The Midnight Favor - Book cover

The Midnight Favor

B. Anonymous

Chapter 3: The Campfire Confession

The house was humming with the warmth of a breezy Saturday afternoon. My girlfriend’s dad was holed up in his office, working away, while her mom busied herself with preparations for the evening’s campfire.

My girlfriend and her sister had vanished. They’d left a few hours ago, but I hadn’t asked where they were headed. I was still stewing over something Amy had said earlier.

As I made my way downstairs, Amy’s mom picked up on the sound of my footsteps.

“Hey! I hate to impose, but Amy and Sydney took off to a car dealership. Could you lend a hand with the campfire prep?” she asked.

“Sure thing,” I replied. “And…car dealership?”

Amy’s mom sighed, a clear sign something was on her mind, then said, “Well… as odd as it may sound, Sydney is buying a van.”

“A van?” I echoed.

“Yeah, a van. A sprint…something or other. I don’t know. She’s caught up in that trend where people convert their vans into mini homes,” she explained.

“Oh yeah! I’ve seen those online. They do look pretty cool,” I responded.

Amy’s mom chuckled, then sighed again.

“Yeah, they look cool… She’s been itching to do this for a while now, and I’m worried she’s actually going to go through with it,” she said. “But… I suppose there are worse things. I’m more upset with her sister right now.”

I gave their mom a puzzled look. I had an inkling of what she was referring to, but I wanted her to spell it out for me.

Her mom continued, “Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good girl, but I just… I don’t know.”

I kept up the confused look, hoping she’d spill the beans.

“What happened?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” her mom responded.

“Did she mess up? Is she failing a class? Did I do something wrong? She didn’t say a word to me the entire drive over here,” I pressed.

Amy’s mom looked guilty, realizing that her eldest daughter’s boyfriend was in the dark.

“Listen…you’re a great, good-looking guy,” she said. “When you get the chance, just talk to Amy. If she tries to brush you off, tell her that her mother asked you to.”

I nodded and spent the next hour helping her mom get ready for the party. All the while, I was mulling over how to broach the subject without stirring up a hornet’s nest.

An idea struck me. I remembered Sydney’s stash of edibles hidden in a shoebox under her bed. If I could slip Amy and possibly this Bryce guy some edibles, they might let their guard down enough to talk.

With Amy and Sydney still out, I decided to sneak upstairs to Sydney’s room.

Her room was bathed in soft, ambient light and the faint scent of weed hung in the air. I glanced at her bed and memories of last night flooded back…

I walked over and pulled the shoebox out from under her bed. Inside, there were a bunch of edible brownies. I grabbed a handful and wrapped them in a napkin.

I closed the shoebox, slid it back under the bed, and slipped out of the room.

Around 7:30 p.m., the guests started to trickle in. A few people came over to where I was, but none of them looked like a “Bryce.”

As more guests arrived, I saw Amy pull into the driveway, followed by a van.

I fetched some chairs from the garage and arranged them around the fire pit. Once I was done, I went inside and saw Amy chatting with her mom.

“Hey babe, how was your trip with your sister?” I asked casually.

Her mom turned around from the sink where she was finishing up the dishes. I could tell she was still miffed with Amy.

“It was good,” she said. “Sydney got a Sprinter van, and she’s over the moon about it.”

I nodded, waiting to see if she had anything else to say.

“I heard you were a big help to Mom with the campfire,” she continued. “Well, I need to freshen up. I’ll see you outside at the campfire.”

With that, Amy turned and headed upstairs to shower. No hug, no kiss…nothing.

I was already peeved with her, but I didn’t want to bring it up in front of her mom. I noticed that Sydney was still MIA, so I went outside to check out her new van.

It was a brand-new 2017 Sprinter van, and it looked pretty slick. Perfect for a mobile home. As I admired it, I realized Sydney was still nowhere to be seen.

She must be in her room.

I spent a few more minutes checking out the van as more guests began to arrive. Among them, one guy caught my eye.

He had that classic jock look about him. My gut told me he might be the “Bryce” Amy had mentioned on the phone.

Within the next twenty minutes, everyone had gathered in the backyard and the campfire was underway.

Everyone was eating, chatting, and knocking back drinks. As I was talking with some of the guests, I saw Amy emerge from the house with a drink in her hand.

She hadn’t spotted me yet and headed straight for a group of people where the guy I’d noticed earlier was. After ten minutes, I saw the guy leave the group and head over to the snack table.

Amy had her back to him, engrossed in conversation with her friends. An opportunity had presented itself, and I was going to seize it.

