The Pool Party - Book cover

The Pool Party

AJ Pages

Chapter 3

“Damn it!” Jack cursed, abruptly sitting up on the bed, trying to shield me from the laughter echoing from the hallway.

My immediate reaction was to curl up and roll to my side, hiding myself from the unexpected audience.

I felt the bed shift as Jack rose, striding quickly toward the door.

“Okay, guys, give us some room,” I heard him command.

“Did we misinterpret the open door as an invite?” a male voice questioned.

“Just head back to the pool. We’ll join you shortly,” Jack retorted.

The door closed, muffling the hallway sounds. More voices followed, and a thud echoed as someone slipped, almost falling.

“Damn it! Can you hand me a towel? You guys have drenched the entire floor!” Pete’s distinctive voice rang out, even through the closed door.

“It was your brilliant idea to come and watch!” another voice, possibly Johnny’s, shot back.

The rest of the conversation was drowned out as the group made their way back down the hallway and out of the house.

I finally sat up on the bed, then stood to put my bikini bottoms back on, retying the strings.

“I’m sorry about that,” Jack apologized, sitting on the edge of the bed closest to me. “I should’ve shut the door.”

I shook my head, my cheeks burning, biting my lip. I knew I was just as guilty as Jack, and I couldn’t let him shoulder the blame alone.

“It’s not your fault,” I reassured him, forcing a smile. “It’s okay.”

Once again, I was overwhelmed by the wild, uncontrollable feeling I got from being with Jack, a feeling I hadn’t yet managed to understand. That moment served as a reality check, showing me how far I was letting myself go.

But then I considered Jack’s point of view and realized he must’ve been feeling awkward about it, too. After all, the others were his colleagues. “Is this going to make things super awkward for you with everyone? We can just leave if you want.”

Jack looked away, shaking his head. His avoidance made me suspect he was hiding something.

“What is it?” I asked, curiosity tinged with concern.

Jack sighed. “I need to tell you something.”

A sinking feeling settled in my stomach, but my mind couldn’t conjure up any worst-case scenarios. I had no clue what Jack was about to reveal.

“I might have shared some things about you. Or us, rather.”

My eyes widened slightly, eyebrows raising. I had a hunch about what Jack was going to say next, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“What things?” I asked, bracing myself.

“I sort of arranged this pool party as a surprise for you, based on the fantasy you shared with me. I ended up discussing it with Claire and Johnny, and it kind of spiraled from there.”

I found it hard to maintain eye contact with Jack, remembering the conversation he was referring to. It was during and after sex a few weeks ago, one of many times we’d explored different fantasies and things we wanted to try. Jack had mentioned things like hooking up in his office and trying anal sex, both fantasies I had willingly fulfilled for him since.

My fantasies were a bit more complex, though. I’d felt insane just voicing some of them, but I trusted Jack, and we’d been so open with each other about everything that I felt safe telling him. But learning that he’d told his colleagues about my desires and invited them to a pool party where they were expecting it to happen, made me question my instincts.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shared with him what was going through my mind.

Jack shook his head when he heard my concerns and clarified, “There are no expectations for today. I made it very clear to those guys that you’d be in charge, and they shouldn’t count on anything actually happening.”

I just nodded slowly, still processing.

Jack continued, expressing some of his guilt.

“I’m sorry, Jess. I realize now that it was thoughtless and wrong to spring this on you. I just wanted to surprise you, I guess. And to do something special for you, to show you how much I like you, and like being with you.”

As Jack spoke, I realized that, even after finding out that he’d shared my most intimate thoughts and desires with not one but six of his colleagues, I still couldn’t bring myself to feel betrayed by him. I trusted what he was telling me, that his intentions were good, and he really did just want to help make my fantasies come true.

“It’s okay. I believe you,” I said, wanting to alleviate his guilt.

“You do?”

“Yeah.” I shrugged. “I believe that you just meant it as a fun surprise. I think I just need a little time to catch up and think about it, though.”

“Yeah, of course,” he agreed easily.

“Although I’m not sure there’s a way to rejoin the party without things feeling incredibly awkward,” I said, smiling and trying my best to lighten the mood.

Jack laughed a little, easing some of the tension. “Maybe not.”

