The Bad Boy Wants Me - Book cover

The Bad Boy Wants Me

Tania Shava

Chapter 3

As she was packing up her books, the other scholars had already gone. Not that they even bothered to do anything in class. With such a teacher, she couldn’t blame them.

She would just have to work extra hard at home to make sure that she didn’t slack or anything. Lola was waiting for her outside the door. They waltzed down the hall to the cafeteria.

When her nervousness had gone away, she’d realized how hungry she actually was. She got a chicken mayo sandwich and a drink.

They went and sat at the back of the cafeteria. Skylar noticed that it was just the two of them, but she didn’t complain. She felt relieved. The sandwich tasted delicious and she munched it down.

Lola turned to her. “How was English?”

“It was okay, I suppose. I mean the teacher is not the best and I sat next to this couple and they were too touchy for my liking.”

Lola laughed. “Sounds rough. Did you make friends with the touchy couple?”

She shrugged. “I don’t think so. I got their names. Reign and Karly.”

“Reign and Karly!” Lola said.


“Wasn’t Karly bitchy to you?”

“A bit. She was about to be, but Reign stopped her and she said I shouldn’t forget her name. Why?”

“That’s odd. Reign usually never tames Karly when she is being a bitch. She is the queen bee of this school with her two little minions, Vivian and Beth.”

Skylar hoped she wouldn’t cross paths with them often. “Can you show me where my locker is? I want to put my gym clothes in there.”

“Sure.” Lola led her to the lockers. “Yours is directly opposite mine.”

Skylar opened the locker and put in some of her items from home. She would decorate her locker soon. The bell rang, and it was time for math.

Lola led the way and Skylar sat next to her. The teacher was at least decent, even though the class was only half full.

It was now time for Skylar to change into her gym clothes. She went with Lola to fetch her clothes and then went into the locker room. The bathroom was empty, and she put on her black jogging shorts, tank top, socks, and sneakers.

She came out of the bathroom stall. Lola was already done. “Damn Skylar, you look hot.”

When was the last time she had blushed? “Stop it, Lola.” She went to the bathroom mirror and her hair was still tied up and intact. She pulled it so it would be tighter.

“Ready?” Lola asked.

“As I’m ever going to be.”

Lola led Skylar outside. “I thought there was a sports center?”

“There is, but today we are doing athletics by the field.” The field was huge. The track was huge. It was marked, lines dividing the tracks.

They got to the field and the coach was already there giving instructions. “Get in line, girls.” They did as they were told.

The boys were sitting on the bleachers. “As I was explaining, ladies will run first. You will go around this field twice.” The boys cheered noisily.

“Quiet!” the coach’s voice boomed. Skylar was already at the back since there were a lot of girls. They were standing like marathon runners.

“On your mark, set, go!” The whistle went off. They started running and passed a bunch of girls. Lola began to slow down. Skylar kept going. She was competitive, and she wanted to make a good impression.

She was used to running for long periods. She often challenged herself and she pushed ahead.

On the second lap, she realized that more girls were lagging behind. She pushed more so that she could have a gap between her and the rest. She finished the race with an impressive gap.

The coach called her over. “Come here.”

She went over to him. “What’s your name?”

“Skylar Gray.” She heard murmurs between the boys by the bleachers, but she didn’t care for them. “That was really good.”

“Thank you, sir.”

The rest of the girls came filing in. They rested on the bleachers, chests heaving up and down. When Lola caught her breath, she sat up. “Damn Skylar, you run fast.”

“Thank you.” Skylar grinned at her.

“Some of the boys are not in attire. So you’ll all run ten laps next week.” Grunts could be heard among the boys, targeting the coach.

The coach carried on. “Don’t thank me. Thank your friends.”

They got dismissed early, and Skylar couldn’t be happier. She wanted to go home and sleep. She reached her locker and took out her backpack.

“Where do you live?” Lola asked.

“23 Ilkey Road.”

“We live in the same direction. It’s just that you live further up.”

They took their bags and headed home. “Bye,” Lola said as she hugged her. They had gotten to her house.

Skylar still had about ten minutes to go before she reached her destination. She walked faster so she could reach home sooner.

When she got home, she undressed and went straight for the shower. She scrubbed her body quickly and let the water trickle down her body.

When she was done showering, she felt refreshed. Even though it was afternoon, she changed into her pajamas. She felt very comfortable in them.

Instead of taking a nap, she decided to do her homework instead. She opened her books, but she felt drowsy.

When she was done with all her studying, her mom called her downstairs. It was dark out and she realized that she had been engrossed in reading for the whole time.

Her mom was sitting at the table, and Skylar sat across from her. There was a box of pizza and two cans of coke on the table.

Before she said anything, her mom jumped in: “Tell me about your day, Sky.” She was already munching on a pizza slice.

Skylar also opened the box and took a piece out. The pizza melted in her mouth. She was starving.

“It was okay, I guess.” She told her mom about Lola and how they met. But Skylar didn’t tell her mom about Reign and Karly. She didn’t want her to go into a rage.

When she was full, she got up. “Thanks for the pizza, Mom. I’m tired, so I’m going to bed.”

“My pleasure, honey. Sleep well.”

She headed back into her room, then switched off the lights and got underneath the blankets. Exhaustion took her over. She’d had a long day and she was glad that the first day of school was over and done with.

Her phone vibrated, and she saw a message from Lola.

LolaAre you awake?
SkylarYeah but I’m going to sleep.

She had barely slept last night because of the stress of being new. But now that was out of the way, she felt all the exhaustion that had been building up since yesterday come down on her.

She could barely even keep her eyes open. Her phone beeped again.

LolaOkay night
SkylarNight, Sweet dreams.

She turned off her phone, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.

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