The Alphas Series - Book cover

The Alphas Series

C. Qualls

Chapter 3


I wake up to a cute little angel combing her fingers through my hair. I smile up at her. “Hi, sweet girl.”

She gives me a concerned look. “Kya, are you broken? Mommy says you’re broken from your mate.”

I try not to let the hurt show on my face. “Yeah, I’m broken, but it’s not in a way you can see. It hurts inside.”

She places her tiny hands to my cheeks and leans in so close her eyes go blurry in my vision. “You won’t stay broken. We’re werewolves, we heal really, really, really fast.”

I can’t help but smile at her innocence. “You’re right. We do heal fast. I’ll get better.”

She pulls back to where I can see her face clearly again. “Good, because I want to play dress-up with you.”

I give her a soft chuckle. “I can’t today, sweet girl. When I’m not broken anymore, we’ll play all the fun games you want.”

She lies down in the trundle and covers up with her princess blanket. She yawns then sticks up her little finger. “Pinky promise?”

I connect our little fingers. “Pinky promise.”

Gretchen falls asleep and I wonder what time it is. I check my phone, 1:38 p.m. Holy Goddess, I really slept in.

I kick off the covers and head straight to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee and toast. I hum as I sip the hot liquid. Ian is playing a video game, so I sit on the couch and watch him play. “Hey, kiddo, where is everyone?”

He doesn’t even look my way. “Dad is at work, everyone else is napping.”

I watch Ian play for a short while before I think about Dec and all the times he whipped my butt playing video games. The ache starts to increase until I can no longer breathe. I’m sweating and gasping for air.

Ian turns on the ceiling fan and grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. “Here, try to take a drink.”

I shake as I grip the bottle and bring it to my lips. I sip little splashes. The coldness is refreshing, and I focus on not spilling it all down my shirt.

Pretty soon, I’m able to breathe again and the pain slowly subsides. Note to self: don’t think of him.

Owen stops by after dinnertime. “Hey, Kya. I just wanted to see if you’re ready to start running the territory.”

I’m still in my PJs and I haven’t even brushed my hair. I shake my head. “Not any time soon, I’m afraid.”

He nods his head. “Okay. Can I do anything for you?”

I almost tell him I’m good, but another thought enters my head. “Would you be willing to get my assignments for me? I don’t think I can go to school right now.”

He nods. “Yeah, sure. Text me your schedule and I’ll stop by your classes.” I thank him after getting his number, then he heads out.

I call my mom and listen as she tells me about her day. I chime in here and there with “mm-hmm” and “uh-huh,” but she knows I’m not paying attention.

“Ky, I’m worried about you. I’ve never seen you like this. I don’t know what to do to help you.”

I flip my stray hairs over my ear. “I don’t either, Mom. But please don’t worry about me. I’ll get through this, eventually.” After a few words of encouragement from her, we end our conversation.

I stay in bed all morning Monday, not even bothering to attempt to go to school. Around noon, I finally pull myself out of bed.

Kendra is breastfeeding little Aiden when I sit on the sofa beside her. I lay my head on her shoulder. She kisses my forehead.

“I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but you can’t keep sleeping through it. It won’t make it any better. Go take a shower, then get some clothes on, not your pajamas.”

A tear leaks from my eye, hitting her bare shoulder. She wipes my face. “I know it hurts, hon. You need to focus on something that brings you happiness.”

I sit up and pull Gretchen away from her coloring book and into my lap. I kiss her soft cheek. “This one brings me happiness.”

She giggles as I tickle her belly. “Want to color?” she asks as a pink crayon is shoved too close to my face.

I gently push her hand back. “Not yet, sweet girl. Your mommy told me to take a shower.”

I give Kendra a kiss and put Gretchen back in front of her coloring book, then make my way to the shower.

I don’t put effort into my clothes, but at least I’m not in my pajamas. I throw my hair up into a wet sloppy bun and walk back out to the living room. Gretchen is yawning while she colors. I take her hand. “Come on, sweet girl. Nap time.”

She gets up. “But you have to color with me.”

I open her bedroom door. “After your nap.”

She crawls into her bed. “Okay, we’ll color tomorrow.” I smile as I tuck her in and kiss her cheek.

Kendra lays Aiden down in his bouncer, looking just as tired as Gretchen. “Why don’t you lie down too. I’ll be here when Ian gets home.”

