanna took Mia on business trips, teaching her the ropes of managing a multimillion-dollar business, her aunt was professional as a mentor and boss.

Isabel took the role of a doting mother, giving Mia encouraging remarks and ensuring she ate and slept well. The dynamic reassured Leanna that she gave Mia a balanced environment.

After that, however, Leanna reverted to pampering Mia, taking her shopping, or a spa day after every trip.

These memories were a comfort to Mia. Nonetheless, she was apprehensive about whether or not her aunt could make a full recovery.

But there was hope from her mother, Isabel, and Richard. They were hopeful of Leanna’s health and recuperation. So, she, too, hoped for the best.


By the time they left the hospital, it was past seven in the evening. Richard grabbed some takeaway dinner before they got a cab to Hilton Hotel.

Once they checked in and got the room key of their deluxe suite, Mia started feeling sluggish from the day’s events.

As they entered the room, she shrugged off her coat and scarf and then jumped on the bed closest to the door.

“I feel better if ye eat something first before ye take a nap. Ye havna ate anything since this morning,” Richard ordered and grabbed her arm.

Mia groaned but otherwise allowed Richard to help her sit up. He then handed her a packed sandwich and a small size drink. Mia smiled after taking a sip of her beverage. It was sweet tea.

“Thank you,” she said after taking one bite off her sandwich.

Richard took off her shoes and shoes. “D’ye want to take a bath or a shower? If ye want to sleep early, I suggest the shower.”

Mia nodded since her mouth was full. She took another sip of her drink, giving her time to talk. “What did you and Mom talk about?”

Richard sat down on the other bed, taking her share of dinner with him. “She was just asking about you and told me about Leanna’s condition on what the doctor told her.”

“And?” Mia prompted when he didn’t expound.

“She had multiple bruises on her arms, legs, and face. And also a concussion to her head. But they needed to do an emergency surgery for the wound to her left arm, which got a piece of metal pierced in.

“It was an easy surgery, and they got the metal out. However, the concussion might be the reason she havna woke up yet. The anesthesia has lost its effect.

“Although, the doctors assured her that she would wake up. She’d been through an ordeal and a trauma.”

“I see,” Mia muttered as she trailed into thought. “Oh, and the police officer? Did the detective want me to report to someone?” she pointed out, remembering the earlier part of the phone conversation yesterday evening.

“Dinna worry about that. Yer mom dealt with it. The officer allowed her to take her signature. Yer in the clear.”

“Oh, good. That’s good to know,” she muttered again and took another bite off her sandwich.

“And also, yer mom handed me this,” Richard said and pulled something from his pocket. It was a key. “She said we can stay at the condo or something. I dinna ken what she meant but told me ye’d know.”

Mia held out her hand to him, and then Richard gave her the key. She dangled the key and saw one of the keychains had a leather embossed with the word haven on it.

Then, with a smile, she placed the key on the bedside table between them, taking back her half-empty drink.

“It’s one of my aunt’s places. And my mom uses it to get away from my dad, after what happened—you know, in Scotland,” she informed.

“Och, aye,” he said and nodded. “Yer mam is verra braw to remain with yer da. I wouldn’t want to stay with a man like him.”

Her lips twitched at Richard’s remark. “That’s true. I have asked her on one occasion if she wanted to divorce him.”

Her smile was gone as she recalled from a memory of their conversation. “She said she can handle him, and she’s not afraid.”

Marjorie Harnett looked demure, timid, and shy. Her petite and small stature, her soft and calm voice, and her kind eyes looked harmless, which made her an easy target.

Mia could see how similar they were in that regard. Hence, it was why she became amiable in Erik’s eyes. A helpless lamb in front of a hungry lion.

After she took that trip to Scotland, uncovering an array of secrets and ploys, Mia saw a different side of her mother. She was not a helpless lamb but a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Marjorie knew the man she married. And for the past three years, Lance Harnett couldn’t contact Mia because of her intervention.

“Ye have her courage,” Richard noted. “I’ve seen it in you many times, which is why I ken ye can overcome many obstacles.”

Uncertain how to respond to his compliment, Mia beamed. Richard smiled back and then nodded at her sandwich, letting her know to finish her dinner and wash up before bed.


Mia woke up late in the morning the following day. She noticed Richard sitting by the window coffee table, sipping his morning caffeine. Her eyes squinted from the bright sun behind him as she groggily got up.

“Mornin’ love,” Richard greeted.

“What time is it?” Her voice was thick from sleep. She cleared her throat. “Why didn’t you wake me up? Does is the restaurant in the lobby still open for breakfast?”

