Shadow Moon Series - Book cover

Shadow Moon Series

Rain Itika

Chapter 3


A heat she had never felt before assaulted her body and woke up a part that had lain dormant for a long, long time.

Their mouths were in a battle to take as much as they could from each other as their hands roamed over any and all parts of the other’s body.

Her one hand was intertwined in his soft hair, pulling him closer, while the other hand roamed over his back, clawing for more than what he was already giving. She needed it.

Wherever he touched her felt like it was on fire, sparks erupting over her skin.

He started on her arms and moved slowly lower to hungrily grasp her legs. He guided her to wrap her legs around his waist, and she happily obliged, which allowed him access to her butt.

He squeezed her hard and gave a slap while still kissing her.

She felt his bulge pressing into her heated core. A small moan escaped from her throat, the close contact exhilarating her.

“My mate…” he whispered against her ear, the words pulling her out of the haze and back to reality.

The realization hit her hard. How could she be in a compromised position with this man? She had been hired to kill him, not to fuck him.

She used what willpower was left in her and acted.

Her body shifted around, his weight making it more difficult to get into the right position. He let out a throaty moan as she slid her leg between his to get into position.

She elicited a louder moan from him, his hands roamed up toward her breasts as her thigh brushed him down there.

Before he could reach them, she put all of her strength into her legs and kicked up, kneeing him as hard as she could in his balls—balls that were tight with arousal. She knew the pain would be excruciating.

It was. He instantly fell off her, his hands cupping himself and a pained expression on his face, completely distracted.

She jumped up and sprinted back the way she had come in, hearing a deep and ferocious growl sounding behind her as she went. Without sparing Roland a second glance, she jumped onto the railing.

As she gripped the cold metal and pushed off, she hoped the bushes she had seen earlier were right where she remembered them. Otherwise, she would get broken bones instead of just a few cuts and bruises.


Roland could not believe she had sucker-punched him.

The balls on that girl.

After the pain had lessened and movement returned, he jumped up and followed her footsteps to the open door. He watched in disappointment and anger as she rode off in a car, the headlights disappearing into the blackness.

Even a supernatural like him could not run fast enough to catch up to a vehicle.

With a final glance as she vanished from sight, he let out a sigh. He slowly moved back to the bed, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, taking care not to hurt his already bruised balls.

When finished, he picked up his phone on the side table and pressed the speed dial button to call his second-in-command, Mark. A couple of rings later, he answered.

“Mark of the saints speaking, how may I sin with you today?” the voice on the other end of the phone announced, laughter erupting.

“It’s me. Get the video stream from my room from twenty minutes ago until now and run facial recognition,” Roland replied with no emotion, using his alpha voice to indicate the seriousness.

“On it, Alpha. We will call when we have the details,” Mark replied, the joking replaced with a serious answer. He knew that when his alpha used that voice, shit was about to get real.

Roland pressed the “end” button and dropped the phone absentmindedly onto the bed.

He glanced again out into the night, not believing he had found her...but deep inside, his wolf knew something was off with her.

No wolf, let alone an alpha, had ever been mated with a human. The scent he had smelled was clearly not all human, which meant she must have used magic to lure him.

Big mistake on her part. He would hunt her down and kill her, no matter who she was to him.

The image of him pressing the life out of her clouded his mind while he got dressed. He needed to leave the house; the safety was compromised now. Many knew this place was here, human and wolf.

As he got dressed and gathered his few belongings, he couldn’t help but wonder more about the girl. Instead of imagining her death, he kept seeing her naked, beneath his body, moaning with pleasure.


The door cracked and the bottom broke off as he kicked it out. He let out a frustrated groan as mixed feelings boiled in him.

His pride made him want to kill the woman who had dared attack him, but his body was telling him to claim her, make her his.

Sparing no glances for the mess he left, Roland proceeded to his car and got in. The roar of the engine calmed his mind and he pushed the woman out completely, focusing on his pack and getting back there as soon as possible.

The headlights illuminated the empty road ahead. As he shot forward, he watched the dial of the speedometer lift higher, the speed making his heart beat faster and empty his mind.

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