She kisses my cheek. “Thank you, hon.” She leaves the living room, so now, I’m alone with the sleeping pup. There is a pile of dishes from this morning’s breakfast. I make quick work of them and clean up the kitchen.

I stretch out on the couch just as Gretchen comes out of the hallway, rubbing her eyes.

“Kya. I’m hungry.” It's only then that I realize I haven’t eaten today. I make us both peanut butter and jelly with some milk, then sit beside her to eat it.

Ian walks through the door and uses everything left out to make a sandwich of his own. I clean up our mess and Ian gets busy with his homework.

Gretchen runs to the door when a knock sounds, I’m right behind her. It’s Owen.

He smiles when he sees me. “Hey. I got your homework for you.” I open the door wider to allow him in.

We sit at the table with Ian and go over my week’s worth of missing assignments. Owen and I work together for our English paper, then go on to our other classwork. “Why didn’t you go to school today?”

I keep my focus on my papers as I reply. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

He looks me over. “Anything I can do?”

I shake my head. “No. I just have to take things one day at a time.”

He nods. “Well, you know how to reach me if you need anything.”

The rest of the week goes by in a blur. I feel empty inside, except when I’m in excruciating pain. I’ve started getting sick in my stomach and I’m having a hard time keeping food down.

Owen continues to bring my schoolwork and joins me at the table to work on it. Before I know it, it’s Friday and Kendra can no longer take it.

“I appreciate all you’re doing around here, but you’ve gotta get out of the house. When was the last time you let your wolf run?”

I shrug my shoulders. “It’s been a while. I guess I should let her out. Owen is supposed to show me the territory. I’ll give him a call.”

I sit outside on the porch rocking chair to wait for Owen. It’s a beautiful day, and the sun is beginning to set. He arrives in no time.

We walk a little way into the woods. He takes off his shirt and I let out a breath; he is hot. “You ready to run?”

I nod and walk behind a tree. I fold up my clothes, placed them inside the small bag I’ve brought along, and shift into my auburn wolf. I walk back out to a big gray wolf.

He has a small bag in his mouth. I take the hint and grab mine as well. I follow his lead as we sprint northward.

I sniff the border as we run so I know where it is. We pass a few guards along the way. After about twenty minutes of running, we make a sharp turn and continue on.

There’s a beautiful lake where we finally stop at. Owen drops his bag and gives a little bark. I go behind a tree to shift and dress.

I walk back out to Owen sitting on a boulder. He tosses a rock across the top of the water, making it skip four times before it sinks.

“I don’t think my father knows why you had to leave your pack,” he says as I sit on a boulder close to his.

My heart beats in my chest, aching for the bond to be there. “And you do?”

He hands me a thin rock, then skips another rock across the water. “I was at the ball. That was the first one that was actually exciting. If you don't find your mate, they can be pretty boring.

“I don’t know the circumstances, but I do now of Alpha Redd’s reputation. He must have been a terrible person for his luna to reject him.”

I knit my brows. Just the name causes my stomach to churn and ache. Is he a terrible person? He’s a playboy, sure. Definitely a jerk. But terrible? I shake my head.

“He’s a good alpha. He does good things for the pack. He’s very protective. He just didn’t respect me. He didn’t respect the bond. I could never be with someone that thought so little of me.”

I know my description is vague, but it’s still too soon to go any further.

I bring my legs up to my chest. My heart is beating fast, and I can barely breathe. I want a change of subject and the attention off of me.

“How many mating balls have you been to?” I asked.

Owen looks back at me. “That was my third.” I nod. Owen must have been born in the Autumn.

Dec's birthday is in the beginning of November, which happens to be my favorite time of the year. I already miss all the Thanksgivings we’d spent together.

Our family would join his just in case my parents got called away to work, which did happen a lot. Chase and Dec would always fight over my dinner rolls. Dec loves my cooking, he always has.

I’ve forgotten where I am when Owen speaks up. “Look, I know we’re just getting reacquainted, but I feel like we’ve been friends forever. You can talk to me anytime. I have strong shoulders, good for crying on.”

I wipe a stray hair over my ear with a small chuckle. “Thanks, Owen. I’ll remember that.”

I toss the rock, but it sinks straight into the water. Owen chuckles and finds me another. He skips one, this time showing me the trick. I follow his example and get two skips before it sinks.

