Life Arranged - Book cover

Life Arranged

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 4


“Any other business?” Harrison asked bluntly as he flipped through papers on his desk. He looked up with impatience at the silence in the room. “Anything else?” he growled.

“No, Alpha…,” one of the men said in quiet submission.

“Actually, Alpha,” another said from the back of the group.

Harrison rolled his eyes. “What is it?”

“I thought you should be informed that border patrol captured a rogue last night and—”

Harrison stood violently from his seat and said, “What do you mean border patrol captured a rogue? Why am I just now hearing about this?”

The group of warriors lowered their heads. “It was just one rogue girl. We didn’t want to bother you with something so trivial…,” the head warrior replied, giving the young man who’d spoken up a dark glare.

“It’s for me to decide what is trivial and what is not,” Harrison said darkly. “Where is the girl now?”

The man who’d spoken up stepped forward. “She is in the pack prison. And I didn’t think it was trivial, Alpha. She managed to injure three of our guards.”

The lead warrior rolled his eyes. “It’s a little she-wolf. She barely left a scratch.”

Harrison’s eyes darkened. “Captain Mann, why do I get the impression that you think you’re in charge? When did you become the ruling authority in this pack? How are you to know what a king should or shouldn’t know or care about?”

He turned to the man who’d stepped forward and said, “You are all dismissed. Except you. You will take me to the girl.”

The group of warriors bowed their heads in submission before leaving his office, leaving Harrison alone with the young warrior.

“What is your name?”

“Joseph, sir,” he said bravely before lowering his head.

“Joseph. You seem to have upset your superiors.” Harrison grinned. “I like it. I’ll have to keep an eye on you.”

He stood from his desk and followed Joseph out of the pack house and to the prison.

Harrison walked silently down the corridor, his head held high as he walked past cells of wolves shouting at him. They had all committed horrific crimes against their packs and deserved to be there, but it didn’t mean they liked it.

“Here, Alpha,” Joseph said softly, stopping in front of a cell.

Harrison stepped toward the door and looked through the barred window in the middle. Curled up on a cot was a young woman, dirty and barely clothed.

“Why hasn’t she been given proper clothes?” he asked the guard standing by the door.

The guard looked up at Harrison with a dark glare. His black, swollen eye barely opened. “She was just brought in. Clothes are on their way.”

“From what I hear, she’s been here since early this morning,” Harrison said, his voice low.

He looked over the guard with a dark grin. “I see you’re one of the ones she got the better of. I would hate to think you withheld fresh clothes as punishment. Go get them. Now.”

The guard muttered something under his breath before walking off, leaving Harrison and Joseph outside the cell.

“Open it.”

“My king, you really shouldn’t go in there... what if she—”

Harrison turned to Joseph with narrowed eyes. “Interesting, I thought you were one of the smart warriors that didn’t try to tell their alpha what to do...”

Joseph lowered his face. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Good.” Harrison spoke bluntly. “I need to speak with her and make sure she isn’t a threat or part of a bigger plan to infiltrate the pack. Open the door.”

Joseph unlocked the cell and let Harrison in.

Kiera sat up on the bed, anxiety filling her eyes as she watched the large, towering man walk into her cell. She stared in fear at the man before her.

He had dark features, his black hair and chiseled face made more fierce by his dark eyes and the scar that ran from his forehead and down his right eye and cheek. He towered over her, quietly watching her before stepping forward.

“Do you know where you are?”

Kiera was snapped out of her shock by his deep voice. “No... no I don’t...”

“You are in the king’s pack. Why did you cross into our borders? Are you here to make an attempt on King Harrison’s life?” he asked darkly.

She looked up at him with defiance.

“I don’t know who the hell King Harrison is. I ran through your borders by accident. I thought I was still in the state park. Your goons brought me here against my will! I was more than happy to go home.”

Harrison growled at her, “You dare speak to your alpha that way?”

Kiera glared up at him. “I have no alpha. I am a rogue, remember?”

Harrison stood tall, the presence of his alpha radiating through the room like a thick fog. “I am the alpha king. I am EVERYONE’S alpha, little wolf. You will show respect before I have your tongue ripped out.”

Kiera narrowed her eyes at him before lowering her head in stubborn submission. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Good,” he said in a low voice. “Now, why are you here?”

Kiera looked up at him with irritation.

“I already told you. I ran into your territory by mistake. I was running in the state park and must have miscalculated my way back. Now if you’ll just let me out of here I will leave this place and get back to my life. My landlord is going to kill me for not getting his car back.”

Harrison let out a growl before turning to the door. “We’ll see. If there is no other rogue activity in the next week, we will return to the subject. We will see about having your car returned. Now... Miss...”

He paused, realizing he didn’t know her name.


“Kiera,” he repeated. “Well Kiera, welcome to King’s Clearing. Get comfortable.”

Harrison left the cell, his whole body vibrating as he thought back on her quick distaste and anger toward him. She didn’t even recognize him.

She’s a rogue... why would she recognize us? Bear asked sarcastically.

“We are Alpha King. Our presence speaks for itself.”

True... but I don’t think she cared…, Bear chuckled, enjoying the angry, defiant little she-wolf in lockup.

“Kiera…,” he mumbled to himself before chuckling. “Did you see that guard’s face? She gave it to him good.”

She’s a fighter, Bear grinned.

“She’s a fighter…,” he repeated before making his way back to the mansion, thoughts of the infuriating little rogue dancing in his mind.

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