Renege - Book cover


P.G. Shox

Chapter 3: Za-fro-steen


The castle’s labyrinthine corridors could easily confuse a newcomer, but not me. I could navigate these hallways blindfolded.

As a child, I’d often lost my way, but those days were long gone. Now, my days were filled with royal duties that kept me on my toes.

Most people might think being a king is all about luxury and leisure, but only the one wearing the crown knows the burdens it carries.

Sometimes, I wished I could trade places with one of my subjects: toil all day for a living, then return to a loving family waiting at home.

But I knew I couldn’t do that. I was born and raised to be the rightful king of the werewolf empire, and I would never shirk my duties and responsibilities.

I headed to my office on the first floor, where my beta was waiting for me, ready to unload a fresh batch of problems every morning.

My beta was a pain in the ass, but despite his annoying habits, I wouldn’t replace him. He was excellent at his job and one of the few people I trusted.

I walked into my office to find Elijah lounging in a chair, his feet on my desk and hands behind his head. Like I said, he’s a pain.

“How many times have I told you to keep your dirty feet off my desk?” I scowled at him.

“There’s my favorite grandsire!” he greeted me with a wide grin, his strong English accent matching mine. He jumped up and wrapped me in a bear hug. “Oh, how I missed you!”

I pushed him away as soon as he embraced me.

“You saw me eight hours ago,” I said flatly. He was such a drama queen.

I took my seat on the other side of the desk.

“That’s a long time. Of course, you wouldn’t understand. I’m the only one who puts effort into this relationship—”

“Say one more word and I’ll feed your tongue to the vultures.”

“Meanie,” he pouted, his lips sticking out like a pig’s snout.

“Let’s get to work.”

He quickly sat down, and with a serious tone, he began updating me on the latest rogue attacks, revolts, and treaties.

At the end of our discussion, I was on my feet searching for files when Elijah spoke up again.

“Ros?” His voice was hopeful, which I chose to ignore.

“Yes, Elijah,” I replied, not looking up from the file in my hand.

“An alpha from one of the North American packs called yesterday. He’s invited you to his sister’s wedding.”

“And I assume you already told him I won’t be there.”

“No, I didn’t. I wanted to discuss it with you first.”

“You know I don’t have time. Besides, you should know better than to expect me to attend weddings. I’m sure the alpha won’t be upset.

“There will be alphas from all over the world. Alphas, betas, their sisters, daughters, and many more females.”

“What are you suggesting, Elijah?” I turned to look him in the eye.

“I think we both know what I mean, Ros. Don’t pretend you don’t feel the emptiness in your heart. I see the longing in your eyes when you look at Charlotte and me.

“I know what you’re feeling because I felt the same before I found Charlotte. You might find your mate at the wedding.”

“I don’t have a mate.”

“Bullshit! You just never tried. Ever since you took the throne, you’ve buried yourself in work, consumed by the weight of your responsibilities.”

“I am the king, Elijah. People are always trying to hurt me or those I love to get to the throne. It wouldn’t be fair to the girl mated to me.”

“Then protect her, you bastard! Remember when I was hesitant to claim Charlotte? You promised me that you wouldn’t let any harm come her way. I pledge to do the same.”

“If that’s not enough, you have an entire pack standing behind you, ready to lay down their lives for you. Look, mate, I just want to see you happy for once.”

For the first time, hope sparked in my heart. Maybe I did have a chance at this.

“Call the alpha. Tell him his invitation is accepted.”

I caught a glimpse of his wide grin as I left the office.


Friday came quickly, and I found myself buzzing with excitement and hope. The thought of finding my mate was incredibly exhilarating.

The wedding was tomorrow, so I left tonight, as it takes eighteen hours to reach Dakota from Karasjok. I left Elijah in charge, as I needed someone to oversee things in my absence.

I asked Marvin, my valet, to tell the pilot to prepare the private jet. He looked surprised, which wasn’t surprising, as I rarely left the pack, let alone to attend a wedding.


The plane ride was uneventful, filled with important calls and sleep. I straightened up when the pilot announced we would be landing in fifteen minutes.

I went to the restroom to change into my suit and freshen up. I put on a black tuxedo and returned to my seat as the plane began its descent.

I could feel my wolf stirring in the back of my mind as I disembarked.

I saw two figures approaching me, but what was strange was that as they drew closer, a tantalizing scent of berries filled my nostrils, growing stronger as the two men neared.

Two emotions filled my mind: contentment and anger.

I was well-versed in the topic of mates, and I didn’t need anyone to tell me that the scent belonged to my mate.

The two men were soon standing within a couple of feet. I could literally smell my mate on the brown-haired one.

Rage consumed me, and I was shaking with anger, my hands clenched at my sides.

The brown-haired man radiated a strong alpha aura. They both bowed in respect.

“Welcome to—”

“Why do you smell like my mate?!” I roared, my chest rumbling with a fury I couldn’t contain.

Their faces twisted in confusion, which only stoked my anger. How dare they hide my beloved from me!

“Excuse me, Your Majesty?” the alpha asked.

“You’re drenched in my mate’s scent. Have you been near any female tonight?” I managed to spit out the words.

“Not at all—Oh, wait—you mean Scarlet!”

Just hearing her name sent a thrill of pleasure down my spine. “Scarlet”… such a beautiful name.

“What’s your relationship with her, pup?” I asked, my voice a low, threatening growl.

He looked irritated when I called him a pup, but he answered anyway.

“She’s my sister, Alpha.”

I exhaled a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding, and a weight lifted from my chest.

“Take me to her,” I commanded, my voice echoing in the room.

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