Wyndham Series - Book cover

Wyndham Series

J Goddard

Chapter 3


“What’s going on? Is there a problem?” I responded, confused and afraid that Miles had talked her out of hiring me.

“No, no, no, of course not, dear. We were just discussing how, even though you have all this experience from back home, we’re a bit concerned that you may need some proper training in a restaurant that’s well known in the city and proven successful,” she said, sounding excited.

“Isn’t your restaurant already a success?” I asked, growing more confused by the second.

“Oh no, not quite, dear. It makes good revenue, but not what I have planned for the future. That’s where you come in. I want you to be a part of the success of my restaurant, and I want you to be up and ready for the challenge.

So Miles thought, wouldn’t it be a great idea if you worked alongside him, so he could show you the ropes for the next month or two. Then you could come back and join me in making this restaurant all that it can be.”

She said the last sentence almost squealing, she sounded so excited about it.

“Oh, are you not going to be available for training?” I asked, subtly trying to talk her into going in another direction.

“I could train you here, but wouldn’t it be great for you to get some real training in one of New York’s most elite restaurants? Then you’d be ready to work here and manage my restaurant!”

I fell silent.

“Did you not like that plan for some reason?” she asked suddenly.

I shook myself out of my shock as I imagined Miles smirking beside her.

“No, of course I do! I was just surprised is all. I didn’t expect to be training under Miles.”

“I know, it’s such a great opportunity for you, and I in turn will get one of the best restaurant managers anyone could ask for. I have a great feeling about you, Callie.”

She sounded so happy on the phone, Callie couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s a great opportunity. I can’t thank you enough,” I responded, now softening.

It isn’t Mrs. Wyndham’s fault, I thought. ~Miles seems to be playing some sort of game with me. But I refuse to give up that easily.~

“Not a problem, dear. Once I’m done with the standard reference checks, I’ll call you, probably by Wednesday, and we can get your training started...”

She paused for a second and I heard her whispering off to the side. “Oh yes, that’s probably best... Callie, you still there, dear? Miles wanted me to ask if it was okay that I go ahead and share your number, and then he’ll text you his. That way, you can easily get ahold of each other when you start working together.”

I was seething now and I held the phone with such fury.

“Yes, of course, it makes perfect sense to me,” I said through gritted teeth, hoping it sounded like a cheery voice. She hardly noticed.

“Great, okay. I’ve taken up too much of your time already. I’m just so excited. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.”

She hung up before I could even respond.

What just happened? How did I go from a wonderful new job, starting my new life, to working for a man that I have had on my hit list for the past five years?! How in the world am I going to avoid a man that will now be training me and could make and break my entire career?

I was practically on the verge of crying. I must have looked like a crazy person about to have a fit to the employees in there.

My phone once again made a “ping” in my bag, startling me out of my train of thought. I fumbled through the bag once more, almost dropping my phone in the process. That would have been a great way to end this roller-coaster day.

I grasped my phone in my shaky hands and looked at the screen. Sure enough, there on the screen was the message I knew I would receive.

“It’s been a long time, Callie. I can’t wait to work with you.”

Oh, there were plenty of innuendos in that statement.

Yup, chuck it up, buddy. I know exactly what game you are playing, and I know exactly how to play it.

“I’m looking forward to it too, Mr. Wyndham~. I’m happy to learn all I can about the ~Restaurant Business~ from you and keep things completely ~Professional~. I’m sure that, under your guidance, I’ll be completely ready to manage your lovely cousin’s restaurant. We wouldn’t want to disappoint her.”~

I sent out the text and hoped that he would get my point. I wasn’t interested in playing his rich boy games, I just wanted to get my training done and help Mrs. Wyndham make her restaurant great. I watched the dots come up, indicating he was typing a message. Finally, it popped up.

“Yes, Callie, I’m definitely looking forward to teaching you Everything~ that I know.”~

I held the phone, mouth gaping, shocked at the audacity of this man.

Who does he think he is? Does he not know what harassment is? I’ll be an employee. He can’t talk to me this way.

I could have screamed right there and then, if it hadn’t been for all the guests and employees off to the side already looking at me funny.

I threw my phone back in my bag, refusing to text back. I needed to go home, take a shower, and pour myself a glass of wine. I needed to relax with my roommate, celebrate the fact that I’d at last found a great job that I could be proud of, and forget all about Miles Wyndham.

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