The Greystone Ridge Pack - Book cover

The Greystone Ridge Pack

Arri Stone

Chapter 2: The Pack


Greystone Peaks was one of the largest mountain ranges of forestry and lakes in the country and was run by two of the largest packs: the Greystone Ridge Pack and the Red River Pack.

The road that traveled through and around the lakes was popular, with people going away and having small breaks or some much-needed quiet time.

Although, a lot of youngsters came for holidays before they headed off to go to university as they wanted a last blast of freedom. The cabins and lakes provided the much-needed escape for most of them.

There were signs to warn people as they drove along of wild animals which roamed free within the mountain range. Most of the time, we stayed out of the travelers’ way when in wolf form.

“Sebastian, go do a perimeter run; there is a batch of newbies coming in today. I want to make sure that group at the top of the ridge has left,” Hawk, my alpha, barked at us through a mind link.

We made sure we look after the cabins; after all, they brought in some money for us.

The main office, which was situated at the beginning of the mountain roads, was the furthest away part along our border.

This was where keys were handed out and the travelers headed off to their cabins.

We had a couple of employees within the tight circle of humans associated with us. They were well paid to serve the visitors who came here, and they only interacted with one of the higher-ranking officers here, myself included.

We had our own large pack house as well as several lodges located slightly further off-track and along our boundaries. I made my way around the perimeter.

The lands were divided. Our mountain range met the lake, a mutual ground between us and the Red River Pack. They had a slightly flatter woodland on the other side.

We kept any interaction between the packs to a minimum, as they always ended up in brawls. The Greystone Ridge Pack had many cabins, which we rented out to normal people. This was one of our ways to make money.

The Red River Pack didn’t have as many cabins as us, but they had the luxury of having them around their side of the lakeside because the lands were flatter.

I struggled to find a mate. Yet again, it had been increasingly hard these last couple of years for all of us.

I had traveled on the outskirts of our borders in the hope to meet and pick one up from another pack, but with no such luck.

My alpha had been pushing me to go over and see if there was someone from the Red River Pack. It was about the only time that our two packs met and interacted, unless it was for business.

Usually, if a mate was found, the female was expected to leave her pack and join her mate’s pack. This, on its own, caused problems.

“Sebastian, the season has nearly finished. You will have to wait another nine months to see if you find your mate,” Hawk mind-linked with me while I was running.

My alpha had been worried for me as I still hadn’t found my mate yet; it was obviously playing on his mind. A strong, mated beta will strengthen the pack further.

“I’ve tried, you know I have, but not one female has drawn me to them. They don’t get me hard either,” I answered him straight back.

I’d been having problems, not that I would like to admit it to anyone, but my alpha and luna had known for the last few weeks, and my sexual energy had been tense, to say the least.

“Listen, go do the border patrol and cabin checks, burn some of that pent-up sexual energy that you have. Come back and report to me before you head to the check-in lodge. I don’t want the Red River Pack hunting on our grounds.”

I ran off down to the lake and along their borders. My wolf loved being free. I was coming back after I checked up on some of the cabins to make sure the group of guys we had is gone.

Normally, guests stayed a week, occasionally two weeks. We cleaned and readied the cabins for the next guests.

I gave the go-ahead for those to come and clean the cabins.

Some of the young females found themselves being hit on by fellow travelers, not that they would mind, but with them being young, they had no control over how powerful they can be.

Plus, it was now forbidden to have any form of relationship with a human.

After a quick mind link with Hawk to tell him I was on my way back, I arrived at the pack house as he appeared from the mountain pass, which led up to the couples’ cabins of the pack.

It was pretty obvious what he had been up to.

“What’s up?”

I changed back into human form, and he slung me a pair of shorts to put on.

With a quick glance about to check no one was around, he threw his arm over my shoulder.

“I have been informed that there is a group of young girls coming. I have booked them up in the Ridgetop cabin as I want them as far away from the lake as possible. I don’t trust the Red River Pack after last year’s fuckup.”

He growled and tensed his body. “I want you to keep an eye on them; make sure there are no lingering wolves about.”

“Yes, I cleared two young males on our border yesterday. I’ve informed Josh and the other border patrols.

“We can tell them to get lost when they encroach on our territory, but at the lake, they have more control, which is where the incident happened last year.”

A girl, who was staying in one of the cabins closer to the lake in the Red River Pack area, had fallen for Max, one of the warriors from our pack.

Only when he found her shacked up with a hot-blooded male from the Red River Pack, things went crazy. A huge fight started out; they turned into wolves, and she was caught in the crossfire.

It was a bloodbath, and the girl had to be reported dead from a wild animal attack. So, now we were forbidden to have anything to do with humans, apart from looking after them and keeping them safe.

“They could arrive anytime after midday, keep your eyes open.” Hawk rubbed his forehead. “I have a meeting with the alpha of the Black Moon Pack; something has come in and attacked one of their young females.

“They don’t have many in their pack, and obviously have reached out to us for help because the Red River Pack can’t be trusted.”

“Yes, because they always want something in return.” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’ll make sure the newcomers are kept safe.” I gave him a slap on his back. “Are you taking Star with you?”

She was the luna and a great peacemaker between the packs; she also calmed Hawk when he got riled up about things.

“Along with two warriors, Jeffery and Wyatt.” He jerked his head and I turned to see them arriving.

“Keep the newcomers safe, that’s all I ask, and for whatever reasons, keep minimum contact.”

He changed into his wolf, and the other two followed and disappeared off.

I went to my room in the pack house, showered, and changed before making my way down to the check-in office. It could be a long afternoon, depending on when they arrived.

I walked in and greeted Linda, the girl who worked behind the desk.

She fluttered her eyelashes at me and I inwardly groaned. “Does she never give up?” My wolf moaned inside my head.

“Have the new people arrived yet?” I crossed my arms in the hope it sent her the signal that I was not interested.

“No, not yet.” She flicked through the check-in book and glanced up at the place where the keys hang.

“I’ll wait outside.” I didn’t hang about for her answer.

Outside, I inhaled a deep breath to clear my lungs of the crap perfume that Linda was wearing. “She must have just sprayed before you arrived,” my wolf coughed out. I didn’t mind hanging outside, waiting.

I checked my watch for the tenth time, wondering where these chicks were, when a car appeared. It pulled up and two girls clambered out. “We made it.” The driver of the car smiled.

“Only after getting lost three times.” The other girl rolls her eyes.

“Let’s go check in and get to our cabin.” The driver motioned for them to go in. Another girl got out of the car and three of them went inside to check in.

I was sure alpha said there would be four girls.

I turned to face the car, and there was a head of black hair leaning against the window.

It was slightly open, and although I could smell all sorts from whatever they had been eating on the way up, a hint of vanilla drifted up my nose and excited me.

I tilted my head, trying to get a better look at the girl, and something stirred inside me. My wolf leaped about, excited. “Mate,” he calls out.

Time froze for me when she stirred, eventually opening her eyes, meeting mine staring back at her. My heart stopped and I couldn’t breathe.

How could my mate be human?

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