“Ye needed the sleep. And ye have time to eat. It’s nine in the mornin’,” he replied, and a flash of realization crossed his expression. “Oh, yer phone rang twice earlier. I dinna want to impose and answer it for you.”

Mia pursed her lips and took the purse she left by the bedside table last night. She pulled out her phone from the inner pocket and checked the unanswered calls to see the caller I.D.

“It was Isabel,” she informed him before returning the call.

It rang twice before Isabel picked up. “Hello, Mia. Good morning. How are you? Were you able to get some proper sleep at the hotel? The restaurant by the lobby serves breakfast,” she said.

“I rested well, Isabel. Thank you for booking the hotel room for us last minute. I’ve just woken up, so I will be getting my breakfast in a bit.”

“Oh!” Isabel exclaimed. “I should have known you’d be resting most of the morning. I hope the call didn’t intrude on your sleep. I’m sorry, Mia.”

“No, you didn’t intrude. My phone ringer wasn’t too loud, so it didn’t wake me up,” she reassured her. “Is there an emergency? I saw you’ve called me twice.”

“Ah, yes, it’s not much of an emergency. But I got a call from Mrs. Stanton’s lawyers this morning. They want to meet with you as soon as you are available,” she informed intently.

Mia paused for a moment and sighed. “Of course. Let them know that I’m available to meet them today. You know I’ll be at the hospital later.”

“Would you rather meet them somewhere else? It’s a formal meeting, and they might be coming to you for business matters,” Isabel suggested.

“How about I let them meet you at the hotel restaurant for lunch? You can come to the hospital after you’ve talked with them.”

She considered her advice and deemed it was the best choice. “Yes, that seems better indeed. Would you give them a call and let them know if we could have the meeting at the Hilton for lunch?”

“Okay, Mia. I shall let them know and call you back after I get the reply.”

“Thank you, Isabel.”

Richard overhead the conversation on my end and could piece together the content. “Why are Leanna’s lawyers looking for ye?” he asked with interest.

Mia shrugged and returned to her luggage, taking out her travel-sized toiletries.

“I’m not sure. Maybe they needed something from me because of the accident, like insurance or something. But Isabel said it might be business-related,” she replied.

She turned to Richard, waiting for further thoughts on it. He shrugged as well. “Yer guess is better than mine,” he stated.

“You’re right.” She nodded and gestured to the bathroom. “I’ll shower first, and then we can head down for breakfast.”

Richard held up his small coffee cup and smiled. “Take yer time.”

Immediately after Mia showered and changed, she got a call from Isabel, setting up the time for her meeting with Leanna’s lawyers. Isabel offered to make the lunch reservation for her.

After another call from Isabel, finalizing the lunch venue, Mia and Richard got ready to head down for breakfast.

However, Mia got another call. She saw the caller I.D. and answered, “David? It’s been a while. How are you?”

“I’m fine, and you? How’s Richard?” he asked and quickly added, “I presume you’ve already been to the hospital. Mom called me last night, and I just got out of my night shift. How is Aunt Leanna?

“She’s stable. Are you visiting today? Richard and I are heading there in the afternoon. I have to deal with some business on Aunt Leanna’s behalf.”

“I’m heading there. But I have to head back home to shower,” he replied. “Where are you staying now? I can drop by if you’re staying at Aunt Leanna’s penthouse. This is not just a mere house call.”

Mia liked her younger brother because he didn’t dilly-dally if he needed something. And he was the only person, besides her mother, who she trusted to tell her the truth.

Since she was short of family members who lied to her, David was the only brother she truly loved and respected.

“No, I’m staying at the Hilton. If you need to talk to me now, we can meet at the hotel’s restaurant for some late breakfast. Richard and I are heading down to eat. Where are you now?”

“I’m still at Mercy Hospital. I can join you at the Hilton. Will you be able to wait for me?”

“You’re good. I have an appointment for lunch, though. Do you think we’ll talk long?”

“No, this will be quick,” he replied. “Will you be buying breakfast?”

“Of course,” she answered with a scoff.

“Thanks. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. See you.”

Richard had been patient throughout the conversation. But he didn’t need to ask since Mia relayed the plans to him.

“David’s joining us for breakfast. He said there was something he wanted to talk about.”

“Aye, d’ye ken what that is?” Richard asked, and he gestured to the door.

Mia walked ahead in thought. She replied to his query when they reached the elevator. “I have my guess, but I hope I’m wrong.”

As they exited the elevator and walked to the spacious lobby, Mia got a sense of being watched. She slowly got goosebumps from the back of her neck and arms.

