The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna - Book cover

The Alpha and Luna 3: His Enchanted Luna

Skylar Greene

Chapter 2


Today marks our eighteenth birthday. I woke up with a smile, despite knowing that I wouldn’t meet my mate today. I bumped into Daniella in the hallway, her face lit up with a grin as wide as mine. “Happy birthday, little sis,” I greeted her, reminding her of our minute age difference.

Our family was gathered in the kitchen, waiting to celebrate with us. They sang us a happy birthday and showered us with gifts. I cherished these moments, the closeness of our family. When Daniella and I first discovered our wolves at sixteen, I asked her to co-lead the pack with me when Dad passed the mantle.

She declined, saying she didn’t want to be Alpha. She said it was my birthright, and she’d rather work in the pack hospital. Sometimes, I selfishly wished she’d find her mate within our pack, so she wouldn’t have to leave. But I knew she was destined for bigger things, even if they weren’t within our pack.

Dad handed me a set of keys, and I found a black Jeep waiting for me outside. Jace, Jake Jr., Lucas, and Mason all piled into my new ride, and we followed Daniella and the girls to our favorite restaurant in town. We settled into our usual large booth, discussing plans for the party tonight.

Daniella and the girls were engrossed in a conversation about shopping. I quickly mind-linked her, letting her know I wouldn’t be joining them. Suddenly, Dakota started talking about Daniella begging her to go shopping, even though Daniella hadn’t mentioned it.

Daniella mind-linked me, ‘I didn’t say that out loud, just in my head. How could she have heard me? Mom and Dad said we could only mind-link them when they got their wolves; that is still three years from now.’ I grabbed Dakota’s arm and led her outside, with Jace and Daniella following closely. “Did you hear Dani in your head just then?” I asked her.

She nodded, causing Jace to gasp. I tried to mind-link her, but it didn’t seem to work. “Can you hear me in your head?” She shook her head, and I turned to Daniella, wide-eyed. This must be part of the gifts Shadow and Skye were talking about.

Jace muttered, “This is weird.” I agreed, “I know it’s weird, Jace.” All three of them stared at me when Jace asked, “How did you know I said that was weird?” I heard Shadow mumble, ‘Uh oh.’ I ignored his comment, trying to figure out why my siblings were acting like they hadn’t heard Jace say it was weird. “You just said it’s weird,” I reminded him.

He shook his head, “No, I thought that but never said it. Did you just read my mind?” They all stared at me, stunned. ‘Shadow, what is going on? Did I just read Jace’s mind? Is that one of the gifts you were talking about? Can I read other people’s minds?’ Skye reached out to Shadow, and he opened the link for Daniella and me to listen.

They’ve always been able to communicate with each other, even when Daniella and I didn’t encourage it. Skye said, ‘There are things that we haven’t discussed with you guys yet, and I think we need to do it in front of Mom and Dad.’ Shadow agreed, ~‘Let’s go back home and talk with Mom and Dad.’~

Their words made me nervous. What was so important that we needed a family discussion? We told our friends we had to head home. The girls looked disappointed but climbed back into the car with Daniella. The guys didn’t say anything, which I appreciated. I needed time to think.

I tried to wrap my head around everything that was happening. So far, I knew I had premonitions and could read minds. These weren’t normal abilities for wolves. We knew our mom was blessed by the Goddess with premonitions and the ability to read evil auras, but the idea of us having gifts too was strange. I’d always thought Mom was given those gifts because she was a human mated to an Alpha wolf, but now I wasn’t so sure.

Once we got home, Mom cleared the house. She always seemed to know when something was bothering us. Dad settled into his chair, with Mom in his lap. That’s how they always sat. I wondered if I’d want my mate to sit in my lap all the time when I found her.

Dad asked us what happened, while Mom looked scared. She never looked scared. As I stared at her, all I heard was, “Vanessa said they were special and had gifts, what if she is right?” ‘Shadow, what is Mom talking about?’ ‘You should ask her.’ Sometimes, he wasn’t very helpful. He scoffed, but I did as he suggested. “Mom, why are you thinking of Auntie Vanessa again? What gifts was she talking about?” Mom exhaled shakily, while Dad held her tighter.

He reassured her, “It’s okay, Angel, everything will be okay.” I hated seeing Mom like this. If she was this upset, could our gifts be something bad? “Vanessa has been calling us more since you guys shifted. When she first met your mom, she said you guys were special, but we didn’t delve into what she meant. She mentioned you guys might have gifts. Your mom had a gift too when she was pregnant with you. It helped us prepare for her kidnapping, but it also took a toll on her. She doesn’t want you guys to go through what she did,” Dad explained.

The story of Mom being kidnapped by her own pack members and a stalker was the worst story we’d ever heard. They told us the story after our first shift. It was a terrible time for Mom and Dad, but they got through it and had us soon after.

Mom asked, “What happened today?” Jace explained how Dani mind-linked them both at the café, but they couldn’t mind-link her back. Daniella added that even though I couldn’t mind-link our siblings, I could read their minds. She was about to tell Mom about my premonition, but I stopped her.

I didn’t want Mom to know I had premonitions too. That gift had taken a toll on her, and I didn’t want her to worry that I had it too. Mom left Dad’s lap and knelt in front of me. She held my face in her hands and asked, “What else can you do? I don’t like it when you guys hide things from us. We try to be open and honest with you, and we expect the same from you. I could tell something was bothering you yesterday, but I trusted that if it was important, you’d tell your dad and me.” She was right. They were open and honest with us, and they expected the same from us.