I sauntered over and grabbed a plate for myself. I took out the edible brownies that I’d swiped from Sydney’s room earlier and placed two of them on a plate.

I hid the plate behind some of the other food where it wouldn’t be easily spotted. I filled up my plate with one edible and other snacks as I sidled up to the guy.

“Fun party, huh?” I asked.

The guy turned around and responded with a hint of arrogance. “Eh, it’s alright.”

I got a snobbish vibe from him, but I kept up the small talk to see if he was the guy.

“So you from around here?” I asked.

“Yeah, the north side of town. Amy invited me here.”

I felt a twinge of nerves, but something deep down told me it was him. So, I decided to take a leap of faith.

“Ah, so you’re the Bryce I’ve heard so much about!” I said.

He shot me a puzzled look and demanded to know who I was. That’s when I started spinning my tale.

“I’m just an old neighbor of Amy’s from before she went off to college. We used to meet up every now and then for my brownies,” I explained.

His face was a cocktail of anger and confusion.

“Brownies? Are you messing with me, dude?” he spat out.

I pointed to my plate with a calm smile and, in my best stoner voice, said, “Absolutely, man. Ever tried an edible, buddy?”

His demeanor shifted instantly. “Oh, shit! You’re her dealer, my bad, man!”

I shushed him a little and asked him to keep it down. “Yeah, just don’t broadcast it, okay? I don’t want her folks finding out, you know?”

He nodded and apologized in a whisper.

I let him in on the two remaining edible brownies hidden behind the bowl of chips that he’d “accidentally” overlooked. He looked surprised and made a beeline for them.

Once he’d pocketed the edibles, I added, “Hey, just a heads up, this batch is a bit different. I focused more on flavor this time, but if you and Amy each have one, you should still feel the same effects.”

Bryce fist-bumped me and took off with the edibles.

As he rejoined the group, I slipped over to where his car was parked. The windows were down and no one was watching, so I quickly dumped the rest of the edibles into his car and pocketed the napkin.

I went back and grabbed another beer, noticing that Sydney was still missing. I asked their mom, and she told me Sydney was beat from the day and had turned in early.

For the next half hour, I played it cool, chatting with the guests while keeping an eye on Amy and Bryce. They each polished off a brownie and washed it down with cheap beer.

It didn’t take long for the effects to kick in.

Bryce and Amy were in stitches, their hands starting to wander. I could tell the others in the group were getting uncomfortable.

Soon, everyone was watching them, including Amy and Sydney’s parents.

I approached their mom and asked her to calm Bryce down while I checked on Amy. As Amy’s mom pulled Bryce aside, I made my way over to Amy.

“You doing okay, Amy?” I asked.

Amy spun around, looking surprised.

“Hey! Uhhh… Could you run to the store for me? I’m not feeling so hot,” she said.

“I can’t. I’ve had a couple of beers. I don’t think it’s safe for me to drive,” I replied.

She looked a bit anxious.

“Ugh… Could you at least grab something from the medicine cabinet inside?” She groaned.

When I asked what she needed, she burst out laughing. The people around her were giggling, more at Amy’s antics than anything else.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

She couldn’t tell me. The edible had taken hold. After a few minutes of trying to get her to talk, a loud commotion headed my way.

“What the fuck is going on!” Bryce bellowed.

Amy’s mom couldn’t hold him back as he stormed over to me. Amy’s eyes widened as she saw her mom trailing behind Bryce.

“I said…what the fuck is going on?” Bryce repeated, glaring at me.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied. “Amy, who is this guy?”

Amy went pale. She was speechless. I kept pressing her about who he was until she finally cracked.

“I…I’m sorry,” Amy stammered, tears welling up in her eyes. “I was stressed out from school, and I ran into Bryce; he got me weed. We got high a few months ago and…we kissed.”

Everyone gasped at her confession. I stood there in silence as Bryce glared at Amy and me.

“Who the fuck is this guy, Amy?” Bryce demanded.

Amy couldn’t bring herself to say it. She started laughing and crying at the same time. “I’m sorry, I was fucking stressed, okay!”

Bryce’s breathing quickened, and he stormed off. I kept talking to Amy, trying to coax more information out of her. It wasn’t long before she spilled everything.

She’d been overwhelmed with school when she met Bryce; he offered her weed, which not only sparked a romance, but led her to skip school and drop out of college.

That explained why she’d been acting so differently. As she started to sob, Bryce yelled, “Is this his car?”

Everyone turned and froze. Bryce was holding what looked like a makeshift Molotov cocktail made from his earlier beer.

“Is this his car, Amy?” he yelled again.

