You Never Series Book 1: You Never Knew Me - Book cover

You Never Series Book 1: You Never Knew Me

Kim R. Fitzpatrick

Getting Some Help


I make sure to lock the door of the motel room before pocketing the key and heading to work. I’m on my own tonight. Denise has a date.

I’ve been working for Maggie now for a week. It’s fun! The local folks are friendly and often leave good tips, and I’ve been treated very well by everyone. I even get along well with Denise.

I wish I didn’t have to keep Sadie a secret, but no one can know about my wolf. It wouldn’t be safe. So, until I can earn enough to get going again, I keep Sadie on lockdown, which she understands.

I called Mr. Marshall a couple of days ago to check in. He informed me my father ordered a DNA test for Damien. They’re waiting for the results. In the meantime, my mother now lives at the pack house, and my father has sent the luna back to her father’s pack. He hasn’t rejected her officially yet, but it’s being whispered.

Mr. Marshall also said the alpha has asked local packs to keep an eye out for me. He wants me back in the pack because of my rare wolf and her size. There are rumors he has other plans as well, but Mr. Marshall refused to say what those are. “They aren’t good, Lyric, but I’d rather not say until I know more.”

Apparently, my mother has been tearful and has asked him several times if he has heard from me or if I said where I was going. Of course, he wouldn’t say. I feel bad he’s involved, but teachers talk, and they pointed their fingers at him when the alpha asked who spent the most time with me.

Before hanging up, Mr. Marshall advised me to contact the high council. If I don’t and my father should find me before, I may never get another chance. It’s quite possible my father would make me a prisoner and leach my wolf for power.

I wrote to the high council immediately after getting off the phone with him. The letter details the issues with the Half Moon Pack and the alpha’s shadiness. I just hope they do something about it.

Maggie grins as I walk in. “Child, I wish I had your energy! I’m pooped just watching you! When you told me you had been hitchhiking, I about died. You really should look into taking a bus. It’s not that bad a ride, and it stops enough for you to stretch and get a breather. A ticket’s not that expensive either.”

I look at her. “A bus? Does one come here to Hazen?”

“Well, no, but I could give you a ride to the closest depot. You could get your ticket and be on your way. Easy!” She grinned.

“Do you know how much I’ll need?” I need to get to school in a way my father can’t track me, and being among the humans wouldn’t cross his mind. Most likely, he thinks I’m rogue and wandering from pack to pack.

I’m not exactly hiding. Eventually, we will come face to face once more. I’m counting on it. But I’m not quite ready to enact what I have in store for Alpha Marco DeLong just yet.

“Tell you what. You write down where that college is that you’re headed to, and I’ll ask around and get you a schedule and cost.”

“Oh, Maggie, thank you! I appreciate it.”


Waving goodbye to the room that has been my haven for the last four weeks, I close the door, lock it, and head over to the main office to turn in my key. I’m sad to be leaving. Maggie has been wonderful, as have the rest of the people at the restaurant.

As she promised, Maggie helped me figure out the bus schedule and the ticket price. I’m headed to Rochester, New York, and Maggie made sure to find a route that would give me enough time to stretch my legs occasionally at certain stops as well as give me a scenic tour.

She overheard me telling Denise this on my left shift yesterday and laughed. “I just got you the cheapest ticket,” she said. “It’s just by chance you wanted the scenic route, and if it was me, I’d rather take a shorter trip!”

I don’t mind. Until the afternoon I left the Half Moon Pack, I had never stepped foot outside of Colorado. It’ll be nice to see other parts of the country before settling into college life.

“Are you ready to go?” Denise asks as I walk into the restaurant carrying my things.

I dip my head. “I think so. It hasn’t been long, but I’m going to miss you guys.”

She gives me a hug and calls for Maggie, who shuffles out of the back room with her car keys in hand. Some of the people in the restaurant have seen me before and wish me luck or say goodbye. And then Maggie and I are walking out and getting into her car.

The drive to the Fargo bus station doesn’t take long. Maggie hops out and helps me with my bags before giving me a hearty hug. “Oh, wait just a moment.” She leans into the car and grabs a small plastic bag. “Here are some snacks for the road. Just a few of the muffins I’ve seen you snacking on before and a BLT sandwich,” she says. “There’s a drink in there too.”

“Thanks so much for everything, Maggie,” I say. “You’ve helped me more than you know.”

She looks like she’s ready to cry, but she bites her lip and nods instead. “Take care of yourself, Lyric,” she says as she climbs back in behind the wheel of her suburban. As she’s pulling onto the main road, she sticks her hand out the window to wave goodbye.

I sigh and grab my stuff. I already have my ticket. Maggie paid for it online and I gave her the cash, so all I have to do is wait for the bus to get here. “Are you ready, Sadie?” I ask in my head.

“More than ever. We’ve got this,” she replies.

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