“I know I won’t find my mate anytime soon. I’ll only find her when I’m ready to take over the pack from Dad. I had a dream that showed me this.” I didn’t miss the look on Mom’s face or the sharp intake of breath when I mentioned the dream. This was why I didn’t want her to know. Now she’d worry about me even more.

We listened as Dad spoke about us having special abilities that other wolves didn’t, and how we should keep this within our immediate family for now. He asked what Shadow and Skye had said about our gifts. Daniella said that Skye had been quiet lately. I told them that Shadow said we were blessed with gifts, but he didn’t specify what they were. He did say the dream was one of our gifts, so I knew it would come true.

Mom sat quietly while we talked. I hated how she seemed to shut down after I told her about my premonition. Dad told us not to use our gifts too much because we didn’t know if they’d have any effects on us. As he continued talking, I tried to listen to Mom’s thoughts again.

She was worried about us and our gifts. She was anxious for Auntie Vanessa to come and help us understand our gifts. Shadow whined, ‘Mom is extremely sad.’ ~‘I know, Shadow, and I feel like it’s all my fault. If I didn’t have the gift of premonition, she wouldn’t be so sad right now.’~ ~‘It’s not your fault, Jax. We were just blessed by the Moon Goddess. What Mom sees as a curse might be a blessing for us.’~ Before I could respond to Shadow, Dani mind-linked us to give Mom a hug.

We all jumped up and hugged her tightly.

Mom insisted she was okay, but we all knew better. She excused herself to call Vanessa, ensuring everything was set for the party tonight. Dad turned to me, his eyes questioning, “You read her mind, didn’t you, Jaxon?”

I nodded, sharing how she was worried about us and our unique abilities. “Your mom’s always been a strong woman. Her premonitions were terrifying, making her question her own strength. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must be to relive your worst nightmare, especially while carrying a child.

“She tries not to dwell on that time, but knowing you guys have these gifts is stirring up memories she’d rather forget. She doesn’t want you to experience what she went through.

“But she’ll be okay. Just enjoy your birthday today and don’t stress about anything,” Dad reassured before heading off to join Mom in their room.

Later, as we all rested in our rooms, I felt a sudden surge of distress from Skye and Daniella. I rushed to their room, crossing paths with Jace on the way.

Despite Jace and Dakota being five years younger, we all seemed to share an emotional connection. Daniella and I, however, had a deeper bond, probably because we were twins and our wolves were siblings too.

I asked Daniella what was wrong, but she just pointed at Dakota. Dakota confessed about some jerks at her school who were mocking her for looking like a boy.

She was considering changing her style because of them. I felt a growl rumble in my chest, my Alpha aura flaring, “Give me names.” Dakota flinched, and I quickly tried to suppress my aura.

I realized then that Dakota had feelings for the guy who was being a jerk to her. I grabbed Jace, and we left Daniella’s room, but not before I told Dakota I still wanted those names.

Even though I had graduated, I was still protective of my siblings at school. I knew Dani would talk to her about the guy and fill me in later.

Back in my room, Jace asked, “What’s up with you and your aura?” I shrugged, “I don’t know.” I honestly didn’t; it had never been this intense before.

“Maybe it’s because you turned eighteen today,” he suggested. “Yeah, that could be it. If it keeps getting stronger, it’ll surpass Dad’s aura.” Jace laughed, “No one’s aura is stronger than Dad’s. Well, maybe the King’s, but no Alpha’s aura is stronger than Dad’s.”

He was right. Dad’s aura was the most powerful among all Alpha wolves. It was so potent that even the Elders bowed to him, a respect usually reserved for the King.

I found myself wondering if my aura would ever surpass Dad’s.

Once I finished talking with Jace, I decided to get ready for the party. Even though I knew I wouldn’t find my mate tonight, I still wanted to look good.

I slipped into a fitted black suit and ran a brush through my hair before meeting Daniella in the hallway. From the way she was dressed, I could tell she was hoping to find her mate today.

We made our way to the garden behind the packhouse where the party was in full swing. Our parents introduced us, and it wasn’t long before a swarm of Alphas’ children approached us, hoping we were their mates.

Thankfully, I had trained myself to keep my emotions in check because the way some of the girls were throwing themselves at me was irritating. Their thoughts began to invade my mind, giving me a headache. Some were fantasizing about being mated to a handsome Alpha, while others had me questioning their sanity.

‘He’s so handsome. Waking up to that face every day would be a dream.’ ‘I wish he was my mate; our children would be beautiful.’ ‘Maybe if I sleep with him, he’ll choose me as his mate.’

‘I’d reject my mate for him in a heartbeat.’ ‘I wonder if he knows I’m pregnant. If I sleep with him, I could claim the baby is his. My dad will kill me when he finds out.’

‘Shadow, how do I block these thoughts? I can’t stand them anymore.’ My head was pounding, and I retreated into the packhouse to calm my mind.

‘We can try what we did when we first learned to mind-link. Focus on creating a mental block so we only hear people’s thoughts when we want to.’

I did as Shadow suggested, trying to erect a mental barrier to block out the surrounding thoughts. After a few minutes, everything went quiet, and I realized it had worked.

‘Good job, Jax. I’ll help with the mental block too since this gift is still new to us. Once we get the hang of it, we won’t need to block out thoughts anymore.’

I returned to the party, noticing Daniella’s relieved expression when she saw me. She was surrounded by guys trying to ask her to dance.

I let out a bit of my aura as I approached her. The crowd looked surprised as they watched me make my way towards Dani.

The crowd around her dispersed, making me smile. ‘Thank Goddess. They were starting to get on my nerves,’ she mind-linked me. I laughed as Dakota and Jace joined us.

We spent the rest of the party hanging out with our friends, doing our best to avoid being alone with the kids who wanted us to choose them as mates.

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