Three. The Perfect Family - Book cover

Three. The Perfect Family

R.S. Aria

A New Path


It doesn’t take long before the twins and she melt into each other in perfect synchronicity, and the air becomes alive with the smell of sex. At this point, they are so attuned to each other that Madison doesn’t have to say a word.

Ethan and Levi saddle her up in the swing, and their kisses become hungrier. She can see in their eyes that they will not be able to contain themselves for much longer.

Madison tickles her fingers over the tips of their throbbing erections, dragging them closer. “Flake,” Levi says, “you’re making this tough.” She can feel their sweat on her body.

Madison seductively spreads her legs, her sex on display, dripping and awaiting them. “Come and get me, boys,” she whispers. They don’t need to hear another word. The boys pounce on her like animals.

She is so horny that when they come over her, for the first time in her life she struggles to tell the two apart. Madison gives herself to them, and they are happy to take her.

One after another, the twins enter her, both making her squeal with pleasure as they deliver stroke after stroke, so hard that Madison is convinced they will rip the swing from the roof. When things come to a climax, all three are covered in sweat and totally out of breath.

“Come to bed?” Ethan asks. Madison hasn’t spoken for five minutes. Every time she does, she is overcome with waves of ecstasy, a reminder of her earth-shattering orgasm that has left her body shaking. Her hands flop down, releasing Levi.

Levi smiles. “She needs help,” he purrs. Not needing any further discussion, the two bend over and pluck her up. Madison feels like she is floating on a cloud as they walk over to their Alaskan king bed, carefully lowering her down.

She nestles into the sheets, and Levi curls up around her. Even after their intense encounter, he was still stiff as a rock. Madison slowly traces her fingers over his shaft as they curl up together.

“You look beautiful,” Ethan says from the other side. He’s leaning on the bed, head on his arms, his gorgeous eyes flashing as he watches Madison. “Those three aren’t far off, are they?” he asks. “Any day now.”

Levi takes Madison’s hand from his lap and squeezes it. “I can’t wait,” she whispers. In a state of total bliss, Madison lets herself relax into the warmth of the bed. Ethan lies down and the three of them stretch out.

They all close their eyes, just for a moment. Madison opens her eyes, just for a moment, and sees the twins are dressing. “Where are you going?”

Ethan, adjusting his tie, leans forward planting a kiss on her forehead. “Duty calls,” he says, “Just a quick online consultation.”

“Oh…” Madison says, fighting her dejection, “I’ll be up soon, I—”

“Hey!” Levi whispers, lightly stroking her hair, “You just rest.”

“I don’t want you two to think I’m lazy!” Madison says, “All this time I’m not able to work has made me realize, I want more, there’s so many things I want to do… The one thing I don’t like about being pregnant is how useless I feel.”

“Don’t say that,” Ethan says, “that’s one thing you’ll never be!”

“You’re the most brilliant woman in the world,” Levi says, “we’ll worry about that when it comes time. You’re doing enough for now! Just relax for now.”

Madison smiles, dazed. She could use more rest. She closes her eyes and dips into her soft pillow, giving herself to the deepest sleep she ever had.


“I hate to see her so stressed like this,” Ethan hears his brother’s voice behind him. He hasn’t been able to concentrate. Throughout the meeting with the client, he found his mind wandering back to thoughts of Madison.

“Ethan? Are you listening?” On the other side of their office, Levi sits on the couch, scratching at the yellow paint on his hand. Laid out on the coffee table is a stack of documents, spread out like a pack of cards.

“I’m listening,” Ethan says, “I know.”

“She was never the type to stay still for so long,” Levi says, “I can’t imagine, it must be driving her crazy!” Ethan nods. “She wants to find her passion,” he said, “With all the craziness she hasn’t had time. She’s close, but she’s going to need our help. I know whatever she decides she’ll blow us all out of the water. I’m not worried about her.”

“You can say that again,” Levi says, smirking, “I only worry for her competition… I know she’s going to work it out, but how can we help?”

“We give her exactly what she needs, Levi,” Ethan shrugs, “I just worry about the timing.”

“The timing?” Levi asks. Ethan looks down at his phone. Madison. He took the photo just the day before. She was sitting at the beach, looking at the waves. She’d never looked so beautiful. He gazes at the photo. In the summer light, she is glowing. He can’t wait to get her back in bed. Sex is often on his mind around her, but at the moment it’s all he can think about.

“Not before the birth,” he says quietly. “We can’t make her any more stressed.”

“You’re right,” Ethan sighs. “But what are you thinking? Something fitness related feels like the move? That’s where her instinct would probably be.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Levi says, “especially when the triplets come… She needs a new path.”

I couldn’t agree more!” The twins both jump. It’s Madison, she’s leaning against the doorframe, dressed in a billowing dressing gown, smiling from ear to ear.

“Madison!” Ethan says. “How long have you been listening?” Levi adds.

“Come on,” Madison smiles mischievously. “You don’t think I could leave my boys alone for too long did you? Especially when they’re being so secretive.”

“You were sleeping so peacefully, how could we interrupt?” Levi asks.

“Flake,” Ethan smiles. “You know we’d never keep secrets from you, don’t you?”

Madison slinks over to him, catlike, running a finger down his neck and undoing his tie. Ethan draws her closer, gripping her hips and pulling her to his lap. Her eyes flash.

“Oh, I know,” she whispers. Levi smiles.

“So what are you thinking?” Ethan asks, running his fingers to her ass and squeezing.

“I think if we’re going to really focus on getting this brainstorming session off the ground, you need to sit on those hands and focus, Flame.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Ethan says. Madison stares deeply into his eyes. Levi stands, slipping closer to her. Her eyes are on fire. Ethan can barely contain himself.

“Well,” she says, “maybe we can afford to postpone just a little longer…” She slinks her hand toward Ethan’s waist. The three, once again, melt into each other. All is complete bliss. As always.



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