Remind Me - Book cover

Remind Me

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 2


Rose closed the door to Sammy’s bedroom and walked across the hallway to Matthew’s room. She peeked in. “Goodnight, Matthew.”

“Goodnight,” he echoed before rolling over and going to sleep.

She closed the door and glanced at her watch.

“Eight o’clock,” she muttered to herself.

Maria had tried to stay as long as she could, but in the end, she’d had to head home, leaving Rose alone with the kids for a few hours.

What kind of man does this? Rose thought as she headed for the stairs. ~Leaves his kids with a complete stranger all day? He didn’t even check if I was qualified.~

Rose paused at the top of the stairs. She looked around, realizing she was basically alone. She gave a small smile before backing up and walking back down the hallway.

“It’s not every day I get to see how the other side lives. Might as well explore a little bit,” she whispered, making her way to the end of the hall. She opened the door slowly, revealing a large playroom filled with toys and games.

At least he gives them something, she thought before closing the door and making her way to the next room. The other four doors on this side of the house opened to several spare bedrooms.

Rose tiptoed past the kids’ rooms to the other side of the house. She gawked at the second living room with its massive TV and cushy seating before stopping at the last door on the hall.

She placed her hand on the doorknob, hesitating to open it.

“It’s probably the master bedroom,” she whispered. She went to turn the knob before stopping herself.

Mr. Wills sleeps in here. The image of his lean, muscular body rising from the pool came back to her. She shook her head and retreated, continuing with her little tour.

Downstairs, Rose strolled through to the kitchen, pantry, and laundry room on one side before making her way back through the house. She opened a door, looking around at the large home office.

“Woah,” she muttered, eyeing the shelves of books before walking toward the large desk and running her hand over its smooth mahogany. She looked down at the papers scattered on top, touching a paperweight gingerly with her fingertips.

“What are you doing in here?”

Rose spun around quickly.

“Oh!” she gasped. She stared at the shadowed form of Mr. Wills. “Sorry, I was just—”

“Snooping,” supplied Mr. Wills.

“Yup. Okay,” she replied, stepping hastily past him and out into the living room. She grabbed her bag and began to approach the front door, glancing down at her watch and realizing it was almost nine o’clock.

She stopped and turned to face Mr. Wills, summoning all of her courage. Though she really needed this job, she wasn’t about to stand for his behavior.

“You know, what you did today was…it was unacceptable.”

“Excuse me?” he asked, turning to face her with an angry glare.

“You heard me,” Rose said. “I know you’re a big, powerful CEO who sees everything as just business, but you can’t hold people’s jobs over their heads and ditch your kids with strangers. You threatened to fire me and then left me with your children for the entire day! You had no idea who I was, if I had ever watched children before, or if I was in the least bit qualified. It’s irresponsible.”

“Miss Gamble, I will not be lectured by an employee of my company in my own home. Your job is what I need it to be, and today, temporary childcare fell under your temporary job description.”

She shook her head in frustration before turning and opening the door to leave.

“I need this job, but I won’t be treated like my time isn’t valuable. Goodnight, Mr. Wills.”

“You’re right.”

Rose stopped. “Pardon?”

“You’re right. Your time is valuable. So, let’s make this situation permanent. I need a nanny, and you need a steady job.”

He pulled out a folder, flipping it open.

“Master’s in early childhood development, previous experience in education,” he read off. “Seems like this would work out for the both of us.”

“Are you for real?” Rose answered in exasperation.

He snapped the folder shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes.

“Miss Gamble, it’s been a long day and I’m tired. You would have a drastic pay increase, considering you’d be caring for my children, and a permanent position at the Wills Corporation. Do you want the job or not?”

“I…,” she hesitated as she tried to gather her thoughts. Had he really just offered her a full-time job? Just like that?

“You know what,” he said with a hint of frustration as he rubbed his forehead. “Take the night to think on it. If you want the job, be here at seven tomorrow morning. If you don’t show, I’ll know you’re not interested. You’ll stay on as a temp. Fair enough?”

Rose nodded before stepping out the door. She drove home in silence, unsure of what to do. Being a nanny wasn’t something she’d ever pictured herself doing.

She walked through the door of her childhood home and looked around the space with a sigh. The wallpaper was peeling in spots and the floors had seen better days. She set her bag down on the small table next to the door, knocking over a stack of unpaid bills.

“A better job would be nice,” she muttered.

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