Training Furst - Book cover

Training Furst

Michael BN

Chapter 2

My car clearly didn’t match the mansion that I drove up to. The house was very modern and angular, with lots of glass and metal.

I was greeted at the door by a stiff Personal Assistant named Jasper. He took me to a living room the size of the entire apartment I’d shared with Lawrence.

“Good morning, Sebastian. Thank you for being here on time,” Calvin said in his soft-spoken voice.

I spotted the black-suited bodyguard playing Solitaire at a table in the corner.

“Morning, Cal,” I said, not knowing what to do with myself.

“Please, take a seat,” he said, picking up on my discomfort. “Why don’t you tell me where we begin?”

By allowing me to direct the conversation, he immediately put me at ease. He was a client after all, and I was going to do my job as I did with all my clients.

“Can I ask what exactly your goal is?” I said, accepting the bottle of mineral water that Jasper handed me.

Calvin was silent for a moment and replied, “Follow me.”

I did as I was asked and received an unofficial tour of the house. We walked past a massive kitchen and dining area as well as a library and a media room. Calvin even had a meeting room attached to his large office. Both had floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the outside pool area.

Did he do all his work from home?

We stepped into his bedroom, and he closed the door behind him. When he took off his shirt, I immediately understood why I’d been hired. Calvin undid the tight corset and allowed his belly to hang.

He looked at me self-consciously and said, “I’ve neglected myself for a while. Can you help me look naturally healthy again?”

“Mr. Furst, I guarantee that we’ll have you looking your best well before your prod…”

Oh, shit.

“My what?” Cal asked with a raised eyebrow, as he put his corset back on again.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Did I just put my foot in my mouth?

“I’m sorry, sir. I just assumed that the event you spoke of would be your new product launch,” I said, my earlier confidence evaporating quickly.

“You know what they say about assumption,” Cal said stoically.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, sir. I…”

“It’s Cal, not sir,” he said with a smile. I could finally breathe again. Had Lawrence constantly making me feel guilty about the things I said made me paranoid?

I changed the subject and asked, “When would we be able to visit the gym to take some measurements?”

“Oh, I’m not exposing myself anywhere public,” Cal said.

The vulnerability he’d shown when his shirt was off, was gone.

“I’m afraid I can’t do my job without the help of some measurement equipment,” I replied carefully.

“Then buy it,” Calvin said casually. “Make a list of what you need and give it to Jasper. He’ll get it here before tomorrow.”

What the fuck? These were some expensive machines!

“Oh, and there is something else I must show you.”

He took me to an enormous space with a stunning view of the city below. Despite its size, there was only a treadmill in it, and was that a shower area?

“The previous owner had a fully equipped gym here. Jasper will order whatever you need to get me fit in eight weeks.”

Two months?!

I swallowed hard and said, “Cal, if that’s your goal, I’ll need your full cooperation and dedication. I’ll even need to tell you what to eat.”

He looked at me intensely, he was clearly not used to being told what to do.

“So be it, do what you need to do. I have a conference call starting in ten minutes.” He turned on his heel and left me standing in the empty space.

This was going to be a lot more complicated than I’d anticipated.


Without the equipment I needed, there wasn’t much else that I could do. Jasper had escorted me to a small guest office with a laptop.

I was nervous as I searched the web and saw the price tags on each machine. I didn’t want to sacrifice quality, but I also didn’t want to rake up a massive bill on my first day.

Prioritizing the measurement equipment, I picked a basic multipurpose fitness machine. I also included two mats for stretching and a punching bag.

I bookmarked the sites I’d used for future reference and when I double-checked to see if I saved them all, I came across something very interesting.

Someone had a taste for hot naked dudes! Holy shit! They didn’t even bother to hide it; the sites were bookmarked for fuck’s sake!

I quickly browsed through the images and realized that this person had a type. The guys were all-American surfer boys with tight, muscled bodies and an “I don’t give a shit” facial expression.

Clicking on another link made me almost jump out of my skin. An HD video of six beautiful surfer boys fucking in a pool area started playing at full volume.

I frantically closed the browser, looking around to see if anyone had caught me. When I finally managed to breathe again, it occurred to me that something in the video had looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I didn’t have time to dwell on it, so I grabbed the pages I’d printed and went to look for Jasper.

Furst’s PA gave me the creeps. There was something about the way he looked at me that made me very uncomfortable. He scrutinized the equipment list and pursed his lips.

“You’ll have everything by morning, Cal is eager to begin. You mentioned something about changing his diet, what do I need to know?”

“I prefer to take the measurements first and make a plan accordingly,” I replied.

“So, there’s no further reason for you to be here?” Jasper raised an eyebrow.

“I guess not,” I said, scratching the back of my head.

“Great, then Cal will be paying for only three hours of your time today,” he said, taking a note on his tablet as he walked me to the front door.

What an ass! “Tomorrow, eight sharp. Your ‘stuff’ will be here,” Jasper said dismissively.

It was eleven-thirty, and I was standing next to my car. I figured that I should just go to the gym and make up the hours there.

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