Nieve & Thar'n - Book cover

Nieve & Thar'n

WN Noxer

What’s Going On?


The day crept by. No matter where he went, Thar’n couldn’t get a moment with Nieve. She kept herself busy.

He spotted her in the hallway outside the kitchen.


She turned to him, her eyes fixed on the ground.

Thar’n was concerned.

Why did she avoid his gaze? Better yet, why had she been avoiding him at all?

“What’s going on, Nieve? You’ve been purposefully avoiding me all day.”

He could see tears in her eyes. She clenched her hands into fists and dug her fingernails into the palm of her hand.

“There’s nothing, sir. I’m just busy.”

Thar’n’s eyebrows flew up as she addressed him as “sir.” What is going on?

“Nieve, look at me. What’s going on?”

Nieve took a deep breath, straightened her back, and lifted her eyes to the man in front of her. “There’s nothing, sir. Like I said, I’m busy. Do you think… Eeeep!

A small shriek escaped her as Thar’n pulled her into the kitchen. The door slammed shut behind them.

“Now, you’re going to tell me what the hell is going on.”

He was angry.

Nieve lowered her eyes but couldn’t prevent a tear from falling from the corner of her eye.

A clawed finger gently caressed her cheek, wiping away the tear.

“Talk to me, Nieve.”

She kept her gaze fixed on his weathered brown leather army boots.

“…I heard what proposition Master Akila has made to you this morning…and, well let’s be honest, you’d be crazy if you wouldn’t accept his proposal. Ayli is a beautiful, strong warrior and will make a great life companion for you.”

She tried to pull away from him. She stopped when his hands cupped her face.

He needed for her to look at him. A pang of guilt shot through his chest at the sight of the sadness and pain in her eyes. Thar’n leaned forward and pressed his lips hard against hers.

Nieve froze for a moment. Then she relaxed and kissed him back.

His tusks pressed into the skin of her chin, but other than that, their faces fit together well. As soon as her lips parted, his tongue slipped into her mouth and began to explore.

His hands left her face to grip her hips tightly and lift her up in a quick movement. She grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, with the cutest squeal of surprise.

Thar’n grinned as he walked her over to the counter. One of his hands released her bottom for a second and he swiped the tools, lying on the white polished, marble surface aside before lowering her onto the countertop.

With her hands firmly placed behind her on the counter, she surrendered to his kiss. He could tell she really wanted him. She wanted this moment.

The bulge in his pants did not go unnoticed and the heat increased as she felt the bump rubbing against her swollen and sensitive folds.

A soft moan of protest passed her lips as his mouth left hers.

“Do you want me to continue, Nieve?”

Her lips were red and swollen from their kiss; Thar’n had to hold himself back from licking them.

She looked up at him with eyes full of undisguised desire. He couldn’t resist running his hand over the smooth curve of her breasts. By the gods! How wonderfully soft and full she is!

“I don’t know…”

With a devilish smirk, he took possession of her lips again. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he muttered into her mouth.

Her toes curled as his hand, which had been gently caressing her breasts, impatiently pulled down the bandeau top that had covered them.

Thar’n raised his head and gave her a mischievous grin before bending down to take one of her sensitive nipples in his mouth.

His teeth scraped the delicate skin of her nipple lightly. With a deep moan, Nieve leaned her head back to give him better access.

The hand that was still on her hip gripped the softness of her buttocks more tightly, its claws digging into her skin, pulling her even closer. Feeling his crotch against her sensitive parts was amazing.

With an impatient gesture, Nieve grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. She grinned, and before he could ask her what she was up to, she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tried to pull up the tight piece of cloth. Something that was not so easy, since the thick, coarsely woven ochre cloth—his clan colors—was made of a stiff material.

Thar’n’s heart started to beat faster as he saw his lust mirrored in her eyes. To help her, he grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head. He threw the garment out of the way.

Nieve ran her fingertips over his leathery, mottled chest. Without his shirt, his large, jagged scars were exposed. These were from burns and cuts, most likely from bullets. She caressed every one with the tip of her fingers.

