I Choose You - Book cover

I Choose You

Kelsie Tate



“YOU’RE the doctor?” I asked, my eyes wide.

Standing in front of me in a white coat, looking all handsome, was Zach Townsend. Except apparently, he was Zach Townsend, M.D.

“Jessie? Gosh, come in, let me check you out.”

Please do… I thought to myself before mentally smacking my dirty mind.

Zach made Dean sit out in the waiting room since he wasn’t immediate family or a traveling companion. When I looked back, I could swear I saw a look of jealousy on his face.

“Okay, can you sit on the exam table?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist to help me up.

“Yep,” I managed to stutter, trying not to let the contact fluster me.

“So, what happened?” he asked as he removed my shoe.

I winced. “I was walking around the farmer’s market and twisted my ankle in a hole.”

Zach nodded his head. “Yeah, it’s pretty swollen. I’ll get some ice and some ibuprofen to help get rid of the swelling. We’ll wrap it to keep it supported.”

“Thank you.”

Zach looked up at me with a warm smile before looking away again, “So…that guy…is he?”

I shook my head, “Oh, Dean? No, I just met him at the bazaar. He was there when I fell so he helped me get here.”

Zach nodded silently as he worked. “Well,” he placed his hands on his hips. “That should do it. I want you to keep off it for the next day or two. Do you need a ride home?”

I shook my head. “No, my car is parked over at Ruth’s. I’ll just walk over and get it.”

Zach looked at me hesitantly. “Mmm… Okay, but at least let me help you down the street to your car.”

Zach wrapped his arm around me again and helped me off the table. I could feel myself blush even though I was trying my hardest not to.

When we walked out, I had expected Dean to have left, but I saw him stand from a chair and walk over to us. “You’re okay?” he asked.

“I’m okay. Just a twisted ankle.”

“Good, well let’s get you home to rest.” Dean attempted to take my hand but Zach backed away.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got her,” Zach said, keeping his hand on my arm.

“That’s alright, doctor, I can help her out. You have patients to see.”

I was beet-red from embarrassment. Were they seriously having a pissing match right here in the waiting room? “It’s okay Zach, he’s right. You take care of your patients. Thank you for your help.”

Zach let go with hesitation and a small scowl. He eased me into Dean’s arms and we limped slowly out of the office.

“Thank you for staying and helping me back to the car. You didn’t need to do that,” I said as we reached the car.

“It was a selfish attempt to see you again,” he winked. “I know it’s a bit forward, but would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”

“Well…” I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that. I had told myself I was here for me-time. “Dr. Townsend said I need to stay off my foot for a day or two.”

“Okay, then how about Wednesday night?”

I couldn’t exactly think of a reason to say no. And I liked his company, he was fun. “Okay. Wednesday.”

“Awesome. Here’s my number, text me when you get home, and I’ll send you the details.”

“Alright, bye.” I smiled with a wave as he walked off.

I got back to the cottage and made my way inside, collapsing on the couch. I rested my feet and closed my eyes. It had been a busy morning. I woke a few hours later to hear the doorbell ring.

I limped to the door and looked out the peephole to see Ruth’s smiling face. I opened the door with a smile. “Ruth! What a surprise.”

“Oh, you poor dear!” she said as she looked me up and down. “Zach called and told me you had hurt yourself. I am so sorry, dear!”

“Oh, no fuss, it’s just a little twisted ankle. Lost the battle with a hole in the grass,” I replied as Ruth walked in, and I limped back to the couch. “What’s up?”

“Well, I knew you would be put up for a couple of days so I brought reinforcements. Here’s a couple of good girly movies and some snacks.”

“Ruth, you’re an angel!” I smiled.

“Oh hush, it’s how things work here. We take care of each other. Now if you need anything at all, please call me. I’ll be right over.”

“Thanks Ruth,” I smiled as Ruth walked out the door.

I made my way to the bags of snacks and smiled at her thoughtfulness. She was a sweetheart.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out and watching the movies Ruth had brought. It was nice and relaxing, no need to get up and do anything.

The next day I spent the whole day at the cabin. Most of it out on the back deck.

Maybe Dean was right, I feel more alive when I sit among the trees…, I thought as I looked up at the giant redwoods.

I snuggled into my blanket and continued reading my book when I was interrupted by the doorbell.

I groaned before slowly making my way to the door. “Ruth, I promise I’m still alive, you don’t need to keep checking on me!” I hollered as I limped toward the door. I opened it and was surprised to see Zach outside.

“Zach! I mean Dr. Townsend, what are you doing here?”

He gave a warm smile. “I had a house call in the area and thought I’d stop in to check on your ankle.”

“And what’s in there?” I asked, pointing to the bags in his arms.

“Dinner. I figured you’d be hungry, and since you’re supposed to be keeping off that foot, I thought I’d bring you some.”

I smiled and turned to walk back through the house.

Zach rushed to put the bags down and wrapped his arm around my waist, ducking his head under my arm so it could rest on his shoulders. “Here, let me help you sit down.”

“It’s really okay, I can manage.”

“I bet you can, but it’s the doctor’s orders so there’s nothing I can do but help you,” he replied with a smirk. “I took an oath and everything.”

I rolled my eyes as I sat down. He knelt below me and lifted my ankle. “May I?”

I nodded and he began to unwrap the ace bandage from my injury. His hands brushed the skin of my ankle, sending sparks through my body.

“Well, it’s looking a lot better. Have you been icing it?”

“A little, along with some more ibuprofen,” I replied.

“How does it feel when you walk?”

I cocked my head to the side. “It’s a bit sore, but definitely feeling better than yesterday.”

“Good.” Zach wrapped my ankle back up and walked into the kitchen. “I hope you like Italian.”

“I love everything,” I laughed.

Zach spent a while in the kitchen, making my stomach rumble from the wonderful smells coming from there.

I walked in and sat at the table as he brought two plates. “So, what’s for dinner?” I asked, rubbing my hands together.

“Spaghetti carbonara,” he smiled.

“Oh! So, you’re a doctor AND a chef?”

Zach laughed as he grabbed a bowl full of salad. “Or I got tired of having to drive thirty minutes away for good Italian.”

I laughed. “I understand that! I think I’m going through withdrawals—I haven’t had Chinese takeout in over a week!”

As we ate, we made lighthearted conversation, and I enjoyed the company. Zach seemed kind and genuine. I could tell there was a sadness in him though, and I wondered what it was.

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