A Ridge Mountain Pack Series: Alpha Max - Book cover

A Ridge Mountain Pack Series: Alpha Max

Lora De La Cruz

Sibling Rivalry


“Jaydon, enough!” I swat at my brother, trying to concentrate on the vampire movie playing on the screen. “Who picked this movie anyway?”

Jaydon huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why are you always so mean? I just wanted to know if Macy would say yes if I asked her to the dance. I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”

I roll my eyes, tossing a pillow at him. “You’re lucky I love you, being your favorite sister and all. I’ll ask her, but don’t bug me about this again. If you like her, you talk to her. It’s that simple.”

Jaydon grins, leaning over to hug me. “You’re the best sister, you know that?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m going to find Macy, while I’m gone, find a better movie. Bella and Edward are just too much. Sparkling vampires in the sunlight, seriously? Everyone knows they don’t sparkle.”

I leave the room, heading up to the beta’s floor. I know exactly where Macy is. It’s two o’clock on a Saturday afternoon, she’s definitely taking her usual nap.

I knock lightly on Macy’s door, waiting for her response. Her soft voice calls back, “Come in, Selene, I know it’s you.”

Of course she does, she probably heard me coming up the stairs.

I push open her door and close it behind me. Macy is sitting cross-legged on her bed, her laptop in front of her.

She’s in leggings and a baggy t-shirt, her long dark hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She looks up from her screen, “Hey, what’s up?”

“Just checking in, seeing if you wanted to hang out later.”

Macy nibbles on her lip, her gaze returning to her computer. “Well, maybe. I’ve been doing some reading for my history paper. I think I’ve had enough though,” she closes her laptop and looks back at me.

“What do you have in mind?”

“How about a movie? We can check Netflix for something new. I’m so tired of the old movies we’ve watched a dozen times. Can you believe Jaydon chose Twilight,” I snicker, which turns into a snort, sending Macy into a fit of giggles.

“He’s such a softy. Sure, we can do that. I wish it was warmer, I’d love to go swimming at the waterfall. Winter seems to last forever.”

Macy hops off the bed and gives me a hug. “We haven’t hung out much lately. I miss my bestie.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to spend time with Max, since he’s leaving soon. Also, can I ask you something?”

I hate playing matchmaker, especially for my brother, but he’s my twin. We’ve always had each other’s backs.

“Of course, you can ask me anything, anytime.” She gives me a warm smile.

Macy is the happiest person I know, always so cheerful. I’m sure it’s because Amanda is so wonderful.

I scrunch up my nose. “Well, Jaydon wants to ask you to the spring dance, but he’s afraid you’ll reject him.”

Macy laughs. “That’s not a question, Selene. That’s a statement. If you’re asking if I would reject him, the answer is a solid no. I wouldn’t be so cruel as to hurt him like that. Why can’t he just ask me himself?”

I shrug. “Guess he’s chicken.”

“All right, let’s go watch that movie,” Macy throws her arm over my shoulder and we head down the stairs to the movie room, giggling and whispering the whole way.

We leap over the back of the chairs, landing gracefully on the other side. The perks of being werewolves and athletes.

Macy is a track star, running in many races and also doing the pole vault. She’s small, which makes everyone underestimate her.

Jaydon is sprawled on the row of chairs we just cleared, his arm behind his head. He must have been waiting for me to come back.

“Hey, you two could have landed on me. Can’t you enter a room like normal people?”

We giggle and flip him off. I grab the remote to find a Netflix movie, and Macy runs to grab us some drinks and snacks.

“Well?” Jaydon asks.

“Well what?” I tease him.

“You know what! What did she say?” Jaydon runs his fingers through his hair, clearly frustrated.

I wave my hand dismissively at him. “Just ask her. She’ll say yes, I promise.”

“But what did she say?” he asks in a hushed, urgent whisper.

Just then Max walks in with a couple of his buddies, being their usual loud, obnoxious selves.

Max grabs Jaydon around the neck and rubs his fist on top of his head, messing up his hair. “Who are we talking about?”

Jaydon pushes Max away, “None of your business, you big ox.”