However, Mia kept walking while her eyes searched for something out of the ordinary. In the corner of her eye, it was then she saw a figure built similarly to Erik.

Her heart nearly dropped to her stomach and a chill washed over her.

“Mia? Is there something wrong?” Richard asked, stepping in front of her line of sight.

She got a moment of reprieve, bringing her composure back. “I—ah—I think I just saw—” she stuttered and trailed off while peering around Richard, looking in the direction she saw the man.

He had the same dark hair and style. Yet the longer Mia looked, the more she realized it wasn’t him. Instead of Erik, an unfamiliar man in a similar dark suit stood in his place.

Since she hadn’t responded, Richard turned and searched for what caught Mia’s gaze. “D’ye ken him, Mia? D’ye wanna go back to the room?” he worriedly asked.

With a flushed face, Mia shook her head and sighed. “I’m sorry, Richard. I didn’t mean to worry you and overreact. I just thought I saw—but it wasn’t him.”

There was a crease between Richard’s brow as he observed Mia. “Ye dinna have to apologize or make excuses with me, Mia. No matter how absurd it may seem, I willna doubt or judge ye for it.”

Her heart tightened at the sincerity of his words and the look of love in his eyes. How could she have thought he’d react differently? Hadn’t she known him long enough?

“Thank you, love,” Mia said and grabbed hold of his arm, turning him in the restaurant’s direction. “Let’s go and have breakfast. I’m hungry.”

There was a moment of hesitation in his eyes, but Richard smiled and followed her lead.

Reaching the restaurant, they were directed by the maître d’ to a corner seat by the window, giving them a view of Michigan Avenue. She let their waiter know that they expected another guest in a few minutes.

While they waited for David to arrive, they got their meal order and drink and munched on some bread and butter.

However, they didn’t have to wait long. David was punctual as he entered the restaurant, escorted by the maître d’ to their table.

“I see you’ve already ordered,” David said before sitting down. “Hi, Richard. You look like you’ve settled well in the city.”

Richard slightly grimaced. “Aye, ‘tis a lovely city ye have here.”

“Despite the current situation, I hope you actually get to see the city rather than the not-so-touristy spots,” he said with a bleak smile.

Mia glared at her brother, turning his attention towards her. “And Mia, welcome home. How have you been faring? Already the tycoon-heiress, so it seems.”

“And you’re still the same, as I see, even if you’ve added a title to your name,” she countered. “How’s work? How’s life, and particularly, how’s Mom?” she veered the topic to the usual questions.

“Ah, yes, the family. My work’s been good, but I’m on night shifts at the moment. So I’ve only seen Mom at least, uhm, once a week, maybe—it depends on my work shifts. You know how it is,” David replied, seemingly guilty.

“But I know that she’s fine, and Dad or Hendry are civil with her. She’s mostly cooped up at Aunt Leanna’s place, which was why I thought you’d be there.”

“Ah, yeah, Mom did offer us to stay at the penthouse. But I’m not sure how long we’ll be staying yet. Although, I do have to deal with the business and staff as Aunt Leanna’s beneficiary.”

He nodded. “Of course, I can see that happening. And I presume you need to go back to Seattle for both your work and business,” he said while gesturing at Richard and Mia.

Richard kept quiet most of the conversation but replied to David’s statement.

“Aye, I need to head back for work. But if Mia needed to be here to be close to yer aunt and to manage the business, I could make it work.

“I have already told my boss about the current situation. Vaguely,” Richard said and then turned to Mia, surprised by his answer.

Mia leaned toward Richard and asked, “When did you talk to your boss?”

“This morning while ye were asleep. I was going to tell ye once I got a response from Mr. Zimmer.”

She considered his answer and nodded. Mia then turned back to her brother. David talked to the waiter, telling him his meal order. Once he was done, Mia addressed his reason for wanting to meet with her.

“What did you want to talk to me about that you couldn’t say on the phone?”

David regarded Mia for a moment, considering something. “Would you rather eat something first? I would suggest it.”

She rolled her eyes and gestured to him to go on. “I don’t have a weak stomach.”

“I’ve seen you throw up once before—” he challenged, but then Mia stopped him with a look. “Okay, well, it’s about our monstrous father.”

Mia closed her eyes and sighed.

“Are you sure you want to hear this with an empty stomach? I’d rather have you eat something before you lose your appetite,” David asked teasingly, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted.

“Go on while I’m still in the mood to listen,” Mia stated firmly.

“Ah, well, here’s the thing,” he said and paused, searching Mia’s expression. “He wants to have a meeting with you.”

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