The Greystone Ridge Pack Series - Book cover

The Greystone Ridge Pack Series

Arri Stone

Chapter 3: Strangers


I was dreaming of the wolf again. I couldn’t get it out of my head.

The journey up was a nightmare, just as I thought it would be. Tammy and Bella argued most of the way, and Cassie tried to keep the peace. I kept out of it all; they didn’t need me coming in with my views on things.

After the second time Bella got us lost, I fell asleep as I thought we were never going to make it.

I was now starting to wake up as the girls said we arrived. I smiled inside as Bella gave a little squeal of excitement.

The car stopped and I took a moment to myself as they all dashed out, without thinking about me. My heart started beating faster, and excitement filled me, but it wasn’t because of the holiday.

I opened my eyes and I was met by this man staring at me. His eyes shone a dark hazel and I drank in his facial features. Rugged, but handsome, and had heavy stubble around his face, as if he hadn’t shaved for a few days.

A buildup of electricity filled my veins until my whole body was vibrating. This man stood, not moving, as if he was as shocked as I was. I blinked several times in case I was dreaming, then swallowed.

My throat was dry and I needed a drink. I managed to take my eyes off him and found the bottle of water by my side.

His presence shifted next to me. The others came out giggling, and I thought I would get out and stretch my legs quickly before the final part of the journey.

As I got out, the others were drooling over the mystery man, eyeing him up. I gulped down the water and let out a satisfactory groan as my throat was so much better.

“Oh, you are alive.” Tammy chuckled as she moved over to me, giving her hips a wiggle as she did. It was all for the show, for this man, who stood still staring at me for some reason. She flicked her hair and bit her lip.

I rolled my eyes at her and the man smirked at me. A rush of excitement and arousal hit me. I tried not to make any noises, and squeezing my legs together didn’t help me one bit.

“Linda should have given you a map. If you follow this main road up and take the fourth track on your right-hand side, it will lead you to your cabin,” the man finally spoke, his nostrils flaring and his chest expanding.

“It is clearly signed. If you have any problems while you are here, there is a phone in the cabin and you will be able to reach someone anytime.” He finally blinked and I caught a spark of amber igniting in his eyes.

“Thank you,” Bella beamed at him, but he didn’t take his eyes off me, and I was becoming wetter between my legs for him. “Come on, let’s go.” Everyone jumped back in the car.

I was just about to get in when a hand landed on mine.

“Don’t go wandering off the tracks when you are here.” He was inches away from my face and I was sure I had a mini orgasm as his fingers brushed over the top of my hand.

“Oh.” It was more of a gasp than anything and I was sure he growled.

He dipped his head slightly as he spoke to others. “There may be wild animals, especially at night.” As he brought his head back up, his eyes locked onto mine.

“You wouldn’t want to be ravished by a wild beast now, would you?” he said quietly, and I was sure it was more directed toward me. He let go of my hand and held the door open further so I could get in.

The girls were all chatting away about what they would do first; I was lost in the man’s stare. Bella started up the engine and my door was closed.

He stood back and I watched him disappear into the distance as Bella put her foot down. Why did he affect me in a way I had never experienced before?

“Wow, he was hot. Do you think he runs the place?” Tammy giggled.

“He seemed to know where we were going,” Bella answers as she keeps her eyes on the road.

We passed the first exit on the right. “He said the fourth exit, didn’t he?” Bella gazed at us in the back via the mirror.

“Yes, the fourth exit,” I mumbled as I could still hear his words vibrating in my ear.

‘You wouldn’t want to be ravished by a wild beast now, would you?’ My heartbeat rocketed and the same warm tingling filled me.

I closed my eyes and imagined his hands trailing down my body, pinching my nipples with his fingertips.

“Ah!” the girls screamed, and Bella slammed on the brakes, making the car skid to a halt.

“Holy shit! Did you see that?” Cassie gripped the dash in front of her.

“Yeah, that was definitely a wolf.” Bella placed a hand over her heart. “Do you think we will be safe here?” She turned in her seat to look at us all.

“The guy said to stick to the tracks; if it was a wolf, then I’m sure it was just cutting across the road to go somewhere.” Somehow, the thought of wolves running near us didn’t bother me.

I had brought my drawing pad with me as I wanted to do some more drawings of the place and surroundings.

“Oh, so you were listening to him, not just eye-fucking him!” Tammy snapped at me, and already I didn’t like what she was implying.

Did she think every guy would be immediately attracted to her? Cassie was way prettier than her, but I always kept my tongue when it came to things like this.

We were great friends, but as we got older, Tammy seemed to think she was better than us all. She was the one who kissed a guy properly in our group, the first to lose her virginity to none other than Leo Huck, whom everyone wanted.

It didn’t last long, but afterward Tammy thought she was the bee’s knees.

“Shut it, Tammy, just because the guy didn’t show you any interest, it doesn’t mean you can have a go at Alice.” Bella raised her voice in the front.

I loved Bella. She was extremely vocal and not afraid to say what was on her tongue. The car was silent. “We are here.” Bella turned off the main road onto a stony track.

After a few minutes, we pulled up in front of a gorgeous cabin.

Tammy got out and slammed the door, going off in a huff. “Oh, don’t be so childish.” Bella jumped out and stomped after Tammy.

Cassie and I left them to it; things would blow over and everything would be back to normal. We started pulling the bags out of the back and taking them to the cabin. “We need to put all the food and booze away.”

Cassie unlocked the door as Bella had given her the key before running after Tammy.

“Didn’t that guy say not to go off the main tracks?” I chewed on my bottom lip as his face appeared in my head and the same excitement filled me as before.

“Ugh, Tammy can be so dramatic when she takes a huff.” Cassie rolled her eyes and we both chuckled.

“I’m making a pot of pasta for us all, I’m starving.” She worked her way around the kitchen, pulling out the things she needed.

I pulled the remaining things out of the car and decided Bella and Tammy could share a room, while Cassie and I would share the other.

Both rooms had gorgeous carved wooden beds with soft mattresses, and I’d say they were larger than a normal single bed.

It didn’t take long, and the other two appeared back. I let out a sigh of relief as I’d hate for anything to happen within the first hour of being here.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”

Tammy came up to me and gave me a hug, which I returned.

“We are here for a good time. This will be our last time together before we all go to different universities. Sorry, he was cute and clearly into you. I got jealous.”

She kissed my now-burning cheek.

“Do you think he liked me? It was very brief,” I questioned myself as I was not usually confident with guys.

“He couldn’t take his eyes off you; at one point, I thought he was going to kiss you.”

Tammy giggled. I was glad we were all back to normal again.

“I’ve put your bags in that room over there,” I pointed to the room on the left-hand side. “You should check out the beds.”

The steps and hand railings were all hand-carved. Tammy and Bella ran off to check them out, and I went to see if Cassie needed a hand.

Steam was coming off one of the pans while she was stirring a sauce in the other. I opened up the window nearby, and as I gazed out at the woodland, my breath hitched as I spotted a wolf.

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