The Unseen - Book cover

The Unseen

Maya Chevalia

Chapter 3

Nonali had been expecting it, but his terrible features still shocked her when he opened the door to the little café. His aura of menace encroached on her personal space, making it harder for her to breathe.

The blonde hair of her best friend popped into view as her monster of a boyfriend held the door open.

And they said chivalry was dead, she thought wryly.

They found her and Vee slid into the booth across from her. Ezra drank in Nonali with his bottomless black eyes as he went to order. Vee seemed to thrum with happiness.

“Ezra wanted to have lunch with me!” she squealed, barely able to contain herself. Nonali hated to rain on her friend’s parade.

“He’s dangerous and I think you should leave him before you get hurt!” Nonali whispered furtively.

A look of shock crossed Vee’s face before she burst out laughing.

“You looked so serious!” she chuckled.

Just as Nonali was about to insist she wasn’t joking, Ezra took his seat.

“Oh my god, Nonali! Is that a hickey?” Vee gaped, pointing to a spot on her neck. She reached into her bag to pull out a small makeup mirror and thrust it at Nonali.

Gazing into the mirror, Nonali realized that the exact place Everett had been nursing last night did in fact have a decent-sized bruise. With her hair covering the spot, she must not have noticed it this morning.

The feeling of dread worsened from Ezra, and she watched as he took a deep breath and glared at the dark bruise above her collarbone.

“How could you not tell me you were seeing someone? Is it serious, or...” she trailed off with a wink.

Ezra looked positively murderous.

“I’m not seeing anyone, I burned myself with the curling iron last night, it sure does look like a hickey though, doesn’t it?” Nonali laughed nervously. Vee almost looked disappointed.

“Yeah, you’ve been friggin’ celibate since freshman year of college, I just thought maybe you finally got laid,” she sighed.

“You reek,” Ezra spit out through clenched teeth.

Vee gasped and looked at him like he’d grown a second head.

“Ezra that’s incredibly rude!” she admonished, turning to Nonali with an apology already spilling from her lips.

Nonali stood. “I have to get back to work.”

As she strode out of the building, she could hear the two of them arguing, and she wondered why he would say that to her. Could he smell her boss all over her?

She grabbed her shirt and lifted it to her nose, taking a small sniff. It definitely smelled like his cologne.

She groaned, Ezra’s angry growl cut off by the sound of the café door closing.

Nonali left Mr. Norse all the things he requested and figured it best to take the rest of the day off as he suggested.

She was so tired after lunch she could barely keep her eyes open, fighting the heaviness of her lids the whole drive home.

She all but passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Shoulda known better, she thought, glancing around her dream’s setting.

It wasn’t the office this time.

There were candles lit, purple, matching the sheets on the giant bed in the middle of the room, and lining every available surface.

She pressed a hand down and groaned. The mattress was memory foam.

To her right, there was a dining table set with delicious-looking food and what appeared to be champagne, a single flower in a small vase was all there was for decoration. Fancy enough.

“Do you like it?” The voice murmured in her ear from behind, hands falling down to her hips in a tender grip.

“It’s beautiful,” she acknowledged.

“I loved seeing that bruise on your neck today at work,” Everett admitted with a chuckle. “I bet you didn’t even notice it.

“Did you really not remember the dream? Or were you just pretending?” He breathed against her throat as he exposed the side with the bruise, pulling her hair away from it and leaving soft kisses that felt more threatening than Callum wanting to kill her.

She knew she couldn’t lie to him here. It may be her dream, but this was his world. He’d know the minute she uttered the words if they were false.

She willed herself to wake up as the panic began to set in.

Would he kill her for knowing what he was? ~He wrapped his fingers around her throat and sat back on the bed, pulling her gently into his lap and spreading her legs with his free hand.~

“I’m going to ask you again, and I expect you to be honest. You don’t seriously think you’ll wake up right now, do you?” he asked, voice silken.

The hand at her throat eased down and rolled a nipple between his fingers while the other pushed up the nightie she wore to play with her clit.

She let out a breathy moan and arched into his hands, despite the obvious danger he presented. It had been quite a long time since she’d been touched like this, aside from last night, and her body wanted it.

“I-I remember,” she stuttered out, eyes closing in both fear and pleasure.

“Good girl,” he said, sliding a finger into her wet hole, curling it as he brought it out, rubbing her clit with the heel of his palm.

“How do you know what I am, and how long have you known?” he growled into her ear, adding another finger to join the first before using his free hand to pull her back against his cock.

“Always,” she moaned out, rocking her hips into his hand. ~“You’ve always known?”~

She nodded and turned around in his lap, frustrated by his tease. She worked on his belt, prying it out of the loops, and pulled his jeans down his legs. She’d never seen him in jeans, but she could confidently say she preferred them off.

She began to slide her hands up his thighs, but he snatched her wrists, stopping her. ~“How did you know?” His voice was gruff, not the smooth velvet purr she was used to in her dreams. He usually reserved this voice for tough clientele.~

“I can see what you really look like, beneath the human mask you made.” She shrugged, giving up on getting off.

If he was going to kill her, he could’ve at least done her the favor of letting her cum one last time instead of talking her to death.

“Can you see me here too?”

“Duh.” She gave him a scowl and tried to pull herself off his lap, only to be held there by strong hands.

“And you’re not...afraid?” He questioned her with an insecure air about him, rubbing nervous circles on her hip.

“I’ve seen much scarier than you,” she scoffed. “If you’re going to kill me, just kill me!” ~His sudden explosion of laughter set her on edge.~

“Kill you? Why would I do that?” He chuckled, laughter dying down as he wiped the tears of mirth from the corners of his eyes.

“To keep your secret? I don’t know!”

“You knew what I was and still let me creep into your dreams and fuck you silly,” he purred. Something about the way he said it made her blush.

“Well, had to make you think I didn’t know what you were, keeping you out would’ve been counterproductive to keeping my own secret,” she muttered.

“Mhmm.” He grinned, grinding her into his lap, making her breath catch. “Or maybe you just like the way my cock feels inside of you.”

His fingers played her clit expertly, ceasing any response. Her nails dug into his shoulders to hold on.

He kissed her violently, all tongue and teeth and heat and she returned it in full, her desire fueled by the earlier threat of death.

His fingers rubbed faster, and she bit at him, paying him back tenfold for the bruise on her neck before orgasm had her quivering in his lap.

Her walls gripped at nothing; she felt so damn empty.

Halfway through her orgasm, he positioned her just the way he wanted and slammed home.

She let out a strangled sob at the intense feeling of fullness. It had been so long since he’d taken her, she’d completely forgotten how much he stretched her.

His thrusts were just as violent as his kisses had been, reaching into the very depths of her, then retreating. His red eyes almost seemed to glow, and she couldn’t take it anymore, she needed more.

She pushed him flat on the bed and rode out her pleasure, and he begged her to take what she wanted from him.

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