Hearts of Alaska Series 2: Love & Alaska - Book cover

Hearts of Alaska Series 2: Love & Alaska

Mel C. Clair

Chapter 2


This job is the pits, I mused, slumped over my desk, contemplating a head-to-desk collision. Why on earth did I blow my cash on an office for a tourism business in Alaska?

It’s not like folks just randomly decide to visit Alaska without pre-booking their sightseeing adventures. No one’s going to just stroll in here seeking my services; this office is a waste.

Just as I was about to succumb to the mind-numbing boredom, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

“Yeah?” I responded, my tone matching my mood.

“Cheerful as ever. What crawled up your butt?” Liam, my best friend, shot back.

“Sorry. Just bored out of my skull. What’s up?”

“Great, I was hoping you’d be in a good mood for what I’m about to ask.” I know Liam like the back of my hand, and he knows me just as well. That’s what happens when you grow up together in a small town like Homer.

“What do you need?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

“Will you come with me to the ugly Christmas sweater party tomorrow night at the inn?” Liam’s words tumbled out, probably due to embarrassment, which was my cue to tease him.

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Very funny, jerk. I’m serious, okay.” Liam paused, sighing heavily. “Jess is back in town again, and you remember what happened last year.”

“Yeah, you slept with her thinking she’d ditch San Francisco and come running back to you…idiot.” I shook my head, amazed at how easily Liam falls for Jess’s tricks.

Can’t say I blame him, though. When Jess moved to Homer, every guy in high school was smitten, myself included. But Liam was the one who won her over. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson. You don’t need me there to keep your pants on, do you?”

“No, jerk! She’s brought someone with her.” Liam sounded genuinely upset this time.

“Ouch. I’m sorry, man.” My voice softened, and I dropped the sarcasm, knowing how much Liam has been hurting since Jess dumped him after he proposed on Christmas Eve.

“Why even go then?”

“I promised my mom I’d help with the food since my dad can’t do much after his knee surgery.”

“Why not get Trisha to help?” Knowing Jess and her family as well as Liam does, we both know Jess’s mom Trisha couldn’t feed a pack of hungry wolves.

“Noah, are you coming or not?”

“All right, all right. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’ll go.”

“You’re a piece of work.” Only I know Liam’s unique way of saying thank you.

“You’re welcome.” I was about to hang up when Liam spoke again.

“Oh, and one more thing.” The bell on the front door chimed. Assuming it was just a gust of wind, I didn’t bother to check. “Grant wants to do lunch sometime this week. He has some news.” Liam emphasized the last word, so it must be important.

We’ve known Grant since we were kids, but he’s a few years older, so we didn’t really become friends until he started working at Liam’s lumberjack company.

“Oh, okay. I wonder what—”

I was cut off by a soft, feminine voice calling out, “Hello?”

“Oh crap. Someone’s here. Gotta go.”

“Don’t forget about tomorrow night,” Liam squeezed in as I quickly ended the call and peeked out of the back office.

“Hi, sorry about that. How can…I…help…you?” my voice trailed off as I locked eyes with her. From her striking arctic blue eyes to her golden hair cascading down her shoulders, I felt a rush of cool, fresh air yet a warmth like a ray of sunshine.

“Hi, I was hoping to speak to someone about scheduling a tour?” Her voice was so soothing I could listen to her all day. “B-but I could come back…if you’re closed or…”

“No!” I snapped out of my trance. “No, we’re open. I just wasn’t expecting you…or anyone. I’m realizing now, stupidly, that having this physical office for a tourism business is pointless.

“Locals from Homer wouldn’t need my services. They already know everything about Alaska, and tourists usually have their sightseeing plans sorted out.” I realized too late that I was rambling as she stood there, listening to my nonsense with a charming smile.

“Well, I guess you’re the owner, and I hate to prove you wrong, but I’ve been a part-time local for over ten years and still haven’t explored any part of Homer.

“And I’m also a tourist because I’m looking at grad schools here, which might take me to other parts of Alaska I’ve never been to…” she bit her lip, hiding her smile under a smirk as she crossed her arms proudly.

I couldn’t help but smile as I extended my hand to her. “Seems I stand corrected. My name is Noah Jones…the owner and now your tour guide.”

“I’m Kiera Sutter. Nice to meet you, Noah.”

“Trust me, the pleasure’s all mine.” My hand lingered in hers. “So do you have time now to sit down with me, and we can plan an itinerary?”

“I’m all yours.” Her smile was radiant as she answered, making my heart flutter.


“All right, so to recap the itinerary, we fly out of Homer to Anchorage. While we’re there, you can check out UAA, The University of Alaska Anchorage. We’ll fly over Lake George and up to Moose Meadow, where you’re likely to see moose grazing.

“I’ll give you a bird’s eye view of the massive Knik Glacier, and if the weather permits, we might be able to land on the glacier and explore it up close.”

“That sounds amazing!” Her eyes lit up with each word I spoke.

“The next day, we’ll head back to Fairbanks. We’ll stop at UAF, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, then spend the rest of the day exploring the Yukon River and Trans-Alaska Pipeline.

“We’ll hike up to the plateau of Finger Mountain, where we can spot some wildlife. And finally, we’ll cross the Arctic Circle, and hopefully, if the weather cooperates, we’ll see the Aurora Borealis. How does that sound?”

“Do you think we could squeeze in one more thing I’ve always wanted to try?”

“Absolutely. What’s on your mind?”

“Dog sledding,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“I’m sure we can work that in. If not during the trip, I know a few spots not far from Homer.”


“Now, the last thing I need to know is, when do you want to set off?”

“Why not right now?” she blurted out, then seemed to backtrack. “I mean…if you’re not tied up? I apologize, I’m just so thrilled.”

Her excitement made me chuckle. “Right now it is. Let me just make a few calls to arrange everything and secure accommodations for the two nights. That should give you enough time to pack. How about we reconvene here in an hour?”

“That works for me. I can’t thank you enough, Noah.”

“That’s what I’m here to do.”

“I’ll see you in an hour then.”

Kiera paused at the door, biting her lip.

“See you in an hour,” I echoed, my heart somersaulting in my chest.


The bell jingled as she stepped outside. I found myself unable to look away as she glanced back at me, her smile radiant.

Why does an hour already feel like an eternity without her?

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