You Never Series Book 2: You'll Never Forget Me - Book cover

You Never Series Book 2: You'll Never Forget Me

Kim R. Fitzpatrick

The Royal Treatment

The castle on the hill didn’t come into view until we crested a rise in the road. It shimmered in the waning light of the late afternoon sun. Its white, pristine walls stood out starkly against the verdant surroundings. The landscape leading up to it was a patchwork of trees and fields.

Nestled in the valley below was a small town. I could see people going about their daily routines. As we descended the road and drove through the town, I noticed people waving and bowing their heads in respect as we passed.

“Is this your pack?” I asked.

“Only a small part of it. Many live within the castle compound. These are the suburban wolves. They run businesses and stores. They’re omegas with families. They have their own homes and usually only come to the compound for festivals and important events. We also have shelters in case of attacks, though it’s been years since we’ve needed them,” Kaizer explained.

“It seems like a lovely town,” I commented.

“Hamlet,” Gunnar corrected from the front. “We call it a hamlet,” he added with a grin.

“Whatever!” I retorted, giggling.

“My beta, Otto, returned home with Royce to prepare rooms for your men. Our room should be ready as well. Would you prefer to eat in the dining room or in our room?” Kaizer asked.

“I think our room for tonight. After we’ve all had a tour of the pack tomorrow, we can introduce your pack to the American riffraff,” I replied, smiling.

“Hey! I object to that description!” Roman protested. “We’re not riffraff. We’re rare and intelligent American wolves.”

“That’s true! We are very rare. Speaking of, do you have rare wolves here? A pack of their own?”

“No. We don’t ostracize our pack members because of their subtle differences. We try to find their strengths. Although you will be the only truly white wolf here. Most of us, like myself, are blonde, or buff as I like to say,” Kaizer said, smiling.

“Or we’re gray, brown, a mix of both, and as he said, blonde,” Gunnar added. “Even your black wolf will be different for us,” he said to Roman.

“Ridge is going to love that!” Roman chuckled.

We pulled up to a massive iron gate guarded by two men. Recognizing Gunnar, they stepped aside and the gates slowly opened. We drove through and circled around, stopping in front of a large set of steps leading up to a huge double wooden door. The doors opened, and Beta Otto and Elder Royce stepped out with three women. I heard Gunnar groan and turned to look at Kaizer.

“What is she doing here?” Kaizer growled.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s related to Otto,” Gunnar replied.

“Is there a problem?” I asked, peering out the window. Beta Otto was standing with two women by his side. The other woman stood behind them, her hands folded in front of her in a servile manner.

“My Beta Otto is the brother of my former mate. The woman in the blue designer dress is Amanda, my son Otto’s mother. He’s named after his Uncle Otto,” Kaizer explained. “The other woman is my sister, the bouncy blonde. The woman at the back is Amanda’s maid.”

I took a moment to study his former mate. She was quite attractive, with brown hair styled in an elegant twist and a dress that fit her perfectly. Her makeup was a bit heavy, but otherwise, she was quite striking. We exited the SUV and began to ascend the stairs.

Amanda raised her hand and began to speak. “I know, darling, I didn’t warn you ahead of time, but I only learned that Otto is home for the holiday. So, I decided to come here to see him rather than ask you to send him to me in the city,” she said, approaching Kaizer and giving him air kisses. “My brother said you just arrived from America. Welcome home.”

Kaizer stepped away from her and glared at his beta. He growled at him, and the beta shrugged. “She wanted to see her son,” he mumbled.

Kaizer stared at him, then turned to Amanda. “Why? It’s been months since you even video chatted with him. Why the sudden urgency to come here to see him? Did your mate send you on a spy mission?”

Amanda gasped. “Kaizer!” she admonished. “I realize you weren’t happy with how I handled things, but I would never betray the pack!”

“No, Amanda, only your son and me,” he growled.

I stood there, my mouth agape. Talk about awkward! Roman moved to stand beside me, drawing Amanda’s attention.

“Who are your visitors, darling?” she asked, eyeing me up and down.

Kaizer reached for me and pulled me closer to his side. “This is my mate, Lyric,” he introduced. Amanda gasped, and his sister squealed.

“Oh! I…con…congratulations. I’m, well, I’m surprised,” she stammered, extending her hand toward me. I took it. “I’m Amanda. Former queen and mate to Kaizer and current luna of the Rothchild pack.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

I nodded, and the little blonde pushed her way forward.

“Hi, I’m Oliva. Kaizer’s sister. I can tell we’re going to be great friends,” she said, her smile genuine and bright.

“Yes, well, I can see why. You two are about the same age!” Amanda snarked. “Really, Kaizer? She looks young enough to be your daughter.”

“Perhaps, but as you very well know, the Goddess chooses. Age is but a number. After all, your mate is older than your father. Closer to your grandfather’s age, isn’t he?” His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline.

She scowled at him, then turned around as the rest of my guys ascended the steps, carrying our luggage.

Kaizer looked at his beta. “Have the staff escort the men to their rooms. I’ll show Lyric to ours. We’d like to have dinner in our room tonight. Check with the others. I’m sure the dining room will be fine for them.” He took my bags, and we headed through the double doors without another word.

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