I smiled back, feeling the heat rise back up in my cheeks, though it was more of a comfortably excited flush. The way I always seemed to feel when I was with Jack.

“I definitely think the gold bikini would be overkill now,” I teased.

The corner of Jack’s mouth crooked up into a grin as he shook his head. “Don’t think you’re getting out of that. Not until I pull those strings loose again, anyway.”

I laughed. As self-conscious as I felt about going back out to the pool knowing what the others had all just witnessed and what they already knew, I had to admit there was a certain thrill in the idea, too. So, I decided not to fight Jack on it anymore.

“Are you okay with sticking around to hang out at least?” he asked next. “Or do you want to just go?”

“We can stay. And we can both think more about it while we hang out, I guess.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” Jack agreed.

Then, just as I was about to lead us back out to the party, Jack grabbed my hand and held me back.

“I know I just told you that this whole thing was my idea and all, but lately I’ve been having second thoughts. I don’t know if I want to share you with anyone else.”

This confession caused my chest to swell. I could feel my heartbeat and the blood pumping in my chest and near my temples.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. Is that a shitty thing to say?”

I scoffed, forgetting that it might not be obvious to him what I was feeling or thinking. “No, it’s not shitty.”

Jack smiled. “Okay, good. I mean, I want you to have whatever you want, and I want to help make your fantasy come true. But thinking about seeing you with someone else, especially after how things have been for us lately, and what just happened at my place before—”

“I wouldn’t want it to be like that with anyone else, either,” I said, cutting in to reassure him.

Jack just looked at me for a few moments, letting that sink in. Eventually, he nodded, and we looked at each other and smiled again.

So then, with one final check to make sure the gold fabric was still in place, I let him lead me out of the guest room.

We stepped carefully over puddles and towels on the floor in the hallway and made our way back out into the kitchen, stopping to get fresh drinks before heading back outside.

I poured myself a double shot of tequila and downed it before starting on my next vodka lemonade, hoping that it would take away some of the anxiety.

Jack watched as I poured and took the shot, smiling playfully at me and chuckling a little.

I laughed back. “Want one?” I asked him.

In response, Jack grabbed himself a shot glass and slid it over to me. I poured another shot for each of us, and we took them together.


The others were all hanging around the pool when we came back out. Claire and Johnny each sat on the edge of the deck with their feet dangling into the water while the others were playing a game of keep-up with a beach ball.

As soon as Jack and I stepped back outside, there were some cheers and whistles. I got all compliments for my bikini, foremost from Claire.

“Damn, Jess, that suit!” she exclaimed.

Something about the way she looked at me, or where she was looking when she said that made me blush yet again. I hoped my “Thanks” sounded casual. There was some more snickering and laughing at the other end of the pool, though.

The others didn’t bother to hide their curiosity or their amusement. They showered Jack with praise for his prowess, and me for my performance.

Jack and I exchanged glances as the teasing and laughter continued. Eventually, Jack had to intervene, telling them to cut it out. They mostly complied.

The afternoon was mostly relaxed. We drank, chatted, and played various pool games while music filled the air from the speakers. They often discussed office happenings, but they were considerate enough to fill me in on the crucial details.

However, as the day turned into evening and the alcohol flowed freely, the atmosphere shifted.

Pete followed me into the kitchen when I went to refill my drink. I felt uneasy immediately but tried to mask it, offering him a smile as he entered. He grabbed another beer, opened it, and then blocked my path as I attempted to leave.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Jess? I hope our work chatter hasn’t bored you too much,” he inquired.

“No,” I chuckled. “I’ve heard some of those stories from Jack, but it’s interesting to hear everyone else’s take.”

“Yeah, I bet. It’s good to know Jack’s been sharing with you, too. It would be a shame if the storytelling was all one-sided,” Pete said, winking at me.

I felt a knot of tension in my stomach, wondering what he might say next. But curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to take control. “What exactly did he tell you?”

Pete looked surprised. “You don’t know?”

I shrugged. “He gave me the basics. But not the details.”

Pete smirked, stepping closer. “Well, he might have mentioned your little after-hours escapade at the office last month. I suggested to management that we should install security cameras after hearing about that missed opportunity. Would’ve been quite the spectacle.”

