Mandie Steyl
I wasn’t in the mood for this.
I went to the other exit and saw Bimbo Barbie and her side chick heading my way, so I decided to chance it with the guys and head back to the main exit.
Opening the door, I was immediately met with a furious Draque.
“What took you so long?” he asked through clenched teeth. I gave a sigh and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my shoulder and I froze.
The pained expression on my face gave it all away, and before I knew it, he was standing behind me, lifting my shirt. I panicked, turned around, and slapped him before I ran for it.
My legs were burning, and my lungs tried to kill me. After pushing myself at the gym and then running after school, I felt relief wash over me when I walked into a quiet home.
A note on the table confirmed that Dad was away and would be back in three weeks. I went to my room to take a shower and wash away this awful day.
I stood under the water, waiting for it to magically heal my bruised body but gave up when it started to run cold. I got out and dried off before checking myself in the full-length mirror in my room.
I opened the towel but kept my front closed as I watched my back with tears in my eyes.
The gashes were bright red and swollen. Some had opened up again with my running.
“The fuck!” I heard a voice yell from outside. My eyes looked up at a fuming Draque watching me from the house next door.
I saw Mr. Flirt himself behind Draque, smirking at me, his eyes going from mine to the mirror behind me that showed off a great view of my naked ass.
I felt my blush running across my body as I ran to the window and closed the curtains.
I didn’t even have enough time to put my clothes on before I heard a loud banging at the front door. Rolling my eyes, I put on my sweats and jogged downstairs to open the door.
I expected to see Draque but was greeted by a smirking Flirt Boy.
“Oh God, what?” I said with an exaggerated sigh, popping my hip to the side and crossing my arms in front of me.
He noticed my pushed-up boobs and licked his lips before looking back into my eyes.
“I told you I lived next door, didn’t I?” he said, winking at me. He didn’t get to say anything else before he was yanked back, and I was staring up at Draque.
My five-foot-three frame was so overshadowed by his six-foot-nine frame that I had to crane my neck to look into his eyes, the usually stunning crystal eyes now an angry dark green.
“What happened?” he whispered just loud enough to be heard.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said with a sigh. Turning to go back into my house, I felt his hand wrap softly around my wrist.
The electricity that shot up my arm from his touch was enough to make my heart flutter, and I felt the tears in my eyes, but I didn’t want to show them this side of me.
I just turned and repeated myself, hoping they didn’t see the tears and broken girl inside.
He sighed and slowly let go of my wrist. I took the opportunity to slide back into my house. I went up to my room, changed into my pajamas, and went to bed by six.
I slept like a baby for the first time in a year and didn’t have to wake up at five to avoid awkward confrontations. In fact, I overslept and was late for school.
I jumped out of bed and called for a cab while wiggling into my black skinny jeans, a bright pink blouse, and white wedges. I untied my hair and left it loose with my natural curls.
As I applied some light makeup, I was happy to see my face looked a lot better than yesterday, with minimal swelling. My back felt better too.
By the time I was done, the cab had arrived. I rushed down to grab an apple for the road and left the house. By some miracle, I was only five minutes late and rushed to my first class.
Everyone looked at me as I walked in. As the new girl, I got a lot of nasty stares and comments about being late, and two guys had a ton to say about my ass in these jeans.
I just rolled my eyes and took out my books. Time flew by and before I knew it, the bell rang for lunchtime.
I decided to go to my locker to pick up some books before I went to the cafeteria. To my surprise, the halls were empty, as if they had a giveaway special at the cafeteria that I didn’t know about.
Walking to my locker, deep in thought, I didn’t notice Draque was following me until he pushed me against my locker.
My front was pressed up against the cold lockers and Draque pressed his body tight against my backside, his one hand pressing against my stomach and the other hand holding my hands behind my back.
My brain forgot how to function, and my vagina took over the moment I felt his breath tickling my right earlobe. An involuntary moan slipped past my lips.
I could feel his smirk against my skin before he gave me feather-light kisses down my neck. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the tingling feeling of his body against mine.
His hand moved from my stomach to cup my breast and pinch my nipple through my bra, making me moan out and grind my ass harder against his groin.
Someone clearing their throat broke us from the hot and heavy moment we were in, and I felt him tense up against me.
“Fuck off, Marcus!” he growled. I took the opportunity to wrangle myself out of his hold. I turned and ran to the cafeteria, leaving him cursing behind me.
I let out a slight giggle before I ran into Evan, slamming my nose into his solid chest.
I took a step back, rubbing my nose and looking up at a laughing Evan, his baby-blue eyes twinkling in the light. I gave him a sideways hug and heard a growl behind me.
Draque’s eyes were shooting daggers at Evan. Marcus was by his side. I rolled my eyes, hooked my arm in with Evan’s, and dragged him to the cafeteria to get our food.
We waited in line when Kenna (the one kitchen lady) called me over and handed me a tray laden with food, winking at me before going back into the kitchen.
I looked down and my mouth watered at the sight of all the food. I was never a salad kind of girl. I wanted my burger and fries and everything nice.
“Damn, girl, that’s not fair,” Evan said, looking down to his tray and back to mine.
He only had mac and cheese, yogurt, an apple, and a soda while I had a double cheeseburger, fries, yogurt, an apple, and juice.
I rolled my eyes at him and offered to trade.
“No, it’s okay,” he mumbled. I giggled at his moping face.
We got to the table and got the same reactions from everyone regarding my tray. Before we knew it, we were all laughing.
“Since it’s Friday and we have the game tonight, do you want to join us?” Evan asked me, looking hopeful. Everyone waited for my answer.
“Uhm… yeah sure, what time and where?” I saw a flash in his eyes and his smile grew bigger when I gave my answer.
“The game starts at six. Afterward, we can go to that new club I told you guys about,” Liza said with a wink. She was sitting between Mona’s legs and looked around for confirmation.
“Hell yes!” Mona said.
“That sounds like fun,” Elsie said, looking at Nathan.
“I’m always in,” Nathan said, winking at Elsie, who blushed. We all looked at Evan who was busy stealing one of my fries.
He looked up mid-bite, face blushing bright red as we laughed at him. “I’m in,” he said after swallowing and winking at me. Now it was my turn to blush.
Evan cleared his throat and motioned with his eyes for me to turn around.
I turned and locked eyes with Draque. His dark-green eyes were staring at me, his jaw clenched hard under his scowl.
I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. His eyes widened at my gesture and a sly smirk appeared on his gorgeous face. I had to force my eyes away from him and back to Evan, who was now scowling.
“Stay away from him, Skye,” he said through clenched teeth. His eyes turned a darker shade of blue and I could feel his anger pulsing around him.
I rolled my eyes, but before I could protest, the bell rang. He jumped up and stormed away.
“What was that about?” Mona asked as we took our trays back inside. I told her I had no idea. She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
The speaker went off with an announcement and we all stood still to listen.
“Since it is our first football game of the season, the rest of the classes are canceled. Go home and rest up!”
There was a round of applause and cheers before everyone took off to go to the lockers and head home.
I was standing at my locker, getting all my stuff since my last attempt didn’t go as planned. I got everything out and went to the exit to start my journey back home.
“Skye, wait up!” I turned around to see Mona pushing through the crowd and cursing some asshole that bumped into her without apologizing. I giggled at her scrunched-up face when she reached me.