The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna - Book cover

The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna

Skylar Greene

Chapter 3


Vanessa had given her word to my mom that she’d come and assist us with our gifts. After a few weeks, she finally arrived. I was aware that Elder Scott would accompany her, but the presence of the other Elders took me by surprise.

They requested Daniella and me to join them in the office, and that’s when we discovered the real reason for their visit. They wanted my father to become a part of the Elder council.

Dad was quick to inform them that retirement wasn’t on his agenda anytime soon and that he’d need time to consider their proposal. The other two Elders didn’t seem too pleased with his response. Elder Scott assured him they’d revisit the topic later.

They officially extended the invitation for Dad to join the council. It was a significant honor to be a part of the Elder council. I was relieved, though, that Dad stood his ground about not retiring immediately.

My aspiration was to earn my degree before taking over the pack. Dad was supportive of this, as his parents had allowed him the same freedom. Once the Elders left the office, Dad and I resumed our work on pack matters.

I’d been assisting Dad since my early teens, and we’d developed a system that allowed us to be efficient without spending the entire day on it.

Mom and Dad ensured that Daniella and I were well-versed in everything about our pack. They instilled in us the knowledge to run a successful pack and the importance of seeking help when needed.


Mom requested Daniella and me to meet with Vanessa instead of attending training. I wished we could have met her post-training. I loved training and despised missing it.

I’d have to squeeze in a gym session after handling pack business since I missed training. I could sense Mom’s anxiety as we awaited Vanessa’s arrival. Daniella asked Mom if she was okay or if we needed to fetch Dad, but Mom reassured us she was fine.

I wasn’t convinced, though, and I tried hard not to read her mind to figure out what was bothering her. Shadow and I had been practicing not to invade someone’s thoughts unless absolutely necessary. I didn’t want to do that to Mom again, so I patiently waited for Vanessa to arrive.

Finally, she knocked on the door and entered, greeting us with a smile. Vanessa was an elderly white witch, but you’d never guess unless you knew. She turned to Mom and asked, “Do you want me to tell them, Jade, or would you prefer to do it?”

Mom looked even more anxious, and I was growing increasingly concerned. I was about to attempt to read her mind when she began to speak. “Daniella and Jaxon, Vanessa discovered some intriguing information when she delved into our family history.

Apparently, our ancestors were a lineage of powerful witches. However, when they migrated to America, they ceased practicing and chose mates instead of beloveds. A beloved is a witch’s term for their mate. We believe this is why you two are so unique—you’re hybrids.”

I was taken aback by this revelation. ‘Shadow, were you aware of this?’ ‘No, this is news to me as well. It does make sense, though. Your aura and mine are growing stronger, but it feels like something is hindering us from reaching our full potential.

I’ve always felt that we were meant to be more than what we currently are. Now I understand why.’ Vanessa proceeded to share more about our ancestors and their formidable powers. When she mentioned that they were the King and Queen of their kingdom, both Daniella and Mom gasped in surprise.

Vanessa believed we possessed magical abilities and expressed her desire to train us in harnessing our magic. She wanted to awaken my warlock side, and I instantly despised that term. We’d learned about warlocks and witches in school.

Warlocks, the male counterparts of witches, had over time earned a notorious reputation for stealing witches’ powers. The mere mention of the word ‘warlock’ would send chills down a witch’s spine, fearing their powers would be stolen.

If I do possess magic or turn out to be a warlock, I don’t want to be referred to as such.

I’d have to communicate this to Vanessa when she begins my magic training. After dropping such a bombshell, Vanessa took her leave. Daniella expressed her disbelief at the revelation, and I couldn’t agree more. “I know. I thought we were simply blessed with gifts from the Moon Goddess; I had no clue we were part witch and warlock.

I have a feeling life’s about to get even more complicated.” Mom dismissed us after informing us that we’d discuss it further later. I wanted to assist Dad with pack work, but I felt compelled to train.

Training was almost over, but I requested Uncle Liam to spar with me before leaving the field.

He flashed me a cunning smile before assuming a fighting stance. As a child, Uncle Liam would spar with us for fun. He taught me numerous techniques that I used to defeat him once I got my wolf.

His first punch landed on my right cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Your mind isn’t here. If you were on your game, I wouldn’t have landed that punch.” He was right; I could easily block his hits.

I focused on him and charged, landing a punch that made his head turn. He turned back to face me, blood trickling from his mouth, “Good. You’re focused now.” We exchanged blows, managing to dodge most of them.

I finally gained the upper hand by kicking Liam’s leg, causing him to fall. I seized the opportunity to pin him down. He struggled to break free, but he knew he couldn’t.

I didn’t earn the title of the second-best warrior for nothing. He tried to knee my side, but I punched his face, making him groan and his nose bleed. “I give up, you big brute,” he conceded. We heard laughter, and I turned to see my Dad watching us.

“Why don’t you spar with someone who can keep up? Liam’s an old man now; he can’t match your pace,” Dad teased, laughing. I got off Liam and agreed with my dad. “You’re just as old as me, old man,” Liam retorted, sitting up and holding his nose.

Dad ripped off his shirt and assumed a fighting stance. I’d learned not to let my dad land the first hit. He fought to win, always, even during sparring. I hadn’t defeated him yet, but I planned to before I assumed the role of Alpha.

I charged at him, aiming a punch at his face, but he dodged it by sidestepping. As I passed him, he pushed me away. “Tsk tsk,” I heard him mutter.

‘Focus, Jax, we can do this,’ Shadow encouraged me. I feigned a kick but ended up landing a Superman punch, catching him off guard. I followed it up with another punch to his face, making his head snap.

He turned to face me, a smile playing on his lips as he wiped the side of his mouth. He charged at me and kicked me in the stomach, causing me to fall and clutch my stomach. I heard Liam exclaim, “Oof.” “Get up. If you can dish it, you can take it,” my dad said as he advanced towards me again.

He only trash-talked when sparring with Daniella or me. Against anyone else, he was silent and lethal. I ducked to dodge his hit, causing him to miss. I seized the opportunity to land an uppercut, and he stumbled back, nearly falling.

I didn’t stop throwing punches at him until he lifted me and slammed me into the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of me. Dad knew this too, as he climbed on top of me and tried to make me submit.

I squirmed to get him off me, but after much struggling to no avail, I conceded. He got off me and extended his hand to help me up. “Good job, son.” “Thanks, Dad.”

I took a few minutes to catch my breath and then headed home to take a shower.

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