A stick breaks behind us. I turn, alarmed by the sound; Owen doesn’t flinch. Three guys and two girls walk out from the bushes.

“Are we having a party?” a tall blond asks.

“Nah. I just wanted to introduce you all. This is Kya. She’s going to be staying until the end of the school year. Kya, this is my future beta, Damon, and his sister Bianca. That’s Spencer, Cameron, and Melissa.”

Spencer is the blond that spoke first. He sits beside me. “Oh, I know you. You’re the chick that rejected the alpha.”

All eyes are on me. I swallow the lump in my throat as the pain seeps back into my chest. I nod. “Yeah. I really don’t feel like getting into it right now.”

Spencer nudges my shoulder. “No worries, Luna.”

I blanch at the title. “I’m not a luna. I’m a healer.”

He shrugs. Owen has a mystified look on his face as Spencer continues to speak. “Whatever you say. Owen, we’re meeting up at Lou's later, you two coming?”

Owen shakes his head. “No. I need to show Kya around. We can meet up tomorrow night, I’ll bring her by.” He tilts his chin up to me.

“We should get going. You ready?”

I nod, ready to run. I go back behind a tree to shift and grab my clothes. The group all morph as we set out again.

It’s ten before I get back to my new home. Mark and Kendra are relaxing, watching TV while Kendra nurses Aiden. “Hey, did you get very far?”

I nod and lock the door. “Yeah. We made it to the lake and then went another ten miles before turning back. We’re going again tomorrow. Alpha Roberts wants me to know the area and meet some of the guards.

“I’m going to take a shower and turn in. Thank you both for letting me stay. I’ll be more helpful after I finish the tour of the territory. Goodnight.”

I kiss them both. They wave me off.

Gretchen has a night-light so I don’t need to turn one on. I grab my things, quickly shower, and get to bed. Running helped tire me out, and I fall asleep quickly.


Alone time is rare for me, but right now I need it. Chase had been my constant companion, but now that he’s mated, it’s hard to be around them. I was barely able to get away from them.

Alana is a good girl, but she makes me think of my Kya. She’s smart too. She’s told me on a few occasions that she’ll help me in any way when it comes to Kya.

She also saw that I needed alone time and used her wiles to get Chase to give me some space. I know she misses her friend.

Chase told me that Kya left. I still feel her connection to the pack, but she’s too far for communication.

All I can think about is her. Kya.

I growl in frustration as I head to the edge of our territory. There’s a river that is just outside our border where all the teens like to hang out at. I jump into the water and splash around. I shift back into human form as I swim through the cool water.

I haven’t been here since I became alpha. I miss this place. We always had a good time.

I made sure to always include Kya in anything Chase and I would do. Kya and Alana would float on inner tubes, while Chase and I splashed them with cannonballs off the rope swing.

Goddess. Everything makes me think of her.

She would blast her country music while sitting in the sun. I still remember the way the sun sparkled off of her perfect skin, not that I was checking her out or anything, there was just always something about her. I guess I know why now.

Ugh! I lie down on the bank of the river and hold my chest. Fuck, it hurts so much! I’ve never felt anything so agonizing.

Tears of pain spring to my eyes. It’s a good thing I’m alone or I would appear weak…weaker. Fuck!

I shake my head at the absurdity of everything. Me, Alpha Redd, weak. It’s ridiculous. The damned rogues keep trying to usurp me, to take my pack. The foolish mutts.

I finally am able to slowly get to my feet. I look up to the moon. Goddess, I hope I can hold on. My pack keeps my mind focused. I would probably be wallowing in self-pity if it were not for them.

I look around me at my surroundings. I’m not in my territory, but no one really claims this area. I nod to myself as an idea comes to me. I shift and rush back to my house to get started on my new plan.


I wake in the middle of the night. My heart is beating fast and I’m sweating. It’s painful, and I can barely breathe. I kick off the covers and curl into myself. I try to breathe through the pain, but it is not easy.

Dec. Why?

I'm sorry. I'll be worthy of you one day. That I promise.” The voice is just a whisper in my head, I almost didn’t hear it. I don’t know if it’s just delirium from the pain and heartache, or if I’m really going crazy.

I roll over to find a more comfortable position, but nothing feels better. I wipe the sweat from my forehead, then make myself stand up. I walk to the bathroom and throw up from the pain.