Heat flooded my cheeks and neck as I remembered the night Pete was referring to. Jack had snuck me into his office after everyone else had left. There were many details he could’ve shared with Pete and the others about that night. The thought stirred a mix of excitement and embarrassment within me. I tried to shake off my insecurity, lifting my chin and asking, “Is that all he told you?”

Pete continued to smile, his gaze curious. “You mean besides what you want from all of us? And the real reason we’re all here tonight? I was more than willing to offer my house when Jack told us about your fantasy. I wanted to ensure I’d be on the guest list.”

Shit. Pete stepped closer, and despite myself, I felt a reaction. But I held back.

“Jack also mentioned that I’m not entirely sure about any of this,” I said, stepping back.

Pete’s smirk turned slightly sinister. “I find it hard to believe that you would tell your boyfriend you want to be fucked by other people if you weren’t sure you wanted it.”

Before I could formulate a response, Jack entered the kitchen.

“Everything okay?” he asked, his gaze shifting from Pete to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, unsure if my flustered state was noticeable.

“Just getting a refill,” Pete chimed in, grinning and raising his drink.

Jack gave Pete a wary look before turning back to me. “Can we talk?”

I didn’t respond immediately, but Pete took the hint. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

Once we were alone, Jack moved closer. “What was that about?”

“I just found out from Pete that your friends know about what happened at your office.”

I met Jack’s gaze. He looked conflicted.

“Why didn’t you tell me they knew about that?”

Jack hesitated. “I don’t know, I sort of did. I said I told them some things.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, now would be a great time to elaborate!”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for them all to find out. I only told Claire and Johnny about it one night when we went out for drinks after work. But I guess Johnny told Ari, and then he told Pete. It was hard to keep it under wraps once Pete found out. I’ve been worried it might get back to our supervisor and I could get in trouble or even fired. But I’m sorry for not considering your feelings.”

I was at a loss for words, processing everything.

“I’m guessing you probably want to leave now?” Jack asked when I didn’t respond.

His dismissive tone stung. I decided to go along with his assumption. “I don’t think things will get any less awkward.”

Jack nodded. “Okay. Can you give me a bit to sober up? I’ll start drinking water.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I think I’ll just call an Uber. You should stay.”

“All the way back to the city?”

“No, just to the train station. I’ll take the train home.” Seeing Jack’s pleading look, I added, “It’s fine. You stay and have fun. I’m going to go get changed.”

I left the untouched drinks on the counter and headed back to the guest room where I’d left my belongings. The sight of the bed brought back memories of earlier with Jack and how good it had felt. It was disappointing to have the party end on such a sour note.

I sat on the bed for a few minutes before changing, reflecting on the day’s events and revelations. I was trying to convince myself to stay, and whatever that entailed. But I wasn’t sure if I truly wanted it for myself, or if I was doing it to please Jack and the others.

I’d been contemplating this for a while, but the sudden opportunity to make this fantasy a reality was overwhelming. I tried to envision the specifics of what might happen. What would I want? What might they ask for? What did Jack want?

He’d mentioned earlier that he wasn’t sure anymore if he was okay with sharing me. Could he have already told the others to back off? If I stayed and went for it, would he try to dissuade me?

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

“Jess? Can I come in?”

It was Claire. I got up and opened the door. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she greeted me with a cautious smile. “Can we talk?”

I stepped aside to let Claire in, closing the door behind her.

She sat on the edge of the bed, a towel wrapped around her waist. “I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry about how uncomfortable this whole thing must be for you. I’m sorry some guys are handling it so poorly.”

I remained standing, arms crossed defensively, and shrugged. “I wouldn’t take too much blame off Jack.”

Claire shook her head. “I know you’re upset that he told us anything without checking with you first, but he really wasn’t being a jerk about it. When he talked to me and Johnny, it was sincere. I believe he just wanted to figure out a way to give you what you wanted, with people he trusts.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing.

“I wish you would stay so we could at least talk some more. We don’t have to discuss anything you don’t want to, but I’m really enjoying getting to know you. Jack can’t stop singing your praises. You mean a lot to him, you know.”

