The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna - Book cover

The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna

Skylar Greene

Age Rating


Felicity is an orphan girl found outside of a pack when she was a baby. She has always been told that she was just a human who no one wanted. On her 20th birthday, her day goes from bad to worse as she finds out just how cruel her Alpha truly is.

Jaxon is the Alpha heir of The Moon Stone Pack. He’s a hybrid wolf looking for his mate. He’s starting to get impatient since he is now 25 and still hasn’t found her.

Find out what happens when a new alliance brings him face-to-face with his mate. What happens when Felicity realizes she is more than just a human? Will Felicity accept Jaxon, or will she want nothing to do with another Alpha?

Subscriber only release.

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Chapter 1



“Jax, once we get there, I want you to remember your training and follow my lead. Remember that we are here for an alliance.”

I interrupt Dad, “Why do we need an alliance with a pack that we have to take the jet to meet?” He responds, “It’s nice to have friends everywhere, son.”

I nod and we finally land. We have three black SUVs waiting for us once we land.

My dad, our warriors, and I stand to get off the plane. We get in the vehicles and head straight to the pack. My dad doesn’t want to stay gone long. He is already looking like he misses Mom.

I wish to have a love like them but I’m in my 20s and I still haven’t found my mate. I was hoping that I would find her once I turned 18 but it didn’t happen.

All my siblings have found their mates, but I haven’t found mine.

I was so lost in my thoughts about a mate that I didn’t catch our surroundings while we pulled up to the packhouse. As we looked around the pack area, everything looked rundown.

I turned my head toward my dad while he turned his head toward me. Before either of us could speak, Uncle Liam asked the question we all were thinking. “Why would they invite us here with the place looking like this?”

Our vehicles stopped in front of the rundown building I assumed was the packhouse and out came a guy who looked as if he could be a warrior. We stepped out of our vehicles and the man walked toward us looking sheepishly.

He probably could see the looks on some of our warriors’ faces.

He introduced himself and we followed him inside the packhouse. He took us to a conference room that was full of Alphas and probably their betas.

A young man sits in the Alpha’s chair and claps his hands once he sees us walk in. “It’s great to see you, Alpha Darren. You are the last Alpha to come. I hope my humble home will be to your liking while you are here.”

My father nodded and took a seat, I took the seat next to him. The young Alpha began to talk and said his name was Robert and he was in desperate need of alliances to help him deal with rogues and other packs trying to take over his land.

Another Alpha interrupted him and asked what was in it for us if we became his alliance. How would becoming his alliance benefit others in the room?

That made sense because from how the place and grounds look, he had nothing to offer us. He had a wide ugly smile as we heard a knock, and some girls began entering the room.

I smelled vanilla and peaches, while Shadow perked up in my mind. ‘Mate is near, Jax.’ I turned my head toward the door as the last girl walked inside.

She kept her head down while taking slow steps to come inside. She looked terrified and I hated that she was scared.

Once she stopped walking, she looked up and caught my eyes. ‘Mate, mate,’ Shadow screamed in my head. Her eyes went wide as she stared at me then she dropped her head as a blush crept onto her cheeks.

Robert cleared his throat and I had to hold in my growl from the words that came from his mouth. “Right now, I can offer these beautiful ladies to you all.”


I woke up stunned and out of breath. ‘What the hell was that, Shadow?’ ‘That was a premonition about finding our mate.’

‘Premonition, what are you talking about? It was just some strange dream.’ I wanted to dismiss Shadow’s words but he wouldn’t let me.

‘It’s one of your gifts, Jaxon. The gift of premonition. We will not be getting our mate at 18 and from the looks of it not until we are well into our 20s.’

‘Gift, what gifts are you talking about, Shadow?’

Shadow didn’t respond and put up his mental block. I looked over at the clock and saw it was only a little bit after two in the morning.

Today was my graduation day and instead of getting some rest, I was having dreams that seemed so real. I tossed and turned for another few hours.

My brain was racking with information from the dream and Shadow.

Shadow claimed that what I had was a premonition that would come true. I keep thinking it was just a dream, but it didn’t really feel like a dream.

My birthday is tomorrow and instead of finding my mate, I know I won’t and will probably find her years later. Once I do find her, she will be lined up for a room full of Alphas to do only Goddess knows what with her. The more I thought about it the angrier I became.

I must’ve dozed off because I could hear my siblings and parents up getting ready to eat breakfast. I make my way to the kitchen once I’m done taking a shower and putting on clothes.

I know Jace and Dakota will want me to take them to school. Daniella can tell something is wrong with me during breakfast, but I appreciate that she isn’t hounding me to tell her about it just yet.

After dropping off our siblings at school, Shadow and I decided to run to the waterfall.

Dani sits quietly waiting for me to tell her what’s wrong with me. I tell her and we both are stunned as our wolves talk about us having gifts, but they didn’t want to discuss it with us further.

Dani thinks of a prank to make me feel better and we set off to get our day started.

That asshole Kaleb tried to ruin my day, but Daniella put him in his place. Our graduation went great, especially when the principal left screaming.

For some reason, I felt like this may be one of the last pranks Daniella and I do together. I didn’t tell her that though, I just enjoyed our prank.

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