It was my car. My heart pounded as I feared he would wreck it. I looked at Amy, waiting for her to tell him to stop.

Tears streaming down her face, she yelled, “Please don’t, Bryce!”

In one swift move, Bryce lit the Molotov and hurled it at my car.

For a split second, there was a stunned silence as everyone, including me, watched my car go up in flames. Then, a bunch of people rushed Bryce and tackled him to the ground, stopping him from doing any more damage.

I turned to Amy as I noticed she was looking at me.

“I…am so…s…sorry,” she stammered, tears streaming down her face.

I stared at her in silence for a few seconds before finally saying, “Don’t…fucking talk to me.”

I turned on my heel and left the party. Amy’s mom stormed over to her, grabbed Amy’s wrist, and started scolding her in front of everyone.

I was heading to the other side of the house, away from the party, when my phone buzzed. I took a deep breath and checked it. It was a text from Sydney.

“I’m sorry about everything. If you need a warm bed for the night, I’d love to have you in mine. No tricks. No drugs. Just you and me.”

I stood there, lost in thought for a good five minutes. This summer had taken a turn I hadn’t expected.

Despite the whirlwind of emotions—anger, confusion, exhaustion—a warm bed sounded like heaven.

I took a deep breath and headed back to the house. As I got closer, the flashing red and blue lights of a fire truck caught my eye.

I slipped into the house through a side entrance, avoiding the crowd, and quietly made my way upstairs to Sydney’s room.

I paused outside her door, took a calming breath, and knocked.

“Just a sec,” Sydney called out.

I heard her footsteps approach the door. As it swung open, I found Sydney standing there in nothing but a bathrobe. Our eyes met and held in a silent exchange.

No words were needed. We both knew what we wanted.

Sydney stepped back, inviting me into her room. I stepped in, gently closed the door behind me, and locked it.

The flashing police lights outside cast a soft glow in Sydney’s dim room, just enough for us to see each other.

Our eyes still locked, I moved closer to Sydney, placing my hands on her hips. Without a word, we leaned in and kissed.

Our tongues danced as we pulled each other closer. My hands moved up her back to her neck, and I gently tugged at her slightly damp hair, tilting her head back to expose her neck.

My lips moved from hers to her cheek, then down to her neck as I tugged her hair a little more.

Sydney gasped softly and relaxed her shoulders, giving me better access to her neck. I moved in closer, kissing her softly, then began to taste her with my tongue.

“Mmmm…You taste amazing,” I whispered in her ear. “Can I take this off?” I tugged gently at her bathrobe.

Sydney untied her bathrobe, letting it fall open to reveal her ample breasts.

I stood there, captivated by her beautiful curves, relishing the fact that she was mine for the night.

As her bathrobe slid off and pooled at her feet, Sydney ran her fingers up my thigh and wrapped them around my throbbing cock.

She began to massage me gently as I kissed her again, her grip tightening as our lips met.

“What do you want to do to me?” she asked softly.

I ran my fingers up her arm, over her shoulder, and into her hair. I pulled her closer, whispering in her ear, “On your knees.”

Sydney immediately dropped to her knees and began to unbutton my pants.

I could feel my cock twitching in anticipation, knowing that Sydney was about to take good care of it.

Once my pants were undone, Sydney pulled them down along with my boxers, revealing my thick ten-inch cock.

Her eyes widened with excitement as she took my swollen member in her hand and brought it to her lips.

She licked her lips, then stretched her mouth around the head of my cock and began to suck. The sounds of her slurping filled the room.

Before, we’d been quiet, careful not to get caught. But tonight was different. The house was empty, and we had it all to ourselves.

With one hand in her hair, I placed my other hand on the back of her head, pushing myself deeper into her mouth.

Her throat tightened around me as her tongue brushed against my balls. She swallowed me whole, bobbing her head in rhythm.

Knowing how much she loved to be dominated, I began to fuck her face.

The slurping sounds grew louder with each bob of her head. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and Sydney remained on her knees, taking it all.

I pulled out of her mouth briefly to let her catch her breath.

She licked up the saliva and precum from her face and spat it onto my cock, then took me back into her mouth.

She swallowed me whole, her throat bulging with each stroke. After a few more minutes, she pulled me out of her mouth to catch her breath again.

She licked the saliva off her face, spat it onto my cock, and massaged it in, making sure I was thoroughly wet.

She stood up and led me to her bed, her hand on my cock the entire time.

Once her legs hit the edge of the bed, she released me and bent over, giving me a full view of her round ass.

She reached back with both hands, spreading her cheeks, and said softly, “Please…do me like you did this morning.”

