Filthy Rich Husband - Book cover

Filthy Rich Husband

Kashmira Kamat

Chapter 3


Logan doesn’t look annoyed. He looks downright furious.

You would think I pissed in his coffee, put glue in his shampoo, and drew a mustache on his pretty face with a sharpie while he was asleep.

The reason he’s got his boxers in a twist is probably my father and his. Our sperm donors concocted a plan and came up with this ridiculous idea that getting married would be the best thing that could happen to us.

I recall the embarrassing conversation I had yesterday with my father.

“Why would you want me to marry Logan of all people?” I ask him.

“Are you seriously asking me that? Do you remember I was the one who found your diary when you were fourteen with ‘I heart Logan’ in the last pages of the book?”

“Dad, that is beside the point. I was fourteen and stupid at that time.”

“Fourteen and stupid sounds accurate.”

“I don’t need another man in my life right now, and I told you why!”

My father looks like he’s going to explode with pent-up anger. “And I told you why you need one. All your life, you’ve been stubborn, reckless, stupid, and I let you make your own decisions, not anymore, Maggie.”

“This is ridiculous,” I say.

“Think about Chase. He needs a father in his life, someone who can teach him to ride a bike, be a better man!”

“You can be that person, Dad. I don’t need a husband just to teach Chase to ride a freakin’ bike!”

“I’m getting old! I can’t always be there for him. The boy talks to a superhero toy, for god’s sake! He doesn’t need to believe in a superhero that doesn’t exist.”

“That role needs to be filled with a man who can be a perfect dad for Chase.”

“You’re just using Chase for what you want. You want to kick me out of this house.” Tears threatened to blur my vision.

“If I don’t do what’s necessary, you’ll destroy your life.”

“How is Logan okay with this?”

“He’s probably not, but his father is going to convince him.”

“I’m not doing this.”

I hear my father sigh as he sits down on the couch in front of me. “There’s something else you need to know, something that I’m ashamed to say.”

I don’t want to ask him, but I do anyway.

His steel-gray eyes cut through mine, and if I thought my father was acting, that particular thought blows out of the window. It’s genuine shame he’s feeling.

“I’m bankrupt.”


He hangs his head in guilt. “The company has debt in the millions of dollars that I don’t know how I’m going to pay.”

“When did this happen?”

“A year,” he croaks out.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

I recall the shopping trips I’ve taken and the credit card reaching its limit. Buying tons of toys for Chase because he asked, never having a fucking clue that this is what was happening behind the scenes.

I don’t even work because Chase takes too much of my time to think about a job.

“I was at the club Saturday night, canceling my membership, when I saw John.”

He looks at me with regret. “He asked me what was wrong, and I couldn’t hold it in. I had to tell someone, and he’s my best friend.”

I nod, knowing where this is going.

“John said he was willing to help if I could help him in return. He’ll clear all my debts and go into partnership with me if I convince you to marry Logan.”

Dad’s eyes are red-rimmed, and as I look closer, I realize there are lines of exhaustion on his forehead. “I had to try, baby. I didn’t want to tell you what’s going on.”

When I don’t say a word, he puts his hand on mine. “Logan is a kind man. He’s mature and from what I know, he’s fair.”

Dad places a hand on my knee and he squeezes it in assurance. “And with time, I’m sure he will love you, honey.”

He and I both know that’s a lie. Logan has always been a practical man. He never falls in love with a woman, and as far as what I’m aware of, he loves nothing more than to work to death.

I’m going to be nothing but another piece of expensive possession tucked away in Logan’s shiny showcase with a tag of “wife” on it.

“If you still don’t want to do this, I’ll talk to John. I won’t force you, honey.”

That said, my father stands up to leave.

Before he walks out the door, I say, “I’ll marry him.”

It’s like we’re having an epic stare-down. The first one to blink loses. Thankfully, Logan is the first to break it.

“I’m sure Richard wasn’t clear what exactly is expected of you.”

“Please enlighten me, Mr. Malory.”

“My father wants an heir. In fact, he’s obsessed with getting one, and that’s exactly where you come into the picture.”

“Have you thought of hiring a surrogate? I mean, if it’s a womb you need, I think you can buy one or three.”

He smiles at my snide comment. “Let me rephrase that. My father is obsessed with getting me married and having a kid traditionally.

“He won’t let me hire a surrogate. He says it would add fuel to the rumors that have already been spreading.”

“Which are?”

“That I’m a closeted gay and hiding a lover.”

I can’t help it when a laugh bubbles to the surface. “Why do you care about rumors unless it’s the truth?”

“I don’t, but my father does. He’s not a homophobe. I know that because he told me to confess if I was hiding a boyfriend, and my crime was that I went out to dinner with an old college buddy.

“The rumors are causing damage to him since he’s getting married this year.”

“I think that isn’t the only rumor out there, is it?”

“No, the worst one is that I’m a lizard man.”

“Sounds accurate.”

He narrows his eyes at me, “Are you calling me a lizard, Maggie?”

“There are conspiracy theories on YouTube that prove that you are, and there are some accurate pieces of evidence, so maybe they are right.

“Oh, and there’s one that says you’re a UFO. I didn’t know which ones to believe because they all sounded good.” I gave him an evil smile.

“How very amusing,” he says, devoid of any humor.

Logan doesn’t take a joke. The man barely laughs. It’s hilarious to me.

He appears so perfect on the tabloids, not a speck of imperfection to his name. He has the whole good-boy persona down. It’s almost believable until you get a closer look and realize there are huge cracks on the surface.

“Apart from the obvious age difference between us, I don’t think we would be a suitable match,” he says in a curt, business-like tone.

“However, it’s what our fathers want, and mine is resorting to blackmail. I cannot say no to him because he’s currently in a hospital bed for a heart attack that apparently, I caused due to an argument.

“It all comes down to your decision.”

Let’s be honest, as much as I had a teenage crush on Logan, I’m not enthused about marrying him now. Nobody wants to marry a man who’s as emotionless as a brick.

Unfortunately, he’s forced into this like I am. I’m going to pretend this is a bad idea and make outrageous demands that would force Malory senior to think about his decision again.

“I have some conditions before I can accept this marriage proposal.” I pick up the coffee and take a sip, only because I need something to keep my hands busy. Those ocean-blue eyes are certainly distracting.

“What might they be?”

“I need a personal stylist who would take care of everything for me. I won’t wear an outfit twice. I will travel to Europe for shopping once a month, at least.”

“That’s fine by me.”

“My son, Chase, gets half of your assets since he’ll have your name too.”

“Don’t you think you’re pushing too far?”

“These are my conditions. If you want me to produce your children, and if Chase gets your name, he also gets part of your wealth.”

“All right. Done.”

“You’re going to agree to all of this?”

“Yes. Chase gets my assets. I can pull up a contract for that if that’s what you want.”

“This is ridiculous. I only said all those things because I thought you’d straight-up refuse my demands and leave so I don’t have to be the bad guy.”

“Well, you’ll have to come up with something better than that.”

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