Kenzo - Book cover


Ivy White

Chapter 2: Prentonville


Staring at the ticket in her hand, Rebecca is startled when a man jumps at her and she doesn’t expect it. Not that she ever would—still, he pulls her to the side, holding her arm.

“Can I have your name, miss?” the young boy with blond hair and blue eyes asks Rebecca. He wears a black suit, white shirt, metal tie, and black, polished shoes.

Rebecca stares down at his shoes, and her reflection stares back at her. She doesn’t look very well. It could possibly have something to do with traveling to a country she’s never heard of before.

Raising her line of sight, Rebecca gives the man a shy smile.

She’s not a social person and never has been, so when a man she doesn’t know asks her for her name, she doesn’t know how to take him or if she should give it to him.

Still, she decides to be respectful because she’s standing inside the airport for work purposes.

“Rebecca Ferez, sir.”

“I have to ask you a couple of questions before you jump on the flight.” The man stands tall, towering over Rebecca. Rubbing her arms, she looks up at him through innocent eyes.


“Do you know which family you will be serving tonight?”

Bizarre question, she tells herself, standing her suitcase upright and crossing her arms.

“No. My boss told me that they paid good money for our services. That is all I know about this job, oh, and I know that it’s in Prentonville, wherever that is,” Rebecca tells the man, who nods his head.

“All that I can tell you is that you need to keep both eyes closed and don’t listen in on any conversations.”

Rebecca stares at the man, confused, and he stands in front of her waiting for her to give him an answer to what he said.

“I guess I have no option.”

“You always have an alternative, miss. I can ask Mark for somebody else to replace you if that’s what you would prefer.”

“No. I’m sure I will survive.”

“You sure? This is the last chance you have to turn back around and go home.”

“Yes.” Can we get this over with yet? Rebecca rolls her eyes, and the man nods his head, pulling out a small pad filled with lined, gold paper.

“Print your name there and include your mark underneath. This means you will not talk about anything that you see or hear.”

Taking the pen from the man’s hand, Rebecca prints her name and signs underneath it as neatly as she can.

Her hand is shaking because she’s feeling nervous, and her stomach is churning, but she doesn’t know why.

“Follow me if you don’t mind, miss.” The man in the black suit walks away from Rebecca. The way that he walks tells Rebecca that she’s about to step foot on an island for the riches.

For her to need to sign her name on a gold piece of paper and be ushered to the plane, it sends off warning flags inside her mind, but she disregards them. It’s only work, she tells herself.

Rebecca follows the man until he opens a red door at the front of the plane. Stepping foot inside the room, Rebecca is in awe as she stares at the room, which screams billionaire territory.

Now she wants to know who she will be serving.

She’s not a woman who hangs around with those wealthy enough to own a room like the one she’s been given, and Rebecca knows the room didn’t come out of Mark’s pockets.

So, who is this mystery family?

There is a shower room with a glass entryway at the rear of the room. Red velvet dividers with white-marble walls polish off the interior.

Two red leather seats are placed in the center of the room with an extra-large bed at the back, secured with silk, red covers.

This one room must be worth a fortune and is breathtaking with a dark, glass bar on the left holding costly glass bottles of alcohol that you might only see on a TV program as a prop.

They could be for show purposes only, Rebecca thinks to herself, grinning. The attention to detail is astounding!

“You are in VIP for this trip with a fully stocked bar open to you. Make an effort not to stress, the bar tab has been secured for you.

“Have an awesome flight,” the man tells Rebecca, who turns to face him, feeling ecstatic.

“Thank you so much for everything,” Rebecca tells the man, and he nods his head, closing the door behind her.

Now what to do? she asks herself.

Resting on the silk bed, she glides her legs across the material as she inhales the scent of roses, the fragrance drifting up her nostrils.

She doesn’t take in the exquisite lifestyle, and instead of enjoying the moment, she falls asleep on the cushioned bed.

How a girl could fall asleep when she doesn’t know where she’s going, she doesn’t know, but she’s awoken from her crazy dream of running away from a hit man on a beach to her exciting lifestyle.

“We have landed, miss.”

Rebecca feels the man tapping her on her shoulder, which makes her suddenly jolt away from him, shuffling her small body up to the top of the bed, her back leaning up against the black, velvet headboard.

“Thank you, sir,” Rebecca shouts out, startled, wiping her eyes. The man grins, looking down at her, and she stands up, stretching out.

Truth be told, she didn’t expect to fall asleep, never mind having a man watching over her. He even woke her up when she was sleeping.

Her parents have never woken her up in her bedroom before, so why is the young man doing it to her in a VIP suite on an airplane?

Then again, they probably have a schedule to stick to, Rebecca reminds herself.

Standing up, she walks out of the plane, struggling to balance herself. She’s half asleep, wiping her eyes and glancing over her shoulder at the man who follows closely behind her.

The man slides past her on her right side and strolls ahead of her. Cameras are pushed in front of Rebecca’s face, and she holds her hands out.

The man moves the camera crew out of her way, clearing a path. What the hell is going on? Rebecca walks quickly, and the man grabs her hand, pulling her behind him.

Why would a camera crew want her attention? She’s only going to serve food to a wealthy family. Maybe that could be the reason why, possibly.

The man pulls Rebecca into his side as they walk quickly down the halls and skip security. Double doors slide open, and the man lets go of her hand.

Rebecca takes a second to breathe in the warm air and closes her eyes.

Remembering that she’s in a different country, Rebecca opens her eyes to see beautiful blue skies and a cliff that she gazes down from.

She can see staggering blue waters in the distance and a white seashore that lies beneath at a breathtaking height.

She knows that it wouldn’t be a good idea to jump down from the cliff into the water because your bones would snap on impact. You simply wouldn’t live to tell the story.

The man snatches her arm, guiding her across a field of grass. Rebecca isn’t paying much attention to the way that he’s manhandling her.

In fact, she is looking at how beautiful the views are. She’s even forgotten about her white suitcase, and she still hasn’t asked the man for his name.

A mansion comes into view as they walk across the grass.

The building must be an estate of houses all pushed together, she thinks to herself as her stomach turns upside down.

This family definitely has money, but the next question that enters her mind is where they get it from. A business possibly.

The mansion is made out of white marble! The paths, the building, and the plant pots.

The marble pathway travels straight down the center of the grass, leading to a gigantic, white-marble mansion. A pool sits halfway up the path.

Grass surrounds the outside of the mansion with trees following in a perfectly straight line down the left and right side of the building.

Three marble steps level out to another set of five marble steps. There are two swinging doors created out of metal and painted black.

The windows are black, floor-to-ceiling, with two balconies coming off two of them on the second floor of the building.

Rebecca knows just by looking at the building that the family never cleans. It’s spotless and large. The family would need to have a cleaner to be able to cover such a broad area.

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