I rinse out my mouth and lie down on the cool tiles. Slowly, the pain begins to subside, and I pass out on the floor.

I wake up with a stiff neck and back. I stand up and stretch. I crack any joint that can move, relieving some of the ache. I look at my reflection.

I’m not trying to impress anybody, so I re-tie my hair, getting it away from my face. I slept in leggings and a T-shirt, so I don’t even bother changing. I’m going to be in my wolf most of the day.

I brush my teeth and walk into the kitchen. It’s still a bit early. I start a pot of coffee, then make pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

Ian and Gretchen wake up first. I stack their plates and sit down to join them. I add a ton of French vanilla creamer to my coffee then take a sip. “Ian. How do you get to school?”

He reaches for a third piece of bacon. “The bus. It comes at seven twenty. You can sit with me if you want.”

I wink at him. “Thanks, kiddo.” The high school, middle school, and elementary school are all on the same lot. So even though they’re different buildings, the buses are all the same.

Mark and Kendra soon join us for breakfast. “Yes. Thank you, Ky.” Kendra kisses my head as she pours a cup of juice. “I needed the extra two hours of sleep. I heard you throwing up last night. Are you all right?”

I shrug my shoulder and curl my knees up to my chest. “I’ll be fine. I did just break my mate bond, so I’m not sure how long it’s going to take. It hurts a lot, but last night just hit me really hard.”

Mark nods as he sips his coffee. Kendra gives him the death glare, she’s totally jonesing for a sip. “When are you going out today?” he asks me.

I check the clock on the stove and grunt. I would rather wallow in bed all day. “Not for another half hour.”

Gretchen holds a piece of bacon near my face in one hand, as she sips her chocolate milk. The smell has me salivating. I load a small plate of food and dig in.

I finish washing up the dishes just as a knock sounds on the door. Ian rushes to open it. He lets Owen in and leads him to the kitchen. I wipe my hands and hang the towel. “I’m ready when you are.”

Owen smiles. “Great. Let’s do this.” We shift into our wolves then pick up where we left off. We run for three hours before taking a break.

“You’re strong. No one usually keeps up with me, other than Damon.”

I smile. “I’ve always liked to run.” I lie back and look up through the trees. It’s so peaceful here. I inhale the fresh scents.

The smell of the forest brings thoughts of my mate front and center. I quickly get to my knees and lose the contents of my stomach. Owen is quick to help me. He rubs my back soothingly. “Hey, are you okay?”

I spit out the acid as much as possible. “Sorry about that. Yeah, I’m fine now. I’m not sick or anything, it’s the broken bond.”

He helps me to my feet. “I didn’t know there are side effects to a broken bond.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t either. I’m almost starting to regret it.”

Owen pulls a bottle of water from his bag and hands it to me. I rinse and spit, then take a few sips to settle my stomach. I drop it into my bag. I just want to finish up so I can get back. “Thanks. I’m ready to get going now.”

I duck behind a tree and shift.

It’s nightfall when we call it a day. Damon and Bianca are waiting for us in Damon’s Rubicon Jeep. They drive us to the local diner where we meet up with Spencer, Cameron, and Melissa.

I grunt internally. I just don’t want to be around anyone, but I’m a guest here and I’m with this pack’s future alpha. I sit next to Owen in the booth. Damon sits next to Bianca across from us. He takes away her second shake and starts drinking it.

Bianca grabs it back and punches him in the arm. “Hey. Get your own, you ass.” She rolls her eyes.

Chase would probably do the same thing. “My brother is the beta of my pack,” I say. Damn, I haven’t even thought about him. What a great sister I am. I miss him. He would love this diner.

Bianca beams at me. “Oh, so you get it.” I sip my milkshake with a smile as I nod.

“Get what?” Spencer is next to me. He looks back and forth between me and Bianca.

“You’ll never understand, my friend,” I say with a wink, and Bianca and I laugh. The overprotective big brother is a bond we share.

Owen walks me back home from Lou's. It’s only a short twenty-minute walk, but we kick the rocks and take our time.

“I remember you. When we were little, you saved my life. I think I’ll forever be indebted to you.”

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t know anything about saving your life.”

He pulls my hand to stop me from walking. I turn to face him. “I fell out of a tree and split my head open. You healed me.

“You used too much of your energy and passed out, but you saved my life. I carried you to the nearest house and got help. You were out for the whole day.