I felt my cheeks warm, unable to suppress the blush. It was nice to hear that Jack spoke highly of me to his coworkers and friends. And it felt good talking to Claire. I could see why Jack thought she’d be a good choice for us to explore with. She was easy to be around, and even if Jack hadn’t already spoken so highly of her, I knew I would’ve wanted to be friends.

“You are, too,” I told her. “He talks about you a lot with me, so I guess I can see why he’d feel comfortable talking to you about everything.”

Claire smiled. “I promise. That’s all it was.”

I gave a nod, choosing to believe her words, and settled down on the bed next to her. Yet, I felt a nagging need for more information. “What did he say to you exactly? I think I got the basic idea from Pete, but I’m sure hearing it directly from you would be more accurate.”

Claire’s eyes rolled at the mention of Pete. “Yes. Ignore him. He wasn’t even supposed to be part of this, but he overheard Johnny and Ari’s conversation and then concocted the whole pool party plan. And none of us have pools or homes as fancy as this, so…”

“Understood,” I agreed.

“To answer your question, Jack only mentioned that you’ve been wanting to explore new experiences together, and that one of those might involve another woman. I’ve been quite open about my past adventures, so I guess that’s how he knew I might be interested.”

A sudden tightness gripped my chest. Breathing became a struggle. But I had to ask. “What kind of things?”

“I’ve had a variety of experiences with both men and women. And couples. And groups. I just really enjoy experimenting, and I don’t see the point of being shy about it,” Claire replied nonchalantly.

I must not have done a good job of concealing my shock, because she burst into laughter at my expression.

“I guess Jack hasn’t shared as much as I thought.”

I joined in her laughter. “Apparently not.”

“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable,” Claire said, her hand resting on my bare knee.

I felt a slight jolt when she touched me and barely managed to stop myself from instinctively pulling away. Uncomfortable wasn’t exactly the right word, but I was definitely on edge.

“No.” I hesitated, trying to collect my thoughts. “I guess I just feel like I have a ton of questions that I’m scared to ask.”

“That’s understandable.” Claire smiled, her hand unmoving. “But don’t be scared. What do you want to know? Like I said, I’m an open book.”

I swallowed and nodded, but continued to fidget with my fingernails, hesitating to answer.

“You want to know more about what I’ve done?” Claire guessed, her thumb lightly brushing the skin above my knee.

Somehow, I managed to suppress a sigh or a moan in response. I felt like I was on fire, a sudden pulsing between my legs, which always seemed to happen in reaction to good dirty talk. Beyond words, I just nodded my head.

“Well, I suppose I’ve just always enjoyed kissing girls more than guys. I feel more of a connection. Not to mention going down on girls, whether they’re lesbian, or bi, or just curious. And there’s something about having a straight woman going down on me that just drives me fucking wild,” Claire explained bluntly.

A throbbing sensation took over between my legs, so turned on as I imagined lying on my back and looking down to see Claire’s face between my legs. Then lying on my stomach between Claire’s legs, leaning in to taste her.

I felt myself tense and knew she could feel it too, her hand still resting on my thigh. I met her eyes and found them heavy with desire. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe.

“And like I mentioned earlier, I’ve been hooking up with other couples occasionally. It’s usually a man and a woman, where the woman is curious to try things with me, and so the whole thing is generally about me hooking up with her while the boyfriend or husband watches. The guys usually want to join in too, of course. So I do that sometimes if I’m into it, and if the other girl is okay with it.”

My blush deepened exponentially as Claire continued, somehow maintaining her composure.

“I’ve also participated in a fair amount of group sex, and that sort of thing. I usually find out about it through friends or someone I’ve hooked up with in the past. Those have been mostly co-ed, but I went to one party with all women. That was really fun.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond, feeling closer and closer to exploding, in the best way possible.

Claire was patient, her hand sliding ever so slightly higher on my thigh as she spoke. But she didn’t push me to respond to anything she was telling me.

Finally, I felt a need to speak up, so I said, “I guess I’m curious about a lot of that stuff.”

Claire’s smile widened. “Yeah?”

I nodded. “Threesome and group stuff. And being watched.”

Claire smiled back. “Well, I think that can definitely be arranged.”

