Uncharted Territory - Book cover

Uncharted Territory

M. Wolf

3: Mate


Pain. My body is in so much pain.

I feel drops falling on my neck and slowly rolling down my back. My head feels heavy, but I manage to look up.

Opposite me, I see Laura in the same position, with her arms chained above her, her head hanging down, and her dark hair hanging damp around her.

“Laura…,” I say softly. My throat feels dry. How long have we been here?

Her head slowly lifts, and we look at each other for a moment. We both realize that we’re in deep, deep trouble.

The only question is, where did we end up? And why did they take us?

Cold. It’s so fucking cold. I can’t stop shivering. My body shakes violently.

My wrists are bruised from the rusty chains. Most of my body weight is currently hanging from my wrists, because the chains are mounted too high above my head.

How long have we been here? I don’t feel my legs anymore, because I’ve been trying to keep my body up for so long.

“We have to think of something, Demi,” Laura says when she looks at me. She’s very pale, and her face is clouded with pain.

She’s a bit shorter than me, and I don’t want to know how her shoulders feel.

“I don’t know what to do. Do you see anything you could possibly free yourself with?” I rasp while looking at the ground.

It takes a very long time before we’re both fully awake. We’ve both been in and out of consciousness. For a long time, everything was blurry and the world spun around me, but I can see clearly now.

Whatever they gave us was strong stuff. I hope it didn’t do too much damage to our bodies.

For the first time, I hear noise outside the cells. It sounds like a door opening.

Heavy footsteps walk toward our cell. Somewhere further on I hear groaning and shouting.

Are there other people in these cells? Why didn’t I notice that before?

Suddenly I hear a loud growl, and the door of our cell is pulled open. We both scream. When I look up, I see three figures. They look at us and say nothing.

All three of them are crazy big, nearly six and a half feet, I think. The smallest of the bunch is a bit older and wears a doctor’s coat. He has a friendly face.

The other has his eyes on Laura. He’s at least six foot seven and has dark, curly hair. His eyes are almost black.

He hasn’t even looked at me yet; he just keeps staring at Laura. His chest is heaving up and down like he wants to pounce her.

The biggest of them is not only tall but also very muscular. He has bright blue eyes and dark, short-cropped hair.

He’s looking at me, and I see different colors circling in his irises. How is that even possible?

There’s a rumble coming from his chest.

Suddenly he grabs the chains and pulls them out of the wall. He lifts me bridal style and starts to walk out of the cell.

I panic, but on the other hand, it also feels good to be in his arms, which makes me panic more at how confused I feel.

“Take the other one,” I hear him mumble, and he continues toward what I assume is the exit.

The panic takes over. I try to move away from him.

“Let go of me! Let me go! Laura!” I scream while I try to worm myself loose from his arms.

“Calm down, little one. Your companion is safe.” He tightens his grip.

“Safe? Do you think we feel safe here? You chained and locked us up! Fuck you!” I spit while trying to wriggle free.

“We have some questions to ask you, but first you need to go to the clinic to get checked and warmed up.”

He holds me even tighter. I can’t move anymore. He’s very strong.

Tears run down my cheeks. I can’t fight. My body is hypothermic, and everything hurts. I haven’t eaten or drunk anything for so long that I’m completely weak.

I find myself slipping away, but I’m jolted awake by a deep voice.

“Don’t fall asleep, little one. We’re almost there.”

The tall stranger speeds up his steps. “Doc! She’s almost unconscious. Run ahead to get everything ready!” He speaks like he’s in charge.

“Yes, Alpha,” I hear someone say. “I’ve already sent Janice a mind-link that we’re coming.”

I can’t keep my head upright anymore, and I let it fall against my carrier’s shoulder.

I’m so tired. I just want to sleep for a little bit.

“Fuck,” I hear him whisper, and he starts running.

The last thing I hear is him screaming, “Fucking help her!”


The moment I walk into the cells with Colton and Doc, the scent of cherry blossom fills my nose, and my wolf goes wild.

“What’s wrong, Zane?” I ask him, but he doesn’t answer. He’s too busy running back and forth in my head.

I pull the door out and storm into the cell. On the right is a lady with brown hair. She looks up at me with big brown eyes.

But soon her gaze shifts to Colton, who has come to stand next to me. He seems to be in some kind of trance as he looks at her.

My gaze goes to the other prisoner, and Zane almost jumps forward. I have to force myself not to shift.

“MATE!” Zane yells in my head, and I curse inwardly. He can’t be serious.

Her big green eyes look at me. She has honey-blonde hair that looks almost gold, as damp as it is. She studies us intently, and when I take a closer look at her, I can’t contain my anger.

Her wrists are blue, red, and swollen. Her shoulders are in a weird position, because her hands are chained above her head.

She’s shaking like crazy, and I don’t think it’s just because she’s scared. Her lips have a blue tinge.

I pull her out of the chains and lift her up. I mind-link Wren, “I’m not done with you yet,” and I hear a quivering ~“Yes, Alpha”~ in response.

He must have felt his alpha’s anger through the link. I’ve heard that’s not the nicest feeling to have in your head.

I reach out to others in my pack as I hurry the woman to the clinic. My mother, Janice, is waiting for us with a clean bed and a lot of blankets.

I shout, “Fucking help her!” and put her on one of the beds.

Colton comes in behind me and puts the other lady next to my mate.

“Let us do our job, honey. We’ll talk to you in a minute,” my mom says softly, placing a hand on my bicep.

I growl softly but accept it. I’ve learned better than to go against my mother.

Colton and I walk out of the room and flop down on the chairs in the waiting room.

“What the fuck was that, D?” Colton asks.

“She’s my mate.” I run a hand over my face.

“Fuck,” I hear him say.

I nod. Fuck indeed.

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