My Possessive Mate - Book cover

My Possessive Mate

Jade H.V.

Chapter 4


It was late at night and I still wasn’t asleep. Natalie was asleep next to me, and I was just watching her to keep myself calm. Police had come, cleared the body, and the detectives got to work.

I hadn’t seen any yet, but no doubt I will tomorrow. Natalie too.

I looked towards the door as it opened slowly, light coming in.

Probably Dad.

“Are you awake?” I heard and closed my eyes.

Not Dad. ~

Ryder? ~

“I said, are you awake?” he demanded.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Ryder?” I snapped back, turning and sitting up. I met his blue eyes before his hands gripped my arms a little.

“Say you want to come with me right now.”


“Excuse me? No. I don’t,” I replied and got that growl back. “Get out!”

“Don’t tell me what to do!” he yelled back as he pulled me out of bed.

“Hey! Let go—”

His hand came over my mouth, and I struggled, gripping his wrist.

“Milly?” Natalie said, sitting up. “Hey! Milly!” she screamed, getting out before there was someone else. She kept screaming until she was muffled too by a hand.

I kicked the walls and door as Ryder forced me out of my room and towards the stairs. I shook my head hard in hopes I’d get his hand off.

“No point. No one can hear you,” he whispered in my ear before I was over his shoulder, and he was holding my bare legs and walking up the stairs.

“Ryder! You fuckhead! What the hell are you doing?!” I half yelled, half cried, but he didn’t reply. “Dad!” I screamed out but stopped when I looked around the tavern and it was completely empty.

I tried rolling off, but he only held me tighter.

I gasped a little when everything became cold, and we were outside. I looked back and realized Natalie was forced to follow by the other man, who I didn’t know, but he was smaller than Ryder.

He held Natalie softly though, bridal style, and he was speaking to her, keeping her quiet.

“Ryder, let the fuck go or there’ll be trouble.”

“Trouble’s my middle name, love,” he replied, and I gulped as my gut started fizzing a little. Painfully from being on his shoulder with him running.

Every moment, we were getting further away from the tavern, the empty tavern.

Where’s everyone gone? Why the hell was Ryder there? And what the heck are they going to do? ~

Kidnap us? ~

“Ryder, enough with the game. I know I’m your favorite toy to piss off, but this is going too freaking far!” I yelled, and he stopped.

I squealed a little as he pulled me down and in front of him, his eyes digging into mine.

“What are you trying to get out of this?”

“You,” he growled back and turned me, holding my shoulders. I stopped when I saw a car, a nice black SUV but no.

“I’m not getting in that.”

“Yes, you are,” he replied huskily, and I shoved his hands off, but he only grabbed me again.

“Ryder!” I yelled, struggling and pushing on his big, thick chest. “Let go of me!”

“Milly!” I heard Natalie scream a little before a car door closed. I turned back and saw her crying in the window.

This is real. ~

“This is too fucking far, even for you!” I yelled, hitting Ryder again, but he didn’t seem disturbed by it at all.

I screamed again as he picked me up, and I kicked at the car before he shifted me away and opened the door.

I landed against Milly before the door closed again, and I kicked it as hard as I could, but it closed.

I tried it, but it was locked.

I watched Ryder get in front of me, behind the wheel as his friend got on the other side.

“I thought you said it’d be easy?” the small guy said, chuckling a little.

I moved my hands over Natalie’s face to wipe her tears.

“What do you want from us?” she asked, her voice cracked and quiet.

“You’ll see.”

“What fucked up world did you end up in?” I muttered. “Are you working for people? People who hate our dad and the gang?”

“This isn’t about your dad and the other bikers,” Ryder replied, and I went to hit him, but his friend caught my wrist.

I cried out a little as he tightened before he let go when Ryder had his fist in his shirt.

“Don’t fucking touch what’s mine,” he growled, and I moved my hand into my lap.

“I’m not yours.”

“Yes, you are,” he snapped back, speeding even more. I looked back at Natalie, and she looked at me before she put her head on my shoulder.

“Where are you taking us then?”

“Home,” he replied, and I balled my hand into a fist.

Where the fuck was that?

“Where was everyone?” Natalie asked.

“We set up a diversion up the road they all took off to,” the small boy answered. “They did leave you someone but we took care of it.”

“What do you mean you took care of it?” I asked, shrinking back a little and holding my sister tighter. The men looked at each other but no answer was given for my question and I knew what they meant.

Natalie started crying silently, and I brushed my lips against her head as I kept my eyes closed.

“Hey, don’t cry please,” the little guy whispered, moving his hand back to hold Natalie’s. She pulled away though, and I caught the pale and sad expression that took his face.

He doesn’t even know her. ~

“Don’t touch her,” I snapped.

“I’ll do what I want with her,” he growled back at me, and I tightened my hand around Natalie’s.

He turned back around, and I leaned against the door as I watched the world outside pass, and we were driving even further away from Forks.

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