I blushed even deeper. Despite all the drinks I’d consumed that afternoon, I wasn’t sure I had enough liquid courage to make a move and go for it. Luckily, Claire seemed willing to meet me where I was at.

“You know, the more we talk about this, the more I really want to kiss you,” she confessed. “Would that be all right?”

Before I’d fully processed the question, I found myself responding, agreeing with a nod.

And then Claire leaned in and kissed me. It started slowly, gently. Her lips felt soft and warm, pillowy on mine. I was still tense, wound tight with nerves, but I tried to loosen up and get into it as she slowly, gradually, took things further.

First, her hand cupped my face, her thumb gently stroking my cheek. Then her head tilted to the side a bit as her tongue slowly traced the outline of my lips, requesting entrance as she slid her other hand farther up my thigh.

I shivered when I felt that, lips parting, my body wordlessly asking for more. I turned toward her, bending one knee as I brought my leg up onto the bed between us.

Claire turned to face me as well, and I brought my hands to her hips before my fingertips glided up her bare back, ending up in her wet hair. Together, we deepened the kiss until we were making out, soft moans passing between our mouths, hands roaming freely.

“Your ass looks so hot in this bikini,” she murmured against my lips, sliding her hand up from the top of my thigh, over my hip, until she was grabbing and squeezing my ass.

I sighed, my pussy clenching with the compliment, and arched closer to her, biting my lip reactively.

Claire smiled when she noticed and kissed me again, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth and taking a turn at biting it while she gave my ass another squeeze.

My next moan came out as more of a whimper as Claire sucked on my tongue. I felt the progress of her hand, from my ass, back over my hip, then to my front. The backs of her fingers trailed over my stomach along the edge of the bikini bottoms with featherlight touches. Then she slid her hand under the fabric. I gasped and shuddered when I felt her touch, and then moaned as her fingers slid between my lips, dipping inside of me.

Claire moaned, feeling how wet I already was. “That’s not just from the pool, is it?”

I smiled and laughed a little, shaking my head. “No.”

“What do you want, Jess?”

I sighed again, closing my eyes temporarily, to focus on the feeling of Claire’s fingers rubbing me, letting the pleasure influence my response. “I want everything you just talked about. I want to feel your mouth on me. And I really want to try doing that to you, too.”

Claire was smiling when I opened my eyes. “Sounds good to me.”

I smiled back, gasping again as her fingers pushed in deeper. “Fuck.”

Claire pulled me into another kiss as she fingered me, deeper and faster than before. Then she forced herself back again.

“Do you want it to be just us, like this?” she asked. “Or do you want any of the guys to see?”

As distracted as I was by Claire’s fingers still moving inside of me, I tried to take a moment to think about what she was asking, considering what I actually wanted. I realized I wanted at least Jack to be there with us. Though I didn’t feel opposed to the others watching, too. The idea was at least as exciting as it was daunting.

“I want Jack,” I answered finally, feeling unable to say much more than that with my limited focus.

Claire smiled, then pulled back, telling me to get him.

I reached for my phone, opting to text him rather than leaving the room to find him.

“Come to the guest room,” I typed.

As soon as I sent the text, I tossed the phone away and turned my attention back to Claire, smiling. She smiled too as I pulled her into another kiss. She kept touching me, and I kept moaning and cursing into the kiss.

She paused when she reached for the tied strings of my bikini on my hips. With a quick tug, the strings on both sides came undone, and the fabric in front and back fell away.

We both pulled back from the kiss, looking down at my bare, shaved pussy, my legs spread wide in that position.

I was breathing hard and watching her every move, but I didn’t stop her.

Claire tugged at the edges of my bikini bottoms, her eyes meeting mine with a playful glint. She resumed her gentle caress, her fingers tracing the smooth skin of my inner thighs. She extended her middle and pointer fingers, tracing the sensitive line of my slit once more.

A sigh escaped my lips, morphing into a moan as Claire’s fingers explored further. They danced over my clit, then slipped inside me, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.

She leaned in, pressing her lips to mine in a heated kiss. Her hands roamed, cupping my breasts through the fabric of my bikini top, her fingers teasing my hardened nipples.

A gasp tore from my throat, muffled by our kiss. I writhed beneath her touch, my hips grinding against her hand.

