Sweet Temptation - Book cover

Sweet Temptation

Merra Gischan

Chapter 3: The Icy King


Liam Kingston, Kingston Tower, Avenue Street, 22nd Floor

Chloe’s gaze shifted from the address on her phone to the imposing building before her. She suddenly felt underdressed in her white camisole, baby-pink cardigan, and ripped jeans. Everyone in the building seemed to be wearing business suits, and she couldn’t help but feel out of place.

I’m not here to impress anyone or find a job. She shook off her insecurities and took a deep breath before stepping inside.

At the front desk, two security guards had her fill out a guest form and handed her a pass for the elevator. As she made her way through the lobby, she couldn’t help but notice the curious stares from the people around her. She ignored them, focusing on the task at hand.

Deep down, she wondered why she felt so insecure about meeting someone she didn’t even know. Don’t overthink it, she told herself, hoping that Scott’s brother wouldn’t be as cold as the building’s atmosphere.

When the elevator doors opened, Chloe caught the receptionist, Gwen, giving her a judgmental once-over. She approached the desk, trying to ignore the woman’s scrutiny.

“Um, excuse me, I’m here to—”

“We don’t have interviews scheduled for today,” Gwen interrupted without looking up.

Chloe chuckled softly. “No, I’m here to see Mr. Kingston.”

At the mention of his name, Gwen’s eyes snapped to Chloe, scanning her from head to toe. “What’s your name? And do you have an appointment?”

“Chloe Sweets. Um, I guess… he’s expecting me.”

Gwen checked with Liam’s assistant before directing Chloe to a nearby couch. As she waited, Chloe found herself drawn to the view outside the building, the sky offering a sense of calm.

“Ms. Sweets?”

Chloe turned to see a genuinely friendly-looking woman with glasses. “Yes,” she smiled.

“I’m Nina, Mr. Kingston’s assistant. He’s in a meeting, but he’ll see you as soon as he can.”

Chloe was about to suggest rescheduling when she noticed Nina’s nervousness. Is she afraid of her boss? she wondered.

“I understand if he’s busy and wants to reschedule. I don’t mind at all,” Chloe reassured her.

Nina visibly relaxed, thanking Chloe before leading her to a spacious office with floor-to-ceiling windows. Chloe felt small and out of place in the luxurious room.

Before she could say anything to Nina, Liam Kingston entered, striding to his desk without acknowledging either of them.

“Um… Mr. Kingston, Ms. Sweets is here.”

“Yeah, I know,” he replied curtly, tossing his tablet onto the desk. “Hold all my calls and tell the board I’ll be back soon.”

Nina nodded and left the room, leaving Chloe alone with Liam. His presence was intimidating, his icy expression and commanding aura making her knees weak.

“Ms. Sweets, let’s make this quick and simple,” he said, taking a deep breath.

Chloe tried to ignore the magnetic pull she felt toward him, focusing instead on the reason she was there. But his dark hair, strong jaw, and the hint of stubble on his face made it difficult to concentrate.

“Miss Sweets?” Liam prompted, tilting his head and slipping a hand into his pocket.

“Y-yeah. Sorry!” Chloe stammered, her mind snapping back to the present. “Your brother said—”

“How much do you want?” Liam interrupted, pulling out a checkbook. “Check or online transfer?”

Chloe blinked, confused. “I…don’t understand…”

“Your sister and my brother have been dating for a few months, and now he wants to marry her. I doubt it’s because of love.”

He circled his desk, stopping in front of Chloe. His voice was cold, his eyes unyielding.

Chloe was speechless for a moment. Does he know Melanie is pregnant with Scott’s child? “H-have you talked to your brother? I mean, really talked? I’m here for—”

“Your shop. I know,” Liam interrupted again. “Ms. Sweets, just tell me how much you need to rebuild your shop. And how much for your sister to leave my brother, Scott?”

Chloe stared at him, disbelief and anger rising within her. “I’ll tell you what,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Don’t worry about my shop. I built it once; I’ll do it again.”

She took a step closer, her hands clenched into fists. “And as for my sister and their decision to get married, that’s their choice! Maybe you should discuss that with your brother!”

With that, Chloe turned on her heel and stormed out of the office. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Kingston,” she called over her shoulder, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

She didn’t stop until she was out of the building, her mind racing with thoughts of calling Melanie. But first, she needed to calm down and focus on Jeremy’s project.

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