Nieve leaned forward and began to plant little kisses on his skin. A shiver ran through him. She traced the lines of his muscles and scars with her tongue and was pleased to hear his breathing catch.

Scratching softly with her blunt fingernails, she followed the path her tongue made until she reached his neck. His heart was pounding hard.

His hand that had just played with her breast had now slid to her thighs. Thar’n bared her femininity with a hard tug on her wrap skirt.

Nieve gasped as he put his leg against her folds.

“Damn it, Nieve. You’re so wet.”

She grabbed his shoulders with both hands and dug her nails deep into his skin. The knuckles of his hand slid against her folds to open the front of his pants.

She slowed down then.

He guessed that perhaps she hadn’t been with a man like him before. “What is it? Are you afraid I’m going to hurt you?”

She shivered and shook her head.

Suddenly he felt the need to laugh.

She raised her face to look at him.

“Are you afraid my cock will look strange?”

He felt satisfied that he had made her blush again and the grin on his face broadened. With the hand he’d used to open his trousers, he gently grabbed one of her wrists and guided it to his member.

Nieve’s eyes widened as she wrapped her fingers around it. Hearing her gasp, Thar’n expected her to need a moment. Even females of his species found the size of his member intimidating. Men of his species had smooth, squishy scales, and she probably wasn’t used to it.

But to his surprise, she lifted her pelvis and guided his member to her entrance.

Feeling the heat emanating from her damp entrance, Thar’n gasped. He released her wrist and grabbed her buttocks with both hands and pulled her groin hard against his.

A squeal escaped her, then turned into a soft moan of pleasure as his hard member penetrated her.

She slid back onto the cool counter. She cupped his face with her hands and pulled him toward her. Careful with his sharp fangs, she planted her lips on his and sighed in pleasure as his tongue entered her mouth.

He dug his fingertips deep into the soft tissue of her outer thighs, with just enough clarity of mind to watch his claws. Her tight, hot channel made it hard for him to hold back. Although he hadn’t lived a celibate life, it had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. Thar’n felt her hot tube clench hard on his cock. He gave in to his primal instincts.

His thrusts got more urgent. He dug his fingertips deep into the soft tissue of her outer thighs, with just enough clarity of mind to be careful of his claws.

He felt her shiver as her orgasm rolled through her like a wave. Her fingernails clung tightly to his neck. Her teeth broke the skin of his lips and he tasted the metallic taste of his blood. That only excited him more. Thar’n grabbed her hair and pressed her mouth more firmly against his.

Her unrestrained excitement brought him over the edge. After a few more hard thrusts, he came deep inside her.

As he came down from his peak, Thar’n felt how his heart was beating fast and hard. It had been a long time since he had felt so alive.

Gently, he raised himself on his forearms to look at the tiny woman underneath him. His slowly shrinking member was still nestled deep inside her.

Nieve had her eyes open and looked at him inquiringly.

He was so happy with her right now. She took her hand from where she’d gripped his waist during their lovemaking to his face. She caressed the leathery skin of his cheek.

“I want you to come and watch the fight tomorrow.”

Her eyebrows raised in surprise. “What do you mean? Why are you going to fight? I knew there would be duels, but I expected them to be between clans, not against members of the visiting clan.”

Thar’n gave her a crooked grin. “Oh, that wasn’t the intention at all. But since your master suggested I take his daughter as a companion, I had no choice but to join the fights, just as tradition dictates. But I mean it, Nieve…I want you there.” He pulled her close to him.

“I doubt Master Akila would want me there. Besides”—Nieve looked away—“I don’t need to see you fighting for his daughter’s hand… I still have some self-respect left, you know…”

That wasn’t what Thar’n wanted to hear, and he gripped her chin firmly with one of his large claws.

Nieve looked at him with wide, startled eyes.

“I don’t care what Akila wants, I want you in the arena tomorrow. If you’re not there, I’ll send someone to pick you up… Is that clear, Nieve?”

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