Sensing my response, Claire withdrew slightly, her fingers resuming their rhythm inside me. Her thumb found my clit, rolling over it as her fingers quickened their pace. Her fingers curled, stroking me from within, each movement more intense than the last.

My breath hitched, a string of moans and curses spilling from my lips as the pressure built. My body responded to her touch, my pussy tightening around her fingers.

A soft knock echoed through the room.


It was Jack. I fought to keep my voice steady as I invited him in.

Claire and I exchanged a knowing grin.

“Don’t stop,” I begged.

I turned to the door, watching as Jack entered the room. His eyes widened at the sight of us.

“Fuck,” he muttered, stepping inside and quickly shutting the door behind him.

“It’s okay,” I reassured him. “You can leave it open.”

Jack looked at me, uncertainty in his eyes. “Are you sure?”

I nodded, a breathless smile on my lips as Claire continued her ministrations. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Jack reopened the door, moving farther into the room. He leaned against a desk, his gaze fixed on us, his hand absently rubbing his crotch through his trunks.

My eyes darted between him and Claire, noticing that she was doing the same. A smile played on her lips as she watched my reactions.

“I really want to taste you now,” she murmured. “Would that be okay?”

“Fuck,” I groaned, my head falling back. I forced myself to sit up, nodding and offering her a shaky smile.

Claire pulled away, tugging my hand to guide me farther onto the bed. She climbed onto the bed, pulling me into another passionate kiss. Her hands roamed my body, untying my bikini top and caressing my ass.

A moan slipped past my lips as I helped her remove my top. Her hands replaced the fabric, cupping my breasts, her thumbs teasing my nipples.

My fingers dug into her waist as she touched me. I pulled the towel from her body, helping her out of her suit.

As I did, she leaned down, her tongue circling my nipples before she took each one into her mouth.

“Ohhhh god,” I moaned, my head falling back.


Jack’s curse echoed through the room. I turned to see him, his cock in his hand, stroking himself. The sight sent a jolt of arousal through me, my body tingling with anticipation.

Claire guided me back, her hands on my hips urging me to lie down.

“God, you’re both so sexy,” Jack murmured. “It’s so hot that you want this, Jess.”

“I agree,” Claire chimed in, a smile on her lips. “You’re a lucky guy, Jack.”

I squirmed in anticipation, my breath coming in short gasps. My eyes remained on Claire as she positioned herself between my legs. A shudder ran through me as her tongue made contact with my pussy.

“Oh, fuck!” I gasped.

Claire moaned, her tongue flicking over me. She used her lips, sucking and teasing, her tongue dipping inside me. I watched, my chest heaving, my stomach clenching with each touch.

She moved up to my clit, her fingers and tongue working in tandem. She held my hips down as they arched toward her, seeking more. I felt her apply more pressure, her mouth and fingers working me expertly. It wasn’t long before I felt the familiar edge approaching.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I moaned, my head falling back onto the pillow. My hand found Claire’s arm, my fingers tangling in her hair. “That feels so fucking good!”

Claire moaned, pulling back just enough to speak.

“I want you to be louder. When you cum, don’t hold back,” she commanded, her fingers resuming their rhythm inside me.

“Ohhhhh fuck!” I whimpered.

Jack groaned in agreement. “Yes. Let them all hear you cumming from outside. Let them hear how loud you can be, Jess.”

I wanted to do as they asked, but it felt beyond my control. My cries echoed through the room as I came, my body writhing, my hand holding Claire’s head against me.

I was still coming down, my thighs trembling, when I heard footsteps approaching. Suddenly, we had an audience.

I opened my eyes to see the other guys crowding into the room, their eyes on Claire and me.

“Fuck, did we miss the good part?!” Pete asked.

“Sounded like it,” Scott replied.

The guys watched as I relaxed, my grip on Claire’s head loosening.

“Is this cool?” Ari asked Jack, seeking his permission.

Jack looked at me and nodded. “It’s what Jess wants.”

I smiled back, then turned my attention to Claire. She pulled away, a satisfied smile on her lips.

“That was so hot,” she breathed, licking her lips.