“I thought you died; I was so scared. I actually thought I killed you. Your family took you back home, so I never knew what happened to you. Kendra told me later on that you were okay.”

My mouth is hanging open. “So…that’s what happened. I remember you falling. I remember the blood, but I could never remember anything after that.” Owen gives a half-smile and we continue walking.

I kick a rock and think of my healing abilities. I’ve always been able to mend small things like deep cuts and broken bones.

My dad is amazing though. He heals people that are close to death. He only does just enough to let them heal the rest of the way on their own. I’ve never tried anything that extreme, at least I didn’t know I had.

Being a natural healer is great. I applied to a few of the better colleges in hopes of getting into the medical program. I should be hearing back from them soon.

Four years of college, then four more for med school, followed by three years fellowship to become a doctor. It’s so much time away, I’ve thought about scrapping the idea and just going to nursing school.

Dad already said I would fellowship under him if I do go the doctor route. Gosh, I miss him and Mom. Dad said I need to do what’s best for me now.

It’s this moment I decide to follow through with my plan. I want to mind-link them right away, but I know they’re too far away.

Owen walks me to the door. “I’m glad you’re here, Kya. I already feel like you’re one of us. Past history, ya know.”

I nod and smile. “Other than not actually being a part of this pack, it does feel nice. Thank you for being so kind and showing me around.

“I really needed to get away. I was afraid I was going to have to lock myself away for the rest of my life. Your friends are great. Thanks for including me.”

He gives another half-smile. “You’re great. I’m glad you didn’t lock yourself away. That would’ve been a tragedy.” Owen stiffens momentarily.

“I gotta get back. My father needs me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave as he rushes off into the woods.

Tomorrow, I go back to school. I can’t wait to see Alana, I’ve missed her like crazy. I bite my lip and check my phone.

I feel guilty for not contacting her all this time, but I’m sure she’s been busy with Chase. Plus, I’ve been busy wallowing and touring the territory.

Mom and Dad both left me messages saying they love me and hope I’m okay. I know they’re both working, so I return messages to them.

Crap, it’s late. I shower and lie in bed. I kiss little Gretchen and tuck her in as she sleeps.

I wake up in the middle of the night panting and clutching my chest. It’s hard to breathe again and my heart is beating hard. I force myself out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I just know I’m going to be sick.

I lie on the cold tile floor waiting for the nausea to subside. “Are you in as much pain as I am?” I barely hear the voice whisper. I'm definitely going crazy.

I think of Dec. Technically, he’s still my alpha and therefore has the mind-link. I know he can’t hear me. We’re far enough away. I throw up and rinse my mouth out before going back to bed.


I have my arm across my eyes as I lie awake in the darkness. The mint toothpaste is all I can smell. I started barfing last night because of the pain. I swear it’s like I swallowed a hot coal and it got stuck on the way down.

I wonder if she feels the ache too, since she’s the one that rejected me. I roll over onto my side. Her bracelet is sitting on my nightstand.

I hold it in my hand and inhale the light scent of her. It's beginning to fade, but it’s still enough that the burning begins to subside.

I wake up early and dress. I stuff the bracelet in my pocket and head to the pack house. Father is reading a newspaper as he sips his coffee. Mother is helping some of the pups get ready for school.

I pour a cup of coffee and sit next to my father. “I think this rejection may end up killing me.”

Father puts his paper down. “Toughen up. You’re an alpha, not some lovesick pup.”

He’s a great dad and alpha, but he lacks any tact. “Yes, Father. I just don’t know what to do. The pack needs a luna."

He sips his coffee. “So, go get her.”

I wish it were that easy. Chase told me she’s staying with her aunt. I can’t just go to some other territory and drag her back here.

I’ve already asked for a visit with Alpha Roberts, but he denied me. The fucker. I almost went ballistic and rushed over there. Chase was here to stop me and prevent me from starting a war between our packs.

Mother loads a plate of food and sets it in front of me. “I know you don’t feel like it, but you have to eat. Your pack needs you strong.”

I nod. “Yes, ma’am.” I normally pack food down every chance I get, but not now. I can barely swallow.

I force down every bite, then kiss my mother and pat Father’s shoulder as I head to my office. I pull up information on my computer about the river at the edge of our territory. After some research, I find out how to go about purchasing it.

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