“Oh, so I’m a big ox, huh? Is my baby brother throwing a tantrum?” Max laughs and his friends join in.

Jaydon just glares at them, and storms out.

“What was that all about?” Max asks, looking at me.

I just shrug and in walks Macy with two cokes and some popcorn.

Then Max looks at me, eyebrow raised, catching on. “Ohhhh, I get it.”

“Get what?” Macy asks as she settles into the chair next to me.

Max and his friends tumble into the movie theater chairs, climbing over the back. They’re not nearly as graceful as Macy and I were.

“What are you watching?” Max asks as he steals some of our popcorn.

“Hey, get your own,” I smack his hand away. “Don’t you want to go hang out with your friends? You only have a few more months here. Go find someone else to annoy.”

One of Max’s friends, Carter, plops his big, muscular body into the chair next to me and winks.

He’s a senior this year and always loud and obnoxious. I’m a freshman, so I don’t really hang out with them.

Carter reaches over and takes a handful of popcorn. “Hey there, Selene. Are you going to the spring dance?”

He flashes me a dazzling smile. I don’t know how to respond, so I look at my brother, who just shrugs.

“Ummm, I don’t know.” I turn back to the movie search, scrolling through the new releases.

Carter is still staring at me, grinning. It’s starting to make me uncomfortable, so I turn to him.

“Do you need something? Or are you just going to sit there like a fool staring at a banana?”

Carter and Max are doubled over, laughing so hard they can barely breathe.

Jeremy, Max’s best friend since forever, clears his throat and the laughter dies down.

Carter’s hand finds my knee and he leans in closer. “I can’t help it, you’re just too beautiful.”

My eyes must be as big as dinner plates. Max isn’t laughing now.

He’s got his arms crossed, shooting Carter a look that clearly says, “What the hell?”

Carter raises his hands, pretending to surrender. “Sorry, dude. Your sister’s just too pretty. Both of them, actually. But I heard someone else has dibs on Mel.”

Max’s face turns a shade of red I’ve never seen before. His fists are clenched so tight, I’m surprised his knuckles aren’t white.

I see his jaw twitch, a sure sign he’s trying to keep his cool. But he’s walking a fine line.

“Nobody has dibs on Mel. And nobody is dating my sisters. Got it?”

Carter just shrugs. He’s a big guy, probably as big as Max. He’s not as strong, though.

Max has alpha blood, so he’ll always be stronger. But Carter could still give him a run for his money.

“Chill, man. I just wanted to ask Selene to the dance, not propose.”

With that, Carter stands up, walks past Max, and gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder as he exits the theater room.

Max doesn’t move for a full thirty seconds, just staring at me.

“What’s your problem, Max?” I sigh, returning to my movie search.

“I don’t want my sisters getting hurt. And I definitely don’t want my friends asking you out,” he grumbles.

“Macy, you know Max won’t be around forever. Shouldn’t he get a glimpse of who his sisters are seeing before he leaves? Just so he can set them straight?”

She suggests, her voice light and teasing. “Just a thought.”

Max grunts, his gaze meeting mine, filled with a hint of desperation. “Selene, you know all I want is for you to be safe, right?”

“Of course, Max. But I can take care of myself.” I reply, my tone firm.

“I’d rather kick a guy’s ass than let him lay a finger on me.”

It’s no secret that I’m a fighter at heart. I’ve been training since I was eight, dreaming of becoming a pack warrior.

My mom is a total badass and I aspire to be just like her. She’s been teaching me all sorts of tricks since I was a kid, like backflips and other moves that help me escape tricky situations.

Melanie’s pretty good too, she just doesn’t enjoy it as much.

Max sighs, signaling Jeremy to stand. They both walk out, but not before Max, always needing to have the last word, turns around.

“I know you’re tough, Selene. But there are bad people out there. I just love you and I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt. Enjoy your movie.”

With that, he leaves.

Macy gives me a half-hearted smile. “You’re going to miss him, even with his constant meddling in your love life.”

“I know, Macy.” I reply, rolling my eyes.

“Now, can we please watch the movie? I’m not really in the mood for all this sappy stuff.”

We both burst into laughter and turn our attention to the screen, ready to watch Top Gun: Maverick.

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