I positioned myself behind her, resting my cock on her back, imagining how deep I could go inside her.

I ran my hands over her hips, then arched back until the head of my cock was resting on her asshole.

She tensed slightly but didn’t stop me. I spread her cheeks wider and began to ease myself in.

Sydney gasped and buried her face in the blankets.

Her thighs trembled slightly. I was only in her a little, but I could tell it was a tight fit.

She reached down and grabbed a handful of the blankets as I pushed myself deeper into her. The deeper I went, the more her legs shook.

I was about halfway in when she turned her head.

“H…harder…like earlier,” Sydney whimpered.

Earlier, I’d been so angry that I’d shoved myself into her without thinking about the potential harm. I’d been too caught up in my own emotions.

But now, she was asking for it. So I leaned in and whispered, “As you wish.”

I gripped her hips and pulled out, leaving only the head inside her. I let it linger there for a few seconds before I decided to give her what she wanted.

In a swift, forceful move, I drove my cock, all ten inches of it, deep inside Sydney. She buried her face into the blankets, muffling her scream.

I pulled back halfway, then thrust forward again. Her legs trembled and her ass quivered with each powerful push.

Sydney clung to the blankets, bracing herself as I stretched her ass. The intensity of my thrusts increased, her screams softened into moans.

After a few minutes, Sydney’s body began to give way. She tried to say something, but her words were muffled by the blankets.

With my cock still buried in her ass, I leaned down and pulled the blankets away to hear her. She was panting heavily.

“I…I want…on top,” she managed to say. “I…I won’t…last much longer.”

I whispered into her ear, “Good.” Then I pulled back, making her think I was going to pull out completely, only to surprise her.

I thrust all ten inches back inside her ass. Sydney let out a soft yelp and quickly buried her face back in the blankets.

I quickened my pace, pounding her from behind. It wasn’t long before Sydney’s body tensed up, then relaxed.

I arched back and pulled my cock out of her ass. Sydney collapsed onto her back, revealing a large wet spot on her bed.

“Was all that you?” I asked.

“You…you helped,” she replied, catching her breath.

I pulled the blanket off and sat down next to her. “Do you need a break?” I asked.

Sydney turned to me, pulled me down onto her bed, climbed on top of me, and said, “Not just yet.”

She positioned herself above my swollen cock, guided the head to her dripping-wet pussy, and began to lower herself onto me.

Before I could assist her, she took me in with ease. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as she placed her hands on my chest, slowly rocking back and forth.

With my cock buried deep inside her, I lay there, watching her breasts bounce as she picked up the pace.

My hands rested on her hips as I let her ride me.

It was a beautiful sight. Despite her exhaustion, she rode my cock with determination. After a few minutes, she slid her hands from my chest to my neck.

Then, slowing down, she opened her eyes slightly.

“P…please. Cum inside me,” she pleaded.

I could tell she was spent. She had given it her all.

I ran my fingers over her hips and down her arms. Grabbing her wrists, I folded her arms behind her. I moved in close, kissed her lips, and whispered, “As you wish.”

Sitting up, I began to bounce on the bed with Sydney in my lap. I quickened the pace, fucking her wet pussy with fervor.

Sydney whimpered as she was impaled. Her breasts bounced in my face as I bottomed her out. We were both lost in ecstasy…and then the buildup began.

I felt a strong pressure in my cock. I knew it was time, so I picked up the pace even more. Sydney’s eyes rolled back into her head.

Her jaw slackened and her arms relaxed, signaling her surrender. I gave it everything I had, quickening the pace until I finally came inside her.

Sydney’s body twitched as I emptied myself inside her. I released her wrists, and her arms dropped limply. She lay in my lap, swaying slightly as she absorbed the moment.

After I finished, I placed both hands on her back, ensuring she wouldn’t fall off of me.

Sydney lifted her head slightly, and we locked eyes. With the little strength she had left, she lifted her arms and caressed my face.

She leaned in slowly and kissed me passionately. Our tongues met, savoring each other’s taste.

As she pulled back, we locked eyes again. Her left hand was on my back, and she ran her right hand down my body, until she pointed a finger at me and touched my chest.

Sydney licked her lips and softly said, “You are not allowed to do that to anyone else.”

Without saying a word, I nodded.

“Good,” Sydney responded as she lowered herself and kissed me again. This time, I reclined back onto her bed with her in my arms.

Just like the night before, we forgot about everything else in the world. We both did.

As we finished kissing, Sydney rested her head on my shoulder, ready to fall asleep. I mentioned that my cock was still inside her. She smiled and said, “Good.”

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