I grinned back at her, a soft laugh escaping my lips. “Yeah, it was. That felt so good.”

“Better than Jack?” Pete asked, always one to stir the pot.

I glanced at Jack, who didn’t seem bothered. He smiled back at me. “It’s okay, you can say that it was.”

The room filled with laughter, and I joined in.

Claire was the one to remind them of Jack’s skills, which they had witnessed earlier.

The guys conceded to her point.

“It’s definitely close,” I admitted, sharing a smile with Jack.

Then, an idea struck me. “Makes me that much more excited to try repaying the favor.” I sat up, urging Claire to switch places with me.

Claire’s grin widened as she lay down, a soft laugh escaping her lips. “I won’t say no to that.”

I was nervous, unsure about performing in front of an audience. But my excitement outweighed my nerves.

Claire seemed to notice my hesitation. “Has anyone ever told you they could read you like a book?”

I looked up at her, surprised.

Claire laughed. “It’s like I can see every one of your thoughts and reactions in your face, or sense them in your movements. It’s so sexy to know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling,” she added, perhaps to reassure me.

She pulled me into a brief kiss.

“It’s okay, just do what you think would feel good. I promise you it will. Don’t stress about it.”

“Okay,” I agreed, a small smile on my lips.

Then, I leaned down between Claire’s legs and began to explore. I started gently, my tongue tracing her folds. I pressed harder, parting her lips and moving up to her clit.

Claire’s moan echoed through the room, spurring me on. I continued my exploration, my tongue dancing over her clit, my lips sucking gently. Her thighs tightened around my head, and I hooked my arms around them, delving deeper.

I remembered Claire’s advice, doing what I thought would feel good. I varied my pace, sometimes light and fast, other times slow and hard.

Claire’s moans grew louder, her hips bucking beneath me. Her response encouraged me, and I continued, pressing deeper.

A chorus of low curses and comments echoed from the men scattered around the room.


“That’s fucking hot.”

“How’d your sorry ass get so lucky?!”

Laughter followed.

Johnny addressed Claire while I was in the middle of it all. “What’s the expert’s opinion? Seems like Jess is doing a pretty good job there.”

Another voice joined in. Dan, I believe. “Yeah, maybe we should be taking notes.”

Laughter filled the room again.

Claire chuckled a bit, then gasped. “Yeah, it feels fucking good.”

Next, I felt the bed dip behind me, on my right side. A hand on the back of my thigh, sliding up to squeeze my ass. I pulled back to confirm it was Jack, smiling when I saw him there.

“Don’t let me interrupt.” He grinned, sliding his hand between my thighs.

“Would I be crossing a line if I made a comment about how fucking hot your ass looks like that, Jess?” Pete asked.

I turned to look at him, unable to suppress my smile. “Oh, now you’re concerned with crossing lines?”

Laughter erupted again.

I let him off the hook, though. “It’s fine. And thanks.”

He just smiled back, and I noticed he was stroking himself through his trunks, too.

Jack’s fingers pressed into me, pulling my attention back to him. I moaned, but also stopped him after a moment, not wanting to be distracted from making Claire come. So I put my hand on his arm to halt his touch. “That feels really good, but I want to focus on this first. Is that okay?”

There was more laughter, but Jack just smiled as he withdrew his hand. “Yeah, of course. It’s so hot knowing how much you’ve wanted to do this. And that you’re letting us watch.”

“You know how much I’ve wanted you to watch.”

“Yeah.” He grinned. “Back to it then.”

So I turned back to Claire, who had been patiently waiting, her hips still writhing slightly under me. We exchanged smiles again.

“Sorry,” I apologized.

She just shook her head. “Hard not to get distracted with all the bodies in the room, I get it.”

I knew she was speaking from her experience being in a group setting and appreciated her understanding. But the thought of all of Claire’s experiences also motivated me to put more effort into what I was doing. I felt like I was in a contest with myself, and all the past women Claire had been with, wanting to see how fast I could put her over the edge. So I dropped my mouth back onto her and really went all out, thinking about every feeling that spikes pleasure for me and seeking to recreate it.

Sure enough, Claire started writhing and yelling out right away, telling the entire room how good I was making her feel. Then, she started narrating everything she was seeing, letting me know as the other guys started pulling their cocks out and stroking.

“Does it turn you on knowing that there’s a room full of men jerking off while they watch you go down on me?” she asked. “Suck on me if you like that.”

I followed directions and sucked on Claire’s clit, causing her to fall back and arch her head, cursing. Then she looked back up, smiling and laughing. “Are you thinking about what else you want to do with these cocks? What excites you the most? Thinking about them jerking off to you? Coming for you? Or do you want to feel them, too?”

I moaned into Claire’s pussy, sucking on her again to signal my response, crossing my legs and squeezing my thighs together as I felt my swollen clit throbbing.

“You want your hands to be busy stroking these hard cocks? What about your mouth? Maybe you want them all standing around you, waiting for their turn?”

“Fuck,” I cursed, pulling back from Claire’s pussy just slightly, momentarily. “Yesss, I want that.” I had to say it, wanting to make sure the entire room heard me.

There were some more muttered curses and groans after that. When I listened carefully, there was also the sound of hands sliding on cocks, moistened with pre-cum.

“Yeah?” Claire continued, moaning again as I pressed my mouth back onto her. “Fuck, that’s so good. So fucking good,” she muttered. “Do you want them to fuck you, too? Taking turns? Or do you want your holes filled all at once?”

I moaned into Claire’s pussy, squeezing my legs together and writhing as I focused on making her come.

It didn’t take much longer. Claire’s legs squeezed around me again, and she held my head in place as her hips started bucking up so that my mouth was rubbing against her clit.

“Fuck, I’m cumming. Ohhhh god, that’s so hot. Yesssssss!” Claire yelled as her body gave into the spasms and convulsions.

I stayed put, still licking and sucking, until I felt her coming down. When she released her grip on my head, I pulled back slowly, wiping my face a little and smiling.

Claire leaned up onto her elbows, smiling and laughing a little. “That was fucking amazing. God, it’s such a turn on knowing that was your first time trying that. You made me come so hard.”

I felt my cheeks burning up as I laughed along.

Then Claire sat up farther and pulled me in to kiss her again, sucking on my bottom lip, tasting herself.

I moaned, kneeling up to get closer, feeling Claire’s hands on me again.

She kept pulling me until we were kneeling together, her hands running all over me from my hips and ass up to my breasts, then behind my head, her fingers combed into my hair. Then kissed down my neck to my shoulder, collarbone, and finally to my chest again. She took her time licking and sucking on my erect nipples, toying with them with her tongue before sucking them back into her mouth.

I sighed and moaned along, holding Claire’s hair back.

I felt tempted to look around, to see what Claire had been seeing: the roomful of guys stroking their cocks while they watched us. I wanted to see it but was also nervous about what I’d feel if I met eyes with any of them, and what they might do as soon as I acknowledged them.

Then I felt Claire trailing her fingers over my thighs, between my legs. She started rubbing her fingertips over my clit in gentle circles, and I arched into her touch, wanting more.

“What’s next, then?” Claire asked as she touched me. “Time for some cock?”

“Yesss,” I breathed, closing my eyes, head leaning back. “But I want to keep feeling you, too. That feels really nice.”

Claire was smiling when I opened my eyes again. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

I smiled back, then forced myself to look around the room.

It was overwhelming, to say the least. By now, all the guys were naked and stroking. I took in the various sizes of the guys’ cocks, my eyes catching on Pete’s. Of course, he was huge. Suddenly, his big dick personality made that much more sense.

He smirked back at me when he noticed my attention lingering, licking his lips. “Ready when you are, babe,” he chuckled.

I blushed and forced my eyes away, looking for Jack. I noticed a bit of an uncomfortable look on his face as he took in the interaction between me and Pete, and knew I wanted to do something about that before things went any further.

“I want to talk to Jack first,” I said, my eyes locked on him.

After just a moment of awkwardness, Claire spoke up to help me out again. “That sounds like a good idea. All right boys, sling your cocks this way. Let’s go back out to the pool and give these two a minute.”

There were some murmurs and groans as the guys pulled back up their swim trunks and filed out, but nothing intelligible.

I moved to sit on the edge of the bed as they left. Then Claire closed the door behind all of them with a final wink.

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