Samantha and Jake loved each other since they were fourteen. They had plans for the future, but he left her at the airport to become a football star. Broken-hearted and crushed, she begged him to call her back; she was holding a secret. Six years later, Jake returned, wanting to make amends. Is it too late? How hard will he fight?
Age Rating: 18+
She parked her jeep in the long-term lot, humming a tune and wearing a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
She tossed her long braid over her shoulder, grabbed her bag from the backseat, and locked the car. She wheeled her small suitcase to the shuttle pickup point and waited.
She knew the silk dress she’d packed would be a wrinkled mess, but she couldn’t risk being seen with a garment bag. She’d just have to get it steamed at the hotel.
The sound of the approaching shuttle snapped her out of her daydream. She greeted the driver with a smile, climbed the steps, and took a seat at the front.
She told the driver her airline as they moved to the next pickup station. She leaned back in her seat, her mind wandering to the exciting days ahead.
She was about to marry the man she loved with all her heart.
Ten minutes later, she stepped off the shuttle and headed to the meeting spot they’d agreed on. They were supposed to check in together. She glanced at the wall clock and realized she was early.
She killed time by scrolling through her phone. When she looked up, fifteen minutes had passed. Jake was never one for punctuality, so his absence didn’t surprise her.
As more time passed, worry began to creep in. After forty-five minutes, she felt numb. She sat there, determined not to shed tears in the middle of the airport.
She checked her phone again. No texts. No missed calls. She wasn’t going to reach out to him. She refused to be that girl.
The wall clock ticked on, marking the departure time of their flight. She stood up, trying to keep her chin up, and walked back to the shuttle pickup point.
She got back in her jeep, paid the parking fee, and drove home. It wasn’t until she was halfway there that she realized tears were silently streaming down her face.
She pulled up to her dark house, thankful that everyone was asleep. She left her luggage in the car and climbed the stairs to her room.
At the last moment, she bypassed her room and went straight to her mother’s. She walked in, closed the door, and climbed into bed next to her sleeping mother.
Sally woke up when she felt her daughter climb into bed with her. She was surprised. She’d overheard Sammy and Jake talking about eloping tonight.
She was a little sad about not witnessing her only daughter’s wedding, but she also found the idea incredibly romantic. She was a sucker for a good love story.
She turned to look at Sammy and saw the tears on her face. She sat up quickly, switching on the bedside lamp.
“Samantha, honey, what’s wrong?” she asked, placing a comforting hand on her arm.
Sammy broke down, sobbing at the touch and warmth of her mother’s hand.
“He’s gone…” she whispered.
Sally’s heart shattered for her daughter as she understood what Sammy was saying. She pulled her close, holding her until Sammy fell asleep in her arms.
Sammy couldn’t believe what was happening. She called her mom into her room. Their bond had always been strong, but it had grown even stronger since that night several weeks ago. She started crying as her mom closed the door.
Without saying a word, Sammy handed her mother the pregnancy test.
Sally sat down next to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her. “Well, then we have some plans to make, Samantha…” She kissed her forehead.