The Kane Mate Series Book 2: Alpha Xander - Book cover

The Kane Mate Series Book 2: Alpha Xander

Holly Prange

Chapter 3


The storage closet is on the same level as the gym. I have only gone there to get a few things when I spot my mate with some woman. I can’t hear what is being said as they appear to be training.

Xander’s back is to me, so I can’t see his expression either. However, I get a very good view of the woman, and she is gorgeous. Jealousy instantly floods my veins and makes my heart ache with despair.

Is she the reason he has shown zero interest in me?

She has a glowing tan and a toned body with long legs. Her hair is a beautiful shade of blonde and tied into a high ponytail with tendrils framing her pretty face. She is only in a pink sports bra and black shorts with sneakers.

My mate manages to knock her on her back, and they end in a position that spikes my insecurities. He is between her legs with her knees locked in a bent position. I can’t handle the scene anymore and quickly scamper back to the elevator without grabbing the supplies I originally came for.

As soon as the doors close in front of me, I feel the sting of tears in my eyes. No wonder he doesn’t want me. He has already found someone else.

And the way she was looking at him, just seeing it felt like a stab to the heart. The salty liquid slowly leaks from my eyes and trickles down my cheeks as I ride the elevator to my floor, completely abandoning the thought of going back to the infirmary. My replacement was already there anyway.

The lift dings and I quickly swipe the tears from my face and inhale deeply as I try to calm myself down. It’s been years since I’ve had anyone care about me and my well-being and I have survived just fine. I don’t need him.

I just need to suck it up. He’s clearly made his choice. But, why does it hurt so damn bad?

The metal doors slide open, and I spot Carlos’s sister, Elena, and Xander’s sister, Isa, walking toward me. They are a couple of the very few people I’ve gotten to know since coming to Crescent City. “Cassia! We were just looking for you!” Elena exclaims as they approach me while I step out of the elevator.

As they get closer, their expressions suddenly change from joy to concern. “Cas, what’s wrong?” Isa questions gently as she reaches out to give my shoulder a squeeze.

“Have you been crying?” Elena asks as she comes up to my other side.

I can’t make myself answer. Just thinking about what I saw has all of my emotions coming back at full force. A sob is building up inside of my throat and I’m trying my best to hold it in.

My face burns as I fight the urge to break down. “Cassia!” Isa replies in surprise as she watches my face redden and contort as my lips begin to tremble. She quickly wraps an arm around my shoulders as Elena grabs my hand.

They quickly lead me to my room as Elena steals my key from me to unlock it herself. Isa guides me over to sit on my bed as Elena shuts and locks the door behind us. They take seats on either side of me as Isa holds my hands in my lap.

“Cas, what happened? Why do you look like someone killed your cat?”

I let out a weird half laugh, half cry before I shake my head trying to organize my thoughts. I hardly know Xander, so why does it feel like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces?

Suddenly, the dam finally bursts and tears begin to seep out of my eyes uncontrollably. Isa pulls me into a hug and allows me to sob against her shoulder as I squeeze her to me. Neither of them says anything as they sit in silence until I get it all out.

I’m not sure how long I’m crying for, but I finally manage to calm myself down. Straightening myself up, I wipe my face clean again and let out a sigh. I’m feeling a bit better, but I’m embarrassed by my outburst.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Elena asks softly.

I let out another puff of air as I try to get up my nerve. I’ve never had anyone to confide in before. Maybe talking about it will help.

Plus, maybe Isa will have some insight in regard to her brother. “I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me…,” I begin awkwardly.

Elena scoffs at me as she takes one of my hands. “You have nothing to apologize for! Now, tell us what happened,” she urges soothingly.

“I-I don’t even know where to begin. I just feel sad all the time,” I finally respond.

Isa frowns in understanding and rubs my back. “Why are you sad? Is it because you miss your home or something?” Elena inquires.

I give her a weak smile as I shake my head. “No. It’s nothing like that. Honestly, I’d prefer that to be the case. It would hurt a lot less.”

“Does this have to do with my idiot brother?” Isa questions softly.

I press my lips together into a grimace and silently nod my head. “Who? Ethan?” Elena asks incredulously.

I let out another strangled laugh as Isa corrects her. “No. Xander. He is her mate.”

Looking over at Elena, I see her eyes pop open wide in surprise as her mouth makes a perfect ‘o’ shape. As soon as she gets over the initial shock, she frowns and turns to me as she comfortingly rubs my knee.

“Okay, so what did he do?”

I shake my head. Did he even do anything to make me feel this way? It is more of the things he is NOT doing such as the fact that he is not acknowledging me and that he does not want me.

Being rejected and unwanted is a horrible feeling to have. Right now, I would give anything to feel something else. Anything else.

“It’s just…well…I found out we were mates right before the battle with the Silver Shadow Pack and my coven. And I’ve read about mates. From my understanding, it’s like finding someone that is perfect for you, someone that completes you and makes you feel whole.

“It is like as soon as you see them something clicks. Like you didn’t realize you didn’t have a whole heart until you meet your mate, and they make it whole. But Xander…well, he has barely spoken to me and seems like he is completely avoiding me.

“He wants nothing to do with me—” I continue, but Isa stops me.

“Cas, I know his behavior is horrible, and I understand why you’re upset,” she explains. “But he has his reasons. I assure you, those reasons have nothing to do with you. They are his own personal issues that need to be dealt with.”

“What are his reasons?” I ask. “Are you sure it’s not because he doesn’t want me or that I’m a disappointment to him? Maybe he doesn’t like that I’m a witch?”

Isa and Elena both shake their heads.

“No, honey. There is no way that you are a disappointment to him. Do not let his attitude make you doubt your own worth.

“As for his reasons, it’s not my place to say,” Isa continues. “All I can say is that you really need to talk to him. You could both do with some reassurances, I think.”

“I think what Xander needs is a healthy dose of jealousy,” Elena chimes in.

We both turn to look at her. Isa raises an eyebrow and I purse my lips in confusion.

“How would that help?” I respond doubtfully.

“Well, I mean, you understand what a mate is. There is no way that Xander doesn’t feel something for you. The problem is that he is a stubborn ass who is clearly fighting what he feels for you.

“However, on a deeper level, I’m sure he wants you. Maybe if he feels as though he may lose you, he’ll finally man up and be the mate that you deserve,” she suggests with a mischievous smile that has me feeling nervous.

“Oh…I don’t know…,” I stammer before Isa grabs my hand to stop me.

“What’s your idea, E?” Isa inquires curiously.

“I think the three of us should get all dolled up for a girls’ night out. We’ll get sexified and go to Xander’s nightclub, the Vault. And I’ll arrange for Xander to see us on our way out.

“He’ll see you all dressed up, knowing that you are bound to catch the attention of random males. I’m sure just the thought will make his wolf take over after that.”

I bite down anxiously on my lip. “I don’t know, guys… Clubs aren’t really my scene. I’m used to spending all my time in my room or at the library. I don’t even have anything in my closet that would work for going to a club,” I answer in all honesty.

With my coven, I was never able to leave the manor, let alone go out to a club or bar.

“I think we should give it a try. Plus, even if we don’t succeed in making him realize that he’s making a mistake by treating you this way, at least you’ll be able to go out and have some fun. We’ll drink, we’ll dance. It’ll be great!” Isa assures.

“We can even go to the mall beforehand and help you pick out a suitable dress for going out.”

I let out a sigh and shake my head. “I guess I’m willing to try it,” I reply in resignation. At this point, I’d be willing to try just about anything to get his attention and find out if he actually does feel something for me.

I mean really, what is there to lose?

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