Alessandra was enveloped in a thick fog, cold and damp like a wet blanket. She clung to Derek’s jacket, pulling it closer to her body, trying to hold onto the last bit of warmth before she was left alone in this eerie, sprawling labyrinth.
A small crackling sound sent a jolt of fear through her, causing her to spin around, her reaction slowed by the alcohol in her system.
She kept replaying the dare she’d accepted, trying to make sense of why she’d agreed to such a reckless challenge.
“What!” she’d exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. Do they want me dead? she thought, her mind filled with resentment.
“You picked dare, hun. Are you going to chicken out now?” Aaron taunted, standing up.
Her eyes narrowed at him, her jaw clenched tight, her teeth grinding together.
“If she goes in there she’ll get killed,” Renzo warned, gripping her arm.
“That’s not my problem,” Aaron smirked.
Derek stood up, pushing Aaron to the ground. Alessandra watched, surprised, as Derek’s grey eyes darkened with anger. “That is not what we agreed on, Aaron,” he growled. Most people looked away, cautious. He was of a high rank, naturally more powerful than others. But her gaze didn’t waver. He was defending her?
Aaron’s eyes hardened. “What, so you’re going to hurt me over some girl you like?” he spat out, his words filled with venom.
“I’ll fucking rip you apart unless you get up, apologize, and say the dare that we agreed on.” His voice was eerily calm, but his words were filled with authority. He was of beta-heritage; it was to be expected.
Alessandra sat, stunned. What is going on? I’m not his mate, he has no reason to act like this at all.
As if reading her thoughts, “You think she’s your mate? Look at her. A weak-ass faery that’s lived in an orphanage all her life. Nothing special at all. Just plain, freaky-eyed Alessandra who doesn’t even belong here.”
The words hit her hard. She’d never really cared about the whispering, the rumors. But when they are thrown directly at you, it hurts.
Immediately, Renzo, Lizzie, and Derek were moving towards Aaron.
She jumped up, heading straight towards Derek who looked like he was about to tear Aaron apart.
“You better take that back, you pig-faced son of a bitch,” Lizzie spat, grabbing his collar.
She knew it was a bad idea, but she needed to prove she wasn’t just a weak-ass faery.
Derek stopped when she was in front of him. “Listen, it doesn’t matter. I’ll just do it. It’s no big deal.”
“Are you fucking insane? I’m not letting you go in there. It’s practically murder.” His eyes were serious, and there was no room for argument in his voice. Well... that’s a shame.
“No. Right now, I’m not doing it for the dare. I’m doing it. Hell, now I need to prove to myself I can do it. End of discussion.” Her voice was final. Not only did she want to prove it to herself, but she had to admit that it was because of those eyes. Maybe they knew something about her past. They looked familiar. That’s all she needed.
She heard a crunch and then a howl of pain. She turned to see Aaron clutching a broken arm and a smug-looking Renzo.
“If you are going to do this, I don’t think I can stop you. Here, take this.” Derek handed her his jacket, which had been thrown over a nearby log.
She looked up at him, a small smile playing on her lips. “Thanks, I'll try to make it back here alive.”
Right now, she wished she just held her dignity and slapped him instead.
As she walked, the coldness seeped in. The cool, damp air brushed against her face, tracing the smooth contours of her cheeks. She shivered, pulling the jacket closer to her body.
She felt as if she was being watched, scrutinized from the dark shadows of the trees, their limbs brushing against her body, leering at her.
Alessandra's eyes widened in realization. She was out here. Most likely not alone, in the Celestial Forest. A place where if you go in, you don't come out. Flashes of television reports flashed through her mind: “Three teenagers who were seemingly drunk... “it-it was just a game and suddenly they were just gone...“one woman went missing last night, she was last seen here, at the entrance to the Forest...“two young children who were playing near the edge were reported missing last night.
Hundreds who lived around the forest were reported missing each year. Some were even snatched from their own home. No one was really safe. Not from them.
Her feet brushed along the forest floor, the only sound in the deafening silence. She felt an odd pressure in her mind, her pointed ears twitching in every direction. That meant trouble.
A small shuffle made her jump and step back nervously. Each small speck of light in any direction suddenly looked like eyes. They scrutinized her.
The sense of panic filled her stomach, filling her every pore, seeping out of her skin like gas. Her eyes darted around as she started to shuffle backwards.
A low rumble made her scream in fright, tripping over her feet and falling to the floor. Pain spread through her head, elbows, and lower back, winding her.
The sudden drop made her lungs shake and convulse. She gasped for air, her dark hair whipping round her head as she crawled backwards, her hands slipping on the dewy floor.
Thick tree limbs gripped her shoulders, making her screech and whip around wildly, slapping the wooden branches around her. Tears began to build in her eyes as she gasped for air.
Would she make it out alive?
Another growl made her shake uncontrollably, squeezing her eyes shut. The sense of dread bubbled in her stomach, making her hyperventilate, the cold tree behind her digging into her back.
She curled her body into a tight ball against the tree, trying to become part of the shadows.
However, the loud thump of feet, the huff of a snout begged to differ.
It drew closer.
She was going to die.
Another growl vibrated through her body, shaking the ground around her.
“Please, don’t hurt me,” Alessandra pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.
She could hear the rustling of branches as the creature moved. Its massive presence radiated heat, oddly comforting despite the terror it inspired.
Alessandra trembled as the beast towered over her, its heavy breathing making her inch back in fear. A sudden roar made her scream, and she curled up on her side. Her ears filled with a deafening white noise, drowning out the beast’s roars. It was right above her now.
Its snout was aimed at her neck.
I’m going to die, she thought weakly.
The beast’s fangs latched onto her jacket, ripping it from her trembling body and shredding it in seconds.
She held her breath, waiting for the end. But it never came.
Open your eyes.
A man’s voice echoed in her mind. It was deep, authoritative, and slightly husky.
Without thinking, her eyes snapped open to reveal the beast, its golden eyes filled with murderous intent.
“You! You’re the one I’ve been seeing! Who are you?” she gasped.
The beast stepped back, rising onto two legs. Its fur was a rich, glossy black, shining in the dim moonlight. A scar ran from its shoulder to its chest, and its body was a mass of tightly coiled muscle. One swipe of its knife-like claws could easily decapitate her.
But she felt no fear. The beast remained silent, not moving.
“Was that you? In my head?” she asked, trying to sit up. Pain shot through her, and she fell back down. The beast was beside her in an instant, reaching out to touch her injured arm.
She flinched, pulling away. The beast growled in frustration, reaching out again.
“Don’t touch me, you have sharp claws,” she whispered.
“Mine,” the beast growled in broken Torobic. Its voice was rough and scratchy, but there was an undertone of anger and command.
Her eyes widened in shock. “What? No. You can’t—”
“Mine,” it repeated, its golden eyes narrowing as it reached for her.
She scrambled back, away from the beast. They were responsible for the death of everyone she loved. Even if she couldn’t remember them, it was their fault.
“No!” she shouted, using a tree to pull herself up and away.
She gasped as the beast began to shrink, its fur retracting into its skin. Its face morphed into that of a man, but the golden eyes remained the same, glowing in the darkness.
He was beautiful, like a god. His sharp jawline was highlighted by the shadows of the night, and his high cheekbones looked as if they’d been carved by a goddess. His hair was dark and shiny, like a halo atop his head. But his expression was one of anger.
Dark freckles dotted his face, and golden streaks glowed beneath his skin, wrapping around his entire body.
“Alessandra. Come here. Now.”
She was momentarily entranced by his beauty. How was it possible for someone to be so perfect? Wait. How did he know her name?
“How do you know my name?” she whispered, her eyes widening in fear as she realized the gravity of her situation.
His golden eyes didn’t waver, and his beautiful face was still filled with murderous intent.
Panic began to creep in. Is he going to kill me? She backed away in fear.
His eyes snapped to her retreating feet, and the scent of her fear filled the air. It made him feel slightly nauseous. His beast stirred within him, causing him to stride towards her.
Alessandra’s fear intensified as he grabbed her arms, pulling her against his chest. Her breathing became labored, and a wave of heat spread through her body, igniting her senses.
Sparks danced along her skin where he touched her, wrapping around her arms and torso like a vine.
She felt oddly... complete. As if she had been living as half of a whole. His warm breath on her neck made her shiver, and she was completely immobilized.
A low, rumbling purr filled the air, vibrating through her body. It made her want to lean into his scent and snuggle into his warm chest.
She was lost in this private, almost sensual bubble that surrounded them.
When she felt the sharpness of his canines and the erotic sensation of his warm tongue on her neck, she gasped, her hand clutching his muscular chest.
His mouth moved sensually against her neck, sending waves of warmth through her body and making her knees weak.
She could barely think straight with his hands gripping her sides and waist, pulling her closer and pressing her against his nearly naked body.
His skin was smooth and hard, his muscles flexing beneath her touch. She lost all sense of reason, only aware that this god-like man was wrapping his arms around her.
She couldn’t suppress the small moan that escaped her lips, making him stiffen and growl into her neck. Only then did she snap back to reality.
She tried to pull away from the dangerous creature, but he tightened his grip on her, his arms like two thick tree trunks.
She gasped as his teeth scraped her skin, sending a jolt through her body.
“Wait,” she whispered, afraid that if she spoke too loudly, he would disappear.
His body tensed, becoming as still and hard as stone. The silence of the forest was amplified by his lack of words.
“Can you please let me go?” she asked, only to be met with a low growl that echoed through the silent forest.
“Never,” he replied, his voice deep and dark. It had an accent, an old one, but it was in a language she’d never heard before.
“Well, um... can I, maybe... I don't know... return to the village?” She tried again.
His expression didn’t change. His brows knitted together and his jaw tightened. “What part of never are you not getting, Alessandra?”
“And what part of ‘how do you know my name?’ are you not getting?” A sudden surge of boldness coursed through her. He's treating me like a child. She fumed silently.
The silence stretched between them, his only response was a single, perfectly arched eyebrow. Seriously! Do these guys have a team of beauty experts or something?
“So, you're just not going to answer me now?”
“You're not going back there, not unless you're with me.”
Alessandra narrowed her eyes, fighting the urge to stomp her foot like a petulant child. “Why?”
“Because I don't want that fucking beta laying his dirty hands on something that isn't his.” His eyes narrowed, canines peeking out from his bottom lip as he sneered.
“Hey! He's my friend! How do you even know he exists anyway? How do you know so much about me?”
His gaze shifted to Derek's torn jacket. He looked back at her, his face impassive and clearly not planning to answer her question.
His hand reached down to grasp hers, pulling her further into the forest.
“Whoa, whoa.” Alessandra protested, digging her heels into the ground. “I'm not going anywhere unless it's back to my village.”
Elijah just rolled his eyes, hoisted the stubborn, protesting faery over his shoulder, and continued towards the city.