Nieve & Thar'n - Book cover

Nieve & Thar'n

WN Noxer

Can’t Sleep


A few doors down, there was someone who wasn’t able to sleep at all. Thar’n had his head full of the kind face and sweet scent of the little human woman. The fact that she’d had a mate on Earth had disturbed him for a moment, but what else could he have expected? She wasn’t a young girl, but an adult woman.

He got up from his bed and walked to the luxurious bathroom and turned on the shower. His head was so full of her that he needed to get rid of the pounding feeling in his pants. And there was only one way to do that—at least for the moment.

Naked and with a huge erection, Thar’n stepped underneath the cold ray of water. Even the chill in the water couldn’t lessen his erection.

He took his member in one of his large claws and began to massage his cock in a controlled manner. He leaned against the wall with his other hand, picturing her lying beneath him. As his movements grew harder and faster, his long, sharp fingernails dug into the pale green stucco.

With a deep growl, he came. Wisps of cum sprayed against the wall, and a grin appeared on his lips. The female was his and whether Akila was her master or not, he intended to make her his mate, no matter what…

Freed from the tension in his loins, he dried himself with the extremely soft cloths and chuckled. Akila and his family were a spoiled bunch. He didn’t expect their host to make a fuss if he wanted to buy the little human female from him.

After Thar’n dried himself off and put his pants back on, he plopped himself on the bed with a silent hope of falling asleep. But Nieve kept running through his head. Finally, he took out the small travel computer and started looking her up.

To his surprise, there wasn’t much to find about her, only her age, features, and the planet she was born on. Alarm bells went off in his mind. If little information could be found about a slave, it usually meant that they had been obtained illegally. In other words, Nieve was most likely taken when she was not about to die at all, but fully alive.

Thar’n growled. If he could work this out, Akila certainly had. It certainly was a no-go, especially for a high-ranking individual, to buy an illegal slave.

He ran his eyes over the information again, and a small smile appeared on his lips. She was forty-two years old, fertile, and as healthy as a fish; in other words, if Nieve agreed, they could easily have another pup or two.

Thar’n put the computer aside and folded his arms behind his head. He had never lacked female attention, despite his different looks. He’d enjoyed himself with various women for years, but he’d never felt a serious attraction, affection, or love toward a female. Until now.

The moment he smelled her scent and looked into her big beautiful eyes, he was sold. Before now, he’d never quite grasped what exactly Ka’bté saw in Bernie, the human mate of his clan leader’s son. Yes, she was unique. Different from their species, and her roaring laughter had been a welcome addition to the rather reserved women of his own kind.

Now that he’d met Nieve, he understood his leader’s son all too well.

People that didn’t know him always expected he’d been with a partner for more than thirty years and would have at least a dozen offspring. Nothing could be further from the truth. No woman had given him goosebumps before now.

No woman could have filled his mind without being present. And no woman, no matter how beautiful she had been, could have made him stand in a shower, jerking off merely at the thought of her full, soft figure. He couldn’t get her out of his mind…

Only Nieve had this power over him…


Although she had slept soundly and had blissful dreams, she had woken up early. She threw on some clothes and hurried to the kitchen.

“What are you doing out of bed so early? I’ll take care of the breakfast table.” Rose gave her a surprised look.

“You’re right, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. If you would set the table outside, the one under the big tree, I’ll start preparing the meat.” She didn’t want to think about eating a piece of roast meat on an empty stomach, but in the Ky’Tain culture, this was their way to start the day.

Time flew by and soon a buzzing of voices was heard coming from the hall. Nieve hurried to the sound to let her master know that she had prepared the breakfast table outside. She saw Akila talking with his three guests. Her gaze met Thar’n’s and she felt her cheeks starting to glow.

The tall warrior couldn’t hide his grin.

“Commander Thar’n?” Ma’cté gave him a questioning look when his commanding officer didn’t respond to a question their host asked him.

“I’m sorry, I was kind of distracted by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen…” Thar’n seemed like he was trying to look serious, but his grin tickled the corners of his mouth. He only partially succeeded, which earned him a questioning look from his leader.

Then Ma’cté found Nieve standing in the doorway and began to smile appraisingly.

Nieve flinched a little. Men of any species looking at her like that made her nervous. “Breakfast is ready,” she said.

Thar’n looked from Ma’cté to Nieve. His muscles tensed.

A glimpse of understanding crossed Ma’cté’s face, and his eyes flew back to his commander. His eyes squinted in laughter. “I understand that you have become captivated by all the delicious things our host has in store. But Akila had a proposition for you and we are curious about your answer.”

Thar’n looked to Akila. “My apologies, but what proposal did you have for me?”

Nieve hustled back to the kitchen, but she could still hear them talking in the hall. Her eyebrows twitched. What proposal would her master have for Thar’n? Maybe something that would keep him around longer?

“As you have heard, the birth rate of my clan is low, in addition to that few male descendants are born, especially few strong male descendants to be precise.”

Nieve busied herself with plating the breakfast, while she listened for every word Akila spoke.

“My daughter indicated that for the first time in her life she had found a suitable mate with whom she wants to have offspring. Since you are the only person I can think of who qualifies for this, I would like to offer my daughter to become your life companion to encourage productive cooperation between our two clans.”

In the kitchen, Nieve sank back against the wall, bile welling up in her throat. What had she expected? She was only a slave and Ayli was the daughter of the house. No doubt he would choose the young woman. She was young, beautiful, strong, and intelligent, a formidable warrior woman for an equally strong warrior…

Tears burned her eyes, but Nieve refused to let them flow. That would come later, when she was alone in the shower. Now she had to be strong and pretend nothing was wrong. She knew the visitors were here to establish cooperation between themselves and Akila’s clan.

“I should like to discuss this proposal privately with you after dinner…”

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