The Destiny Makers Book 1: The Pack Doctor - Book cover

The Destiny Makers Book 1: The Pack Doctor

Constance Marounta

The Way Back


They have expected me to be eager to find my mate since my birthday in March. My parents’ expectant looks are starting to get on my nerves, but it isn’t just them. It is everybody.

I have been brought up under the conviction that there are only two things to look forward to when you are a werewolf: your first shift and finding your mate to complete your existence and fulfill your purpose in this world.

Problem is I do not feel incomplete.

Yes, I have witnessed the effects of the bond between my parents and the other mated couples in my pack.

And though the everlasting novel-like love is cute, the possessiveness and exclusivity are not sitting well with my character.

Whenever I try to explain my views to my parents, they only smile knowingly, which honestly makes this whole thing more irritating.

It is like they know something I did not. I don’t care, though. I only want to take my post as the pack doctor.

I am only faithful to science at present. When I am not studying, I am having fun with some willing girl.

Training is part of my daily routine too. All male wolves are required to receive daily training. Yet, it’s not the reason why I rarely miss it. I like it.

I like feeling strong and admit that I can be quite competitive when challenged. Winning feels good.

The day after Patrick’s birthday was an exception. In fact, all the times I have skipped my training were because of him.

The soon-to-be alpha is my cousin but, above all, my best friend. I can hardly deny him anything.

I changed first, and as soon as he shifted to his magnificent silver-gray wolf, I started running ahead of him.

I’m not a fool to try and compete with an alpha wolf, so I know he didn’t stay behind due to a lack of skill.

The smell of blood at the borders of the human territory hit us simultaneously. But as we drew closer to the source of the smell, my heart began racing, and I felt my wolf getting impatient.

Another scent filled my nostrils: spring flowers and morning dew. I was wondering if Patrick could smell it too when I heard my wolf screaming in my head: “Mate! Mate! Mate!”

When we reached the spot, the only thing in sight was the still fuming car and the burned-beyond-recognition bodies.

Yet my wolf continued screaming, “Mate! Find our mate! Mate! Scared, mate!”

I looked around, confused, till she came forward from behind that tree. I froze where I stood while my wolf continued screaming excitedly for her.

This could not be. She was a child. She could not be my mate. It was a mistake, surely. I could not stop looking at her. She was so tiny and fragile. Barely six years old.

Her smoky face was cute with those big brown eyes. She would become a lovely woman someday.

But not mine. Certainly not mine.

When I caught her returning my gaze, I could not take it. I leaned on the nearest tree and started punching it as if it were to blame.

I have never wanted a mate, and I did not know where all this despair came from, but the thought that I was unable to claim her because she was far too young caused me a pain I had never felt before.

My insides were burning, and I felt fuzzy and unfocused.

It couldn’t be… But my wolf insisted I console her, and I couldn’t. I tried to shut him out, but for the first time, he was stronger.

Vaguely, I heard Patrick trying to approach my mate, and I tried to pay no mind, but when I caught him out of the corner of my eye extending his hand to her, my wolf took complete control.

I attacked him.

Thank God it did not last long, and no great harm was done, but I felt utterly embarrassed to be so easily consumed by a bond that should not be there in the first place.

I did not mind letting Patrick know. I just regretted launching on him. Yet he understood and tried to comfort me.

When he asked me to shift to my wolf again, I did it without hesitation.

I saw him going to her again, but this time he was careful not to touch her, and I tried to stifle a low growl that threatened to escape my throat.

Her name is Estella. Estella… beautiful name. My Estella. Mine. No, no, no. This could never be.

I totally missed the part where Patrick introduced me to her, but I heard her asking if I was a dog. I laughed internally.

It was natural not to know about wolves at such a young age. Maybe that was why she wasn’t scared of us.

“A wolf,” Patrick corrected her kindly. “As I am. And you can ride him if you like.”

At the last part of his phrase, I snapped my head at him and narrowed my eyes. My wolf’s eyes, actually.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Patrick?” I mind-linked him, barely containing my anger while my wolf purred in delight at the prospect.

I was honestly sickened by his reaction.

“She must ride one of us, pal, if we are to get help soon. She cannot run half as fast as we do, and leaving her here with the dead still smoking will not do her any good.

“She is terrified already. So, either you lower your back and let the child ride you, or I will!” he threatened.

I bared my teeth to him, growling, but I gave in and lowered my back. However, I saw Estella retreating, shaking her head.

Shit, she was afraid of me! That hurt much more than it should.

Still, I tried to reason it out. I wasn’t very friendly toward her, so it was natural.

“Don’t be afraid, little one,” Patrick tried to soothe her.

“Max will never hurt you. He is just a bit grumpy today, that’s all. Come on. Why don’t you caress him behind his ears? He enjoys that.”

“Like a dog?” asked Estella.

“Exactly!” He laughed. The bastard! “Come on, child. He won’t bite you. I promise.”

She came closer with small hesitant steps, piercing me with her expressive eyes. I did the same. I was looking for injuries, but I couldn’t see any, and she didn’t seem to be in pain.

My fur trembled when she touched me with her tiny hands. Without realizing it, I leaned in and rested my snout on her little chest right next to her heart.

I could hear it racing, and that was comforting. The sound was similar to the one mine made.

I heard her panting as she tried to climb onto my back, so I lowered myself as much as possible, but still, I was kind of big for her.

I felt Patrick help her climb up, and it took all my self-control not to attack him again for touching what was mine. I tensed, and she stilled.

As soon as I relaxed and lifted myself up, she lay comfortably on my back, hugged my neck tenderly, and buried her little head in my fur.

Her soft breath sent shivers down my spine. I felt a happiness and completion I never knew could exist.

Yes, I could feel her loss, sorrow, and confusion. But despite all that, I felt happy, and as she held on to me, I knew at least she was comforted somehow.

I watched Patrick shift, and we made our way back to the spot where our clothes were, running so fast that we barely noticed our surroundings.

We mind-linked the others to tell them what had happened and had them call the police immediately on our behalf.

Coming to a sudden stop, Patrick changed back to his human form and hurried to pull up his clothes behind a tree.

I lowered my back for Estella to come down, but she did not seem to understand what she had to do. She kept breathing on my neck.

“Estella,” I heard Patrick address her kindly. “You have to climb down now, honey.”

She shook her head, rubbing it against mine and tightening her grip around my neck. I closed my eyes, feeling immense pleasure at her touch.

When I realized, I felt like a pervert, but I wasn’t in a position to control this now.

“Estella, Max has to shift and wear his clothes,” he tried to reason with her.

“Uh-uh,” she said, holding on to me even tighter.

“I understand that you feel comfortable, but you really have to let go for now. He has to return to your family, help them.”

“They are dead,” she whispered.

“I know, but we still have to help them and find your relatives.”

“I have nobody. Can I stay with you, please?”

“I don’t know about that, but we will try to keep you, okay?”

She nodded.

“Now let me help you climb down from Max.”

She refused.

“If he doesn’t shift now, he will not be able to do it in front of the policemen. Nobody is allowed to know about us.”

“I do,” she said quietly.

“But you are a sweet girl, and you won’t betray our secret, will you?”

“Uh-uh. We can say that Max is your dog, so he doesn’t have to change, and I can stay with him all the time.”

That was the longest sentence he had heard from her. She had such a lovely voice! All children do, of course, but… I already said I wasn’t thinking very clearly.

Otherwise, I’d know that it was wrong of Patrick to make any promises to her. She was a human, and humans had different rules in such cases.

“They will know he is not a dog. And humans are afraid of wolves. They will kill him.”

“Fuck you, Patrick!” I cursed through mind-link. ~“Did you really have to tell her such a thing when she has just lost her family?”~

“Whatever works, mate.” He sighed.

It did work, though, for she slid down at once, hugging my